Cold Water Shrimp Offshore 1
Shell on shimp 2
Shrimp size Development in size: ave: 100 pcs/kg 2010 – ave: 100 pcs/kg 2012 – ave: 140 pcs/kg 3
Off shore shrimp Canadian off shore shrimp is getting smaller: Enviroment ? Sea temperature ? Enough feed ? Overfishing ? Preditors ? 4
Offshore production 5 Cooked Japan production Industrial
Cooked shell on Main markets for cooked shell on shrimp are: Russia China Japan Scandinavia Ukraine 6
Russia Russian CWS market was 50,000MT/Year 2012 – Russian CWS market is app. 40,000MT/Year
Shrimp Markets - Russia Largest market for Shell on Shrimp 2012 approx MT Finance Few (big) importers left Transparent 8
Shrimp Markets - Russia 9 Inland production glaze up ??% Import only 7% glaze allowed.
Glaze calculation Our calculation: Cooked shell on shrimp1000 g Glaze 500 g Ready product 1500 g Glaze 50% 10
Glaze calculation Russian calculation: Ready products1500 g Glaze 500 g Cooked shell on shrimp 1000 g Glaze 33,3% 11
Shrimp Markets – China 2002 – CWS market was 40,000MT 2007 – CWS market dropped to MT 2012 –CWS expected to increase to 17,000MT 12
China Few (big) importers. Big stocks waiting for sales (Chinese New Year) Quality (head colour important) Strong demand for bigger sizes Stocks empty before Chinese New Year = good 2013 season Stocks not empty before Chinese New Year = uncertain 2013 season 13
Shrimp Markets - Japan The most stable Market Demands excellent quality Raw Shrimp Large Sizes (Smaller sizes are starting to be accepted) Pays the highest price 14
Scandinavia 15 Sweden and Norway have tradition for shell on shrimp Big shrimp is favourite New trend is handpeeled cooked & peeled shrimp
Handpeeled 16 Just look at the price per kilo !
Industrial shrimp Markets Asia, Iceland and Norway Mostly small shrimp produced as industrial Less industrial available – more small shrimp is cooked 17
Cooked shrimp 18
Raw Japan 19
Raw Industrial 20
2013 Forecast Quota reductions (Greenland MT?) Smaller shrimp – catch rates change ? Unknown EU duty rules for shell on – second producers (end-use MT?) Supply decreases more than demand ? Stable prices – some sizes even higher prices? Getting customers to accept price increases? Exchange rates? 21