(Terminology Summer School) TSS
Term Net Inforterm TSS Terminology Management Terminology
Net Term
TermNet, the International Network for Terminology, is an international co-operation forum for companies, universities, institutions and associations who engage in the further development of the global terminology market. The products and services of this market are considered and promoted by TermNet as integral and quality assuring parts of any product and service in the areas of a) information & communication, b) classification & categorization as well as c) translation & localization.
TermNet was founded on the initiative of UNESCO, with the aim to establish a network for co-operation in the field of terminology. In 1988, TermNet was registered as a non-profit organization being allowed commercial activities for the benefit of its members.
Infoterm, the International Information Centre for Terminology, was founded in 1971 by contract with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), with the objective to support and co-ordinate international co-operation in the field of terminology. Members are international, regional or national terminology institutions, organizations and networks, as well as specialized public or semi-public or other non-profit institutions engaged in terminological activities.
(Terminology Summer School) TSS
Definition: TSS is a one-week, practice-oriented introductory training course for terminology management. TSS is for practitioners, students, scientists who are looking for a comprehensive, state-of-the-art introduction to terminology theory and practice.
To put it specifically, the International Terminology Summer School is a training in the framework of the ECQA Certified Terminology Manager activities. (ECQA stands for European Certification & Qualification Association)
History The Terminology Summer School, which has been initiated by TermNet’s sister organization Infoterm more than 20 years ago, has since become a regular annual event, taking place during one week every year from June to August in varying locations.
Terminology Management
With increasing specialization in science (research & development) and business (production, logistics, services, etc.), specialized knowledge has grown, and with it the number of technical terms and concepts. With the right terminology, we can communicate in the “right” way. The systematic organization and definition of concepts is called terminology management.
Terminology management is the basis of all technical communication. It improves the clarity of information and reduces its ambiguity, thereby expediting all types of information exchange. Terminology management reinforces the image and performance of your business, improving competitiveness. Financial losses due to inadequate or incorrect information or documentation are a thing of the past!
Terminology management means: Translation of technical terminology into consumer/user-friendly language (technical documentation, advertising etc.) Mono- and multi-lingual company-specific product nomenclature (also for purposes of Corporate Identity support) Accurate definitions for legal requirements (environmental law, labour law, contract law, etc.) Standardization
Definition: 1.the set of technical words or expressions used in a particular subject. E.g. : medical terminology 2.words used with particular meanings
TERMINOLOGY = Technical language = Specialized knowledge = Professional communication
The Importance of Terminology to a Translator
The use of terms in each project will improve while the terminology is build, because we will find ambiguous expression and terms with many competing expression. When terms are defined and used consistently, users will be less confused and learn to use the software faster. Translation will become easier when translators know exactly what thing is talked about. Translators can use the monolingual terminology to translate all the terms at once. Knowing all the terms and their relations with each other helps choosing better translation for them and avoids translating two different things with same translation. We can build tools which help translators to provide consistent translations.
Steps we should follow: Collect any existing terminologies, glossaries and word lists Start building a monolingual word list Add definitions for each term Propose changes to the project when problematic terms are encountered When terminology is nearly complete translators can start translating it
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