Solutions for Industrial Services Maintenance is a topic for the top management: from reactive fault repair to a value adding factor Tobias Zaers
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 2 Costs: Personnel Depreciation Operation supply material Maintenance (DIN 31051:2003) Maintenance Inspection Repair Improvement Effizienz einer Anlage Costs Reliability Availability Reactive fault repair Efficiency
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 3 Impacts of reactive fault repair to efficiency Efficiency ist the top target for the operation of production equipment. This means to guarantee high reliability and availability for lowest cost. Within DIN reactive failure repair is defined as apart of the whole maintenance subject. Repair in this context is defined as „the measures that are leading a specific element back to the operational condition, except improvement measures.“ Reactive fault repair is not leading to an increase of reliablity and availability and therefore can not contribute to an increase of efficiency.
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 4 Increase of reliability and availability Reliability Availability Work Optmisation Reduction of down times Reduction of reaktive work Tools, Methods & Techniques Tools, Methods & Tecniques Tools, Methods & Techniques Execution Efficiency Improvemnt of planning Plannable efforts Improvement Reduction of reactive work Quality improvement in execution Reduction of immediate assignments
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 5 Increase of reliability and availability A reduction of downtimes is only available by preventive maintenance or improvement of the equipment. Repairs are only leading back to the operational condition, causes of failure howevere are not eliminated. An improvement of the equipment will allow to reduce future reactive assignments. An improvement of the planning allows efficient maintenance execution as efforts can be optimised and cost could be saved. To be able to realise these measures tools, methods and techniques are necessary. To using these, specific training or consultancy is required. The use of sophisticated technologies for condition monitoring can further increase reliability and availability as imminent failures can be predicted with higher accuracy. Wearing parts can be used to their maximum lifetime. Unusual equipment conditions can quickly be recognised.
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 6 Maintenance potentials Maintenance cost in Europe (in Mrd. €) Personnel, operating supplies, spare parts maintenance systems Downtimes Quality failures Legal consequences Loss of image Storage cost Investment for replacement Estimated potential 5-25% Source: Trends, Potenziale und Handlungsfelder Nachhaltiger Instandhaltung Ergebnisbericht der vom BMBF geförderten Untersuchung „Nachhaltige Instandhaltung“; FVI – Forum Vision Instandhaltung e.V.
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 7 Requirements for maintenance management Exploitation of Maintenance Opportunities Economy Information Technology Technology OrganisationLegal Requirements Produktion PlanningPurchasing
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 8 Requirements to the Maintenance Management To exploit maintenance opportunities diverse areas have to be oncorporated Economics (e.g. for investments) Technology developments Organisation Production Planning (Integration of maintenance planning) Purchasing and materials management (optmised storage and procurement prcesses) Legal requirements … The common competence of maintenance managers is not allowing to deal with the requirements in a comprehensive way. The realisation of successful concepts requires strategic decisions and support by the top level. Therefore it is of utmost importance for the top management to know the potentials to be able to make successful implementation maintenance concepts a part of the company strategy and to initiate the work on those concepts.
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 9 Lifecycle Further optimisation of maintenance can be supported by specialised service partners or groups whose core competency is the develoment and realisation of maintenance strategies.
Maintenance is a topic for the top management Page 10 Maintain 2007 The Maintain 2007 offers top managers a forum to broadly inform themselves on the topic maintenance. Big companies as well as small and medium sized companies are offered the opportunity to collect information and share experience.
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