T. Kirk’s 4 Dec 04 letter to DOE Construction Cost - $11M+ –Beam line g-2 ring upgrades etc - $11M –Cost sharing with RSVP of AGS/Booster rehab – discussed but not specified Operations Cost - $9-10M+ –25 week single year cost - $9-10M –3 week engineering run costs – discussed but not specified
Variance with T. Kirk’s 4 Dec 04 letter to DOE Construction Cost: $26M today ($9M + $2M Inflector, Kirks letter) –Scope changes: +$4.1M Beam Line – fwd decay (was back decay w/1X FODO) with 4X FODO (-$2M) Contingency for new cryo plant + $2M New Kicker, EQuad Rebuild, Bldg 919 AC + $1M Equipment testing (some with beam) + $1M Project Office + $0.7M Universities (detectors/DAQ) + $1.4M –Revised cost estimates, inflation: (-$1M inflector, + $1M other) –Cost of AGS/Booster rehab: +$11.7M (no cost sharing) Operations Cost: $13M, 2 year base plan –Engineering/data run, one 12 week year - $6M (3 weeks in Kirk’s letter – no costs specified) –Data Runs, one 20 week year – $8M (Kirk’s letter $9-10M for 25 weeks) –Variance ~ consistent with Kirk’s letter
What is needed to baseline the costs (not included in construction cost estimate) 1.0 g-2 Ring/Building maintenance –1 man month to engineer an air conditioning system for bldg V/V1 Beam Lines –1 man-months engineering –1 man-months physicist 1.2 Inflector (see Meng talk) –A quote from the Furukawa Company for superconductor 1.3 E Quads –Nothing new, defendable 1.8 Kicker –Nothing new, defendable 1.11 Cryogenics (to determine scope) –2 man-months engineering –1 man-month tech 1.12 Vacuum System –1 man-month engineering 1.14 Booster/AGS –0.5 man month engineering –0.5 man month physicist ES&H – review operation within present guidelines –1 man-month physicist –1 man month engineer Preparation of Cost Books, Resource Loaded Schedules, CD0-1 documents etc –4 man-months engineering –4 man--months physicist Summary –11 man-month engineering – 7 man-month physicist – 1 man-month tech Required Budget ~ $360K Calendar Time Required ~ 6-8 months
Muon g-2 Experiment Construction, Cost Summary Experiment Construction, Direct CostsM$ Contingency –G-2 Ring and building$ % –V/V1 Beam Line modifications$ % –Inflector (open ends)$ % –E-Quad rebuild$ % –Additional muon Kicker$ % –Cryogenic plant rehab$ % –Ring Vacuum System $ % –Equipment Testing$ % –Project Office$ % Sub-Total, direct costs$ 6.2 Indirects (reduced)$ 2.2 Contingency (44%)$ 3.7 Sub-Total, with indirects$ 12.1 University (Detectors/DAQ)$ 1.4 Total (DOE)$ 13.6 University (Detectors/DAQ - NSF)$ 1.0 FY 2006 $’s
AGS/Booster Restoration to High Intensity, Cost Summary AGS/Booster, Direct CostsM$ Contingency –ES&H (CAPS)$ % –Electrical Modifications$ % –Mechanical Modifications$ % –RF System Modifications$ % –Instrumentation$ % –Project Support$ % –Controls $ % Sub-Total, direct costs$ 7.5 Indirects (reduced)$ 1.9 Contingency (24%)$ 2.3 Total$ 11.7 FY 2006 $’s
g-2 Experiment Operations, Cost Summary Base Plan (0.25 ppm experiment) Year Wks w/RHICWks Stand-Alone Physics Wks Cost (M$) 1 st $ nd $ 7.8 Total $ 13.6 Additional week year of running with RHIC adds ~$6-7M FY 2006 $’s
g-2 Experiment Operations, Cost Summary DOE Costs Baseline Costs (C-AD pre-construction) $ 0.4 Experiment Construction (mostly C-AD)$ 12.1 Universities$ 1.4 AGS/Booster restoration to high intensity$ 11.7 Operations$ 13.6 Total$ 39.2 NSF Costs Universities$ 1.0 FY 2006 $’s
g-2 Experiment Operations Plan
g-2 Experiment Operations (0.5 ppm) FY 2006 $’s
g-2 Experiment Operations (0.25 ppm) FY 2006 $’s
g-2 Experiment Operations (0.20 ppm) FY 2006 $’s