WWF5 session Intro 1 optimizing and improving water services Regulation and transparency as key issues for the water sector WWF5 Istanbul session 4.2.2ANEAS (MX) and FWP (FR) 4 case studies: - France, French Water partnership - Togo and WWC / IGD - South Korea - Mexico ANEAS
WWF5 session Intro 2 Tools for optimizing and improving W Sces Optimizing and improving: what ? –the products themselves: drinking water treated wastewater –the related services (definitions, criteria ?) eg coverage, availability, pressure, billing services, information Optimizing and improving: versus what ? –mandatory requirements : regulation –users’ needs, expectations and affordability –involvement of stakeholders in objectives setting and performance assessment –transparency –best practices
WWF5 session Intro 3 Regulation: of what ? Water sector specific: –quality of the products –legal framework for water utilities areas of competence, legal obligations to provide services governance, users’ involvement: transparency, accountability possibility to contract or not public-private partnerships (PPPs) –If PPPs allowed: contracting procedures, duration, accountability… possibility to establish cooperation between responsible bodies –principles of cost recovery and tarification Non specific to water sector (examples) –public procurements laws –labor laws, social laws –environmental impact laws ( other than water related ) –contractual relationships with users / providers –…and other
WWF5 session Intro 4 a mix of different tools A mix between mandatory requirements and various incentives / drivers regulations financial incentives (aids, subsidies, penalties) drivers for efficiency –performance assessment –benchmarking (« indirect competition ») (mandatory or not, linked or not to financial tools) –direct competition for the management / operation of water utilities transparency and inclusiveness (degree of involvement of users in setting the objectives and strategy of the utility, and in assessing the performances) –organisation and mechanisms, mandatory or voluntary
WWF5 session Intro 5 A mix specific to each region / country each tool may be defined / operated at different levels of institutions, due to the historical and political context specific to each country a wide range of possible levels of institutions (see next slide) key issues –what is the level of « responsible body » for the water utilities (« organising authority ») –What is (are) the relevant level(s) of regulation NO uniform, unique and global solution for such mix but a general need to have frameworks comprehensive, consistent, and stable, with clear responsibilities and accountability
WWF5 session Intro 6 Institutional arrangements and regulatory approaches for effective water management Geogr level International Regional Federal (eg: EU) State nat. govt & agencies BO basin org Sub national Municip. Regulation - mandatory requirts -compliance checking Water utilities resp. bodies Recomm. Guidelines Standards Ref docts Financial -incentives -aids -penalties Users’ Involvement -policy -monitoring