Safeguarding Adults in Ealing


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Presentation transcript:

Safeguarding Adults in Ealing Belinda Murphy Safeguarding Adults Service Manager - Ealing Council

Case Study 1 78 year old Margaret Panting was found dead in the Sheffield home of her former son in law five weeks after he had removed her from her sheltered housing to look after his three children. The pathologist found more than 100 injuries on Margaret’s body, including cigarette burns under her arms and razor cuts on her stomach.

Case Study 2 Mrs S was residing in a nursing home when promises from her son that he would care for her resulted in her leaving the care facility. Some weeks later after emptying out Mrs S bank account and taking her to solicitors to change her will and the deeds to her home, Mrs S was left at Hammersmith hospital. Her son has not been able to be traced since.

Case Study 3 Mr X resided in a nursing home during which time the home failed to appropriately treat his pressure sores as they deteriorated from grade 2 to grade 4 sores. Mr X was admitted to Ealing Hospital with dehydration and septicaemia. He died two days later. No criminal charges were taken against the home as police could not get supporting evidence i.e. a death certificate stating cause of death as neglect.

Safeguarding Adults - Policy & Legislation No Secrets Speaking Up for Justice Achieving Best Evidence & Special Measures Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 Care Standards Act 2000 – POVA List 2004 Sexual Offences Act 2003 Mental Capacity Act 2003 Domestic Violence, Crime & Victims Act 2004 Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera…

Safeguarding Adults 2005 A National Framework of Standards for good practice and outcomes in adult protection work 11 National Standards Develop consistency in Safeguarding Adults across the country Emphasis on partnership working with zero- tolerance policy of abuse New guidelines

Safeguarding Adults - No Secrets Inter agency policies & procedures Standard & broad definition of vulnerable adults & abuse Proposals for Adult Protection Coordinators & Committees Common confidentiality policy Statistical monitoring Checks on appointments of staff etcetera

Safeguarding Adults - Who is a “vulnerable adult”? A person of 18 years & over who is or may be in need of : Community Care Services by reason of Mental Health Disability Age Illness Who is or may be unable to take care of him/herself OR Unable to protect him/herself against Significant harm Serious Exploitation (No Secrets, March 2000)

Safeguarding Adults - Defining Abuse Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human & civil rights by any other person/s May consist of a single act or repeated acts May occur in any relationship & may result in significant harm or exploitation of the person subjected to it (No Secrets. March 2000)

Safeguarding Adults - Roles and Responsibilities Chief Officers & Chief Executives: Contribute to national developments; respond to and support national policy proposals Locally, raise the profile, support the policy, & promote development of initiatives to ensure the protection of vulnerable adults (No Secrets. March 2000)

Safeguarding Adults - Roles and Responsibilities cont/- Social Services are the lead agency for Safeguarding adults Health services responsibilities  less well defined  need for more robust reporting and responding procedures to be developed  need for more interagency training - commitment of joint training budget

Safeguarding Adults in Ealing (1) 143 Referrals between 1st April & 30th Sept 05 65% Older People, 9% PD, 14% LD, 12% MH White British / Gender mainly women / Physical abuse reported more than others Abuse mainly occurs within the home or in nursing/residential homes Room for improvement in timeliness of alerting and info provided Working well with Police Community Safety Unit Working with health services improving

Safeguarding Adults in Ealing (2) Permanent APC & Admin posts established Developing new Structure for Safeguarding Adults Partnership and Sub Groups Reviewing & developing practice across agencies Developing Joint Training Strategy Developing monitoring arrangements Developing work with the independent sector Charts