INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN design of revenue-generating spaces
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN design of revenue-generating spaces career options client need recognition client relations space planning Aesthetics color theory Energy conservation access, safety and regulatory requirements
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Practical design problems space analysis construction drawings human factors space utilization
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN marketing presentation model building techniques design criteria for commercial needs public use code compliance Architect, Vendor, and Contractor Relations
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN display design multi-media design alternate energy integration product design
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 1 (8/21-23) Goals & Objectives Review Professional Development - Assignment #1 (8/30) –Research one potential Project Presentation Techniques - Assignment #2 (8/30) –Create a Proposal presented in non-textural format Contract Negotiations - Assignment #3 (8/30) –Find a sample Design “Work For Hire” contract –Terms & Conditions, Legal Requirements Regulatory Affairs - Assignment #4 (8/30) –Acquire a copy of Sonoma County Building Code Student Consultation Schedule: 30 minutes
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 1 (8/21-23) Commence project for; –Retail Space Design –Business Office Space Design –Medical Space Design –Engineering Space Design –Display and Presentation Design –Environmental and Alternate Energy Design –Food & Beverage Service Space Design DUE OCTOBER 11 - MIDTERM
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 1 (8/21-23) EXAMPLE project for; –Food & Beverage Service Space Design
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 1 (8/21-23) –Food & Beverage Service Space Design
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 1 (8/21-23) –Food & Beverage Service Space Design
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 1 (8/21-23) –Food & Beverage Service Space Design
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 1 (8/21-23) –Food & Beverage Service Space Design
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Aesthetics & History of Commercial Design Development of Commercial Design Human Factors Client Need Definition Function and Traffic Flow Review: Basic Design Practices & Opportunities Consultation Schedule: 30 minutes TEST: Trade Practices & Opportunities
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Aesthetics & History of Commercial Design –Sales Space –Service –Working –Storage –Sanitation
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Aesthetics & History of Commercial Design –Sales Space »Clean »Comfortable »Variety
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Aesthetics & History of Commercial Design –Sales Space –Service »Efficient »Quick »Thorough
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Aesthetics & History of Commercial Design –Sales Space –Service –Working »Access »Function »Storage
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Aesthetics & History of Commercial Design –Sales Space –Service –Working –Storage »Capacity »Location »Access
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) – LECTURE Aesthetics & History of Commercial Design –Sales Space –Service –Working –Storage –Sanitation »Regulations »Culture »Maintenance »Access
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Development of Commercial Design –Merchant Service –Food Service –Personal Service
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Human Factors –Spatial Flow »Flow & Barriers »Geometry & Dimensions »Transitions & Patterns –Proximate Space »Visual Perception »Physical Dimensions –Sensual Space »Visual »Auditory »Fragrance »Tactile –Review: Basic Design Practices & Opportunities –Student Consultation Schedule: 30 minutes –TEST: Trade Practices & Opportunities –(Who, What, Where, When, How Much?)
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Human Factors –Spatial Flow »Flow & Barriers »Geometry & Dimensions »Transitions & Patterns
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Human Factors –Proximate Space »Visual Perception »Physical Dimensions
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Human Factors –Sensual Space »Visual »Auditory »Fragrance »Tactile
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) - LECTURE Client Need Definition –Criteria Matrix »Space Utilization »Customer Definition »Return on Investment »Traffic Space »Revenue Space »Storage Space »Sanitary Space »Support Spaces »Admin Space
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) – LECTURE Client Need Definition –Function and Traffic Flow »Client Style & Taste »Customer Profile »Buying Habits »Access »Point of Sale/Revenue »Primary Space Function »Adjacent Space Functions
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) – LECTURE Client Need Definition –Spatial Requirements (What you need to know) »Space Type »Description of Function »Size »Proximities »Equipment/Furnishings »HVAC »Acoustics »Lighting »Color »Materials »Environment Qualities »Future Factors
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 2 (8/28-30) – TEST Identify Required Client Need Information for; A. Human Factors Spatial Flow B. Human Factors Proximate Space C. Human Factors Sensual Space D. Client Criteria Matrix E. Project Function & Traffic Flow F. Project Spatial Requirements
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 3 (9/4-6) –Revenue Per Square Foot 1.Determine Client Specifications 2.Required As-Built Modifications 3.New Design Specifications 4.Space Design Cost Analysis 5.Design Construction Estimating
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 3 (9/4) Determine Client Specifications Review As Built Drawings New Space Use Specs A. ID As Built Dimensions (Demizing) B. ID As Built Utilities 4. New Space Proposal 5. Client Critique
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 3 (9/4) Determine Client Specifications Review As Built Drawings
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 3 (9/4) Determine Client Specifications 4. New Space Drawing 5. New Space Proposal 6. Client Critique
EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE ItemQtyDescription/MakeModel #VoltageAmps / WattsSupplyWaste Remarks E11Refrigerator CaseRegalSCVC-4R115v/11.4A(48”w x 24”d x 50” h) Cherry Veneer (1/4hp) E21Under Counter ReeferBeverage AirUCR 27115v/15A(27”w x 25”d x 34”h) E31Under Counter Ice MakerMieleEUC200HAPB2115v/15A"1/2”"(24”w x 24”d x 40”h) E41Espresso/CappuccinoFaema2-Group220v/18A"3/8”"(25 1/2”w x 20 1/2”d x 18 1/4”h) 2-Group Cap. Machine" E51Bakery CaseRegalSCLB-5R115v/13.9A(60”w x 35 3/4”d x 50”h) Cherry Veneer" E61Deli CaseRegalSCBD-48-R115v/9A(48”w x 35 3/4”d x 50”h) Cherry Veneer / 1/3 ton hp" E71Ice Cream CaseKelvinatorKDCC67115v/(67”w x 26 3/4”d x 50 11/16”h) E81Refrigerator / FreezerBeverage AirPRF24-24-IAS115v/5A(52”w x 30”d x 78 1/2”h) side-by-side" E91Stainless Steel Table(60”w x 30”d x 35”h) Free Standing S.S. Table" E101Double OvenNu-VuUB-B2120/208v/"19A, 25A, 30A"(17 1/2”w x 32”d x 73 1/4”h) L1=19A, L2=25A, L3=30A" E111Double ReeferBeverage Air115v/(52”w x 30”d x 84”h) E121Self Serve Drink ReeferGamon Internat.Gamon 134A115v/7.3a(31”w x 32”d x 53”h) Ser.#62552" E131DishwasherHobart115v/15AMaintain 180 degree water temp min. E141Table Top Pizza OvenGrillmasterSingle115v/18.2A / 2000W(15”w x 12 1/2”d x 7”h) E151MicrowaveAmanaRC3820LW115v/15A(21 1/2”w x 17 1/2”d x 14”h) E161Double Coffee MachineGeminiGEM-12220/230v 29A/6300W"3/8” O.D.(18”w x 19 1/2”d x 29”h) 40amp Breaker E172Coffee GrindersGrindmasterSer#170000PL115v/8A(7”w x 15”d x 21”h) 1/2hp" E181Deli Bin Reefer UnitHoward Refrig.Mod.#28-10H115v/6.0a(29”w x 31”d x 36”h) 3.5” ext. Cut Brd /12 Bin / Ser.#63772" E191Panini Grill220v/13.6A(20”w x 10”d) E201Soup / Chili Warmer120v/10A(23”w x 14”d)
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 3 (9/4) –Revenue Per Square Foot Required As-Built Modifications
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 3 (9/4) –Revenue Per Square Foot New Design Specifications
Week 3 (9/4) –Revenue Per Square Foot Space Design Cost Analysis
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 3 (9/4) –Revenue Per Square Foot Design Construction Estimating DEMO NEW
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 3 (9/6) Determine Client Specifications Review As Built Drawings New Space Use Specs A. ID As Built Dimensions (Demizing) B. ID As Built Utilities 4. New Space Drawing 5. New Space Proposal 6. Client Critique
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 4 (9/11-13) Restaurant Design Team Assignments Design Concept Decision Relationship Diagrams Floor Space, Wall Space, Usable Space Usable Space Relationship to Reserved Space Traffic Pattern Design Requirements Personal Workspaces and Environment
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 4 (9/11-13) Criteria Matrix By Space 1.Ft2 2.Adjacencies –immediate –Important –Convenient –unimportant –remote 3.Public Access 4.Illumination 5.Privacy 6.P&P 7.Electrical 8.Special Equipment 9.Special Considerations
INDE 86 COMMERCIAL DESIGN Week 5 (9/18-20) Designing with Human Factors Spatial Needs for Traffic and Rest Passageways, Countertops, Aisles Floors, Ceiling and Glazing Sanitation Review: Commercial Design- Practices & Materials Purchase Opportunities