Ann Singleton Centre for the Study of Poverty and Social Justice Policy needs for migration research European Migration Network Helsinki 26th November 2009
2 The importance of migration to policy-makers and researchers A social and economic policy challenge A key factor in population change Core to the emergence and continuing existence of the nation-state border controls human rights obligations A central factor in the globalisation of the economy and international governance Recognised as a key policy area by the European Union and national governments Likely to increase in importance with the effects of the economic crisis and of climate change
3 Migration policy and research National, international and global phenomena policies and research needs
4 Migration policy and research General shift towards ‘evidence-based policy- making’ from the production of ‘policy-based evidence’. Legal requirements for openness and transparency in policy-making.
5 Migration policy and research Transparency improves data quality user feedback better understanding of the data Combining qualitative and quantitative methods improves analysis. The need for methodological transnationalism.
6 Key themes Statistics Categories of migrants and asylum seekers Nation states, territory and authority Population, politics and social policy Democracy and minorities
7 Key themes - statistics Improving statistics – improving policies? Focus on correcting the numbers (Eurostat), then documentation of the problems, harmonisation of terms and definitions, comparability of data, typologies, indicators. Salt and Singleton, Poulain, NiDi 1990’s
8 Statistics: how the figures change with political interventions Example: asylum applications in the EU
9 Key themes - categories Identification of categories Creation of typologies driven by legal terminology and categories legal and administrative categories combined with demographic concepts
10 Key themes – nation-states, territory, authority Nation states and control of borders international migration in the European Union The internalisation of border controls surveillance securitisation
11 The nation- state and forced migration Nation-states at war produce flows of migrants and asylum seekers The perceived threats to nation-states are the same as the causes of the flows Destabilisation of economies Destruction of social and welfare systems Removal of legal spaces and the rule of law Removal of legitimacy Political vacuums produce spaces for groups and individuals to exploit fears of these processes Xenophobic attitudes contribute to confusion of the issues
12 Key themes – population, politics and social policy Ageing population Labour market Care provision and health care Education Transport Housing
13 Key themes – democracy and minorities Legitimation of authority – electoral appeal National and EU-level Protection of human rights/fundamental rights National identity
14 The importance of the asylum system Underpins international agreements on human rights Plays a role in the legitimation of the authority of the nation- state Is the only recourse for thousands facing persecution and torture across the world Is under challenge because of the securitisation of migration policies in Western Europe It also presents a challenge to the legitimation of the welfare state
15 Understanding anti-asylum rhetoric (Paul Statham, 2003) Anti-asylum rhetoric plays on genuine and imagined fears It is based on notions of a ‘native’ population It is part of public debates and the development of policies: different actors are involved; the public debate is led by government defined priorities and actions; public opinion is defined and measured by opinion polls; it plays a key role in election campaigns the debate is distorted by poor understanding of statistical data
16 Research, policy and civil society The political process Legitimation of authority – national and EU-level Securitisation of migration policies Democracy The role of the media and civil society Academics Journalists Churches, humanitarian organisations NGOs Migrants
17 Public understanding of the issues Public opinion is also informed by experience of poverty Conflict over employment, education, welfare and housing provision Experience of ‘dispersal policies Lack of understanding of the experiences of asylum seekers Fears of terrorism, security risks The media sometimes informs, sometimes exploits fears
18 Understanding the issues The need for on-going research, well-funded but also independent, not driven just by short-term political needs New types of migration require new methodologies, concepts and terms: eg ‘liquid migration’ ‘transnationalism’ new forms of citizenship ‘semi-compliant’, ‘semi-documented’ migration (COMPAS, UWT, Clandestino)
19 Understanding the issues - the role of the European Commission 1. Legal requirements: transparency, collection and dissemination of statistics 2. Requirement to monitor the impact of policies 3. Directorates-General (Research, Freedom, Security and Justice, Development, Employment and Social Affairs, Eurostat) fund research to support policy development networks (IMISCOE, EMN)
20 Understanding the issues - the role of the European Migration Network 1. Legal requirements 2. To provide support to policy-makers 3. To inform public debate 4. To support research at national and EU levels 5. To identify new and emerging phenomena 6. To be imaginative, open to using new methodologies and combining research methods, including using qualitative research methods In order to achieve the above, it must also address the concerns of both migrants and non-migrants.