The CBSO project - Experience and issues Madrid, 05 October 2006 Camille Dümm Pascal Rodrique Central Balance Sheet Office
2 Agenda CBSO Project Process Planning Communication Project - Modules Technical features Experiences Issues
3 CBSO Project - Process Taxonomy XBRL Sofista Validator Upload Instance document Software package PDF Database XBRL files
4 CBSO Project - Planning
5 CBSO Project - Communication Extensive information about the taxonomy is available on the website of XBRL Belgium. Taxonomy files Instance documents based on real cases a user guide a "viewer" allowing to run over the taxonomy in an efficient and pleasant way Technical documents Protocol New template Road shows to professionals Accountants associations Software vendors
6 CBSO Project – Interaction with Software vendors Why they were involved Private companies produce 60% of the annual accounts filed electronically The success of the project depends also from their ability to produce valid instance documents as from April 2007 Software vendors were associated to the project from the beginning How they were involved Feedback on the taxonomy through the WG Personal contact to propose a "test service" Application available in a test environment as from January 2007
7 WG Taxonomy Tests CBSO project - Sofware vendors 03/2005 Taxonomy Draft version Software vendors NBB 01/2006 Taxonomy Final Structure 10/2006 Taxonomy Final version 01/2007 ProductionProduction 01/04/2007 Application developments Application Tests
8 CBSO Project - Modules Publication according to the legal mission Template published by the NBB based on elements clearly defined in the law Data processed in order to draw up statistics Data must be validated through arithmetical and logical checks Rendering Module Validation Module
9 CBSO Project - Modules Belgian Gaap Individual annual accounts are drawn up according to the Belgian Gaap Assistance Free software used to input the data of annual accounts as alternative to private software The output is a file compliant with the legal requirements Taxonomy Data Entry Module
10 Taxonomy - Description be-fr-pfs-ci According to Belgian GAAP Financial Reporting Primary Financial Statements Commercial and Industry Technical assumptions Compliant spec 2.1 and FRTA Multilingual Modular structure
11 Taxonomy - Architecture
12 Taxonomy - Experiences Tools Taxonomy development - Fujitsu Taxonomy validation - Fujitsu - DecisionSoft - UBmatrix Instance document creation - Fujitsu (sample) Conclusions Generic tools essential considering the complexity of the syntax The tools are not complete and give different results
13 Data Entry - Features "On line" application Allowing a company to fill in the data of its annual account Allowing upload of an XBRL file build with another application Validating the data according to technical and legal requirements Displaying the annual account as it will be published according to the legal template Creating a valid output file ready to be filed
14 Data Entry - Layout (1)
15 Data Entry - Layout (2)
16 Data Entry - Experiences Complete "In house" development Tools too generic => need for specific functions Tuple handling Solution Most of the sections are automatically generated from the taxonomy Some specific sections (identifying data or social balance) use "metadata" to be generated Methodology reused for Rendering module
17 Validation - Features Three levels of validation XML validation XBRL validation against taxonomy be-fr-pfs-ci-xxxx NBB validation containing specific rules but also arithmetical and logical checks Technical specifications published Software vendors must produce instance documents answering to all specifications Frequent contacts with software vendors (Feedback about taxonomy, tests sessions, …)
18 Validation - Experiences Module used at two levels To validate an instance document in the data entry application To validate an instance document in the filing application "In house" development Too many specific checks "Formula" not yet available To be integrated in an existing process
19 Rendering - Objectives Legal mission Annual accounts have to be published according to a formal template Availability as PDF file Objectives to insert most of the rendering parameters in the taxonomy instead of managing them outside, to allow multilingualism to reduce processing time when there is a new taxonomy version.
20 Rendering – Technical structure be-fr-pfs-ci presentation.xml 1 XSL Transformation be-fr-pfs-ci reference.xml be-fr-pfs-ci label.xml 1 XSL Transformation 1 XSL Transformation.../out/presentation.xml.../out/reference.xml.../out/label.xml Company.xml PresentationInstructions.xml 2* XSL Transformation 4 XSL-FO 3 XSL Transformation TransformedCompany.xml Company.pdf Taxonomy linkbases Instance Document To execute at each taxonomy version To produce a PDF file
21 Versioning - Requirements Versioning First changes with be-fr-pfs-ci New taxonomy = New name Corrections Legal changes Use of a Definition linkbase as intermediate table from a version to the next one
22 Versioning - Scenario id 1 id 2 - def 2 id 3 - id 4 id 4.1 id 1 id 2 - def 1 id 3 id 3.1 id 4 - Version n+1 Version n essence-alias similar-item not-present-in Definition linkbase
23 CBSO Project - Issues Urgent needs Versioning Formula Rendering specifications Dangers In the absence of specifications coming from XBRL International, developers will imagine specific solutions which will go against harmonization
24 Contacts National Bank of Belgium Central Balance Sheet Office