Data collection and analytics......applied to crop surveys, market surveys, maintenance... Technology Case Study a Multi forms feed into a web-based monitoring dashboard A presentation for xxxxx
- Who we are - Capture / Compute / Display - Case Study - Questions Overview
- Develops IT solutions for mobile field data capture, management and analyze. - Our objective is for IT to remain a tool. - With those technologies we provide direct expertise for a specific need. - Because data is not information, we create information from data. Who we are
Mobile Data Capture technology We develop forms to fetch our clients needs by: 1. Helping on needs assessments (data to be collected, indicators,...). 2. Recruiting, training surveyors. 3. Providing devices (smart-phones, tablets) 4. Using high customisable application to design forms including a wide range of questions types:
Analyse data: Create Your information
Visualize your data Access your data on line: - Log on your dedicated metajua online site account. - Download your raw data on excel to compute and analyse them yourself OR/AND - Download your reports directly on your computer or receive them by . - Visualise your data on a map. - Share your report
Visualize your data Visualize your data
... A Multi forms feed into a web-based monitoring dashboard Case Study a Multi forms feed into a web-based monitoring dashboard
Objective performance review Inform stakeholders about oilseed sector performance Evidence to identify gaps and opportunities Monitoring OSSUP activities => Pilot web-based monitoring dashboard Indicators for different segments value chain Make indicators broadly and easily accessible Measuring economic, social and service delivery performance and sustainability
Pilot web-based monitoring dashboard 100 indicators defined & developed indicators 6 forms developed (for 6 actors targeted)forms Data have been collected.collected Pilot web-based dashboards composed by 10 layouts and 15 graphs available. 10 layouts and 15 graphs Online web-site
Conclusion - MetaJua (U) Ltd provides IT solutions for data management By using our technology: 1. You will use no more paper for your data collection (can easily be destroyed, too difficult to process, takes up spaces). 2. You will be able to monitor your surveyors, field officers on a daily basis. 3. Your indicators will be updated with the latest records done and their accuracy will be improved. Interests : Gain of time, productivity, reactivity, accuracy
Thank you for your attention Questions Please visit our web site
Producers Form Producers Form
Surveyors filling the form directly on Smartphone Surveyors filling the form directly on Smartphone
Indicators definitions Indicators definitions Layer 2.C. ProductionLiteral DefinitionFormula 2C1Estimated % of oilseed producers among agricultural holdings in sample of key oilseed producing areas [1] (source: producer survey) 100* COUNT (FR_OS1=1 OR 2 OR 3)/ COUNT FR_ID1 [IN%] 2C1_1volume of oilseed produced by oilseed producers in sample of key oilseed producing areas in the course of last year FOR FR_OS1=1 [SUM (FR_SF_L2_A, FR_SF_L2_B,FR_SF_L2_C)+SU M(FR_SF_B2_A, FR_SF_B2_B,FR_SF_B2_C)] 2C1_2 growth volume of oilseed produced by oilseed producers in sample compared to last year [2] (Source: producer survey) 100*(SUM (FR_SF_L2_A, FR_SF_L2_B,FR_SF_L2_C)+SU M(FR_SF_B2_A, FR_SF_B2_B,FR_SF_B2_C)- SUM(FR_SF_Y0))/SUM (FR_SF_Y0) [IN %]
Content of pilot web-based dashboard Content of pilot web-based dashboard
Content of pilot online dashboard Content of pilot online dashboard
The development 1. Consult Project Team 2. Meet Field Staff and location to get a feel 3. Define indicators 4. Design survey tools to collect data 5. Collect data for pilot 6. Calculations of indicators from raw data 7. Automate calculations 8. Design web-based report and access (login and/ or e- mailing list) 9. Train surveyors