Pacific Northwest Waterways Association 2008 MID-YEAR MEETING Inland Project Report: Little Goose, Lower Monumental, the PSMP and the Five Year Funding Plan Alan Feistner Deputy District Engineer USACE, Walla Walla District
Walla Walla District Quick Overview of District Area of Responsibility Programmatic Sediment Mgmt Pgm (PSMP) Little Goose Lower Monumental Five-Year Planning
Walla Walla District Responsible for: –4 Snake River Dams –McNary Dam on Columbia River –Dworshak Dam and Lucky Peak Reservoir in Idaho –Mill Creek flood control in Walla Walla –Jackson Hole, WY Flood Control Levees –Idaho Regulatory Program (wetlands, etc)
FY06/07 – reprogrammed $997K from internal district funds FY08 – $2.8M –Initiate data collection and studies –Coordinate w/federal agencies & sediment management group (LSMG) FY09 – $6.7M Continue above data collection, studies, and coordination FY10 – Continue above data collection and coordination –Draft implementation plan & environmental impact statement (EIS) –Develop sediment reduction best mgmt practices recommendations FY11 – Complete data collection & release draft EIS –Public meetings & respond to draft document comments FY12 – Release final EIS & sign record of decision (ROD) Programmatic Sediment Mgmt Program (PSMP) Schedule
Little Goose
Little Goose Repairs Rehabilitation Contract Sought in 2008 for: –Downstream Gate (miter-style) Cracking, failing quoins & shear stiffeners Current Risk – potential gate failure –Upstream Gate (tainter-style) – as contract option Cracking and pitting Current Risk – potential gate failure Contract(s) not awarded in 2008 given bids were significantly higher than gov’t estimate
Lower Monumental
Lower Monumental Lock Rehabilitation Fully Funded Project Costs (Oct 1, 2005 price level)-> $27M Benefit to Cost (BC) Ratio > 2.0 Report Approved > Sept 06 Start Plans and Specifications > FY 09 Fabrication of DS Lift Gate > FY 10 Preliminary Lock Outage > Dec 2010 – Mar 2011 Inland Waterways Trust Fund may not have sufficient funding to support this timeline
Lower Monumental Lock Rehabilitation LOWER MONUMENTAL LOCK REHABILITATION TAINTER VALVES DOWNSTREAM GATE Navigation Lock Component Rehab Plus Electrical & Mechanical Systems
Rehab driver is downstream gate Large lift gate (84 ft tall & 87 ft wide) Fatigue failures since early 1990’s Corrosion problems Cracks worsening every year Ice Harbor had similar problems before emergency replacement Lower Monumental Lock Rehabilitation
Lower Monumental Concrete Stabilization Areas of initial spall Initial Spall Conditions (1998) Stabilization (2005)
Lower Monumental Concrete Stabilization Current Status (2006) Instrumentation continues to monitor movement > 200 tons of concrete removed Analysis and report completed in 2007 Recommended repair includes Additional concrete removal Bearing relief and waterstop repair Anchors Crack grouting Total cost = $4 million Design & Construction Not part of Rehab
5-Year Maintenance Planning for Non-Routine Navigation Laura Hicks, Margie McGill, and Robert Leach initiated effort: –Integrate/present unconstrained budget needs for Snake & Columbia River infrastructure –Speeds and improves funding for system- wide maintenance efforts…Northwestern Division and HQUSACE using information to pursue funding –Successfully targeted specific projects, e.g. Channel Deepening and LoMo rehab
Urgent & Compelling CRCIPChannel Deepening08, 09 LoMoDS Gate - interim repairs08, 09 LoMo Major Rehab08, 09, 10 BonnevilleOld Navlock, Ambursen Section 09, 10, 11 & Closure Mono 18 CRCIPChannel Deepening09, 10 LoMoDownstream Gate Interim Repairs09 LoMo Major Rehab09, 10, 11 Lo GraniteFloating Bulkhead Repairs09, 10 Lo GraniteLock Electrical System10, 11 McNaryLock Derrick Crane Repair09 McNaryMonolith Joints (repair leaks)09, 10 McNaryWall Armor09, 10 McNaryLock Electrical Distribution09, 10 McNaryBascule Bridge Electrical System09, 10 McNaryWater Damaged Electrical Equipment09, 10
2009 Critical BonnevilleTainter Valve Rehab09, 10, 11, 12 BonnevilleSwing Bridge Bearing Replacement09, 10, 11, 12 BonnevilleRemove Upstream Debris09, 10, 11, 12 John DayMajor Rehab09, 10, 11, 12, 13 John DayTainter Valve Replacement09, 10 John DayE&D for Monolith Structural Repair09, 10, 11, 12 John DayInterim Tainter Valve Repairs09 John DayD/S Lift Gate Friction Drum09, 10 MCRMajor Rehab09, 10, 11, 12, 13 The DallesTainter Valve Replacement09, 10, 11 The DallesReplace Upstream Gate Cables10 The DallesReplace Miter Gate Gear Boxes09, 10 The DallesLock Stand Control System Replacement10 Ice HarborPSMP09 Ice HarborHHS Inspections09, 10, 11, 12, 13 Ice HarborDS Gate Picking Eye Inspection/Investigation10 Ice HarborMajor Maintenance10, 11 Ice HarborTainter Valve Intake Trash Racks10 Ice HarborWire Rope Inspection - both gates10 Ice HarborWire Rope Connection to Down Stream Gate10 Ice HarborNavigation Cells Causing Debris Piles in Channels10
2009 Critical (cont) Little GooseHHS Inspections09, 10, 11, 12, 13 Little GooseUpstream Gate Bullgear Bearing & Rope Repl (N)10 Little GooseUpstream Gate Bullgear Bearing & Rope Repl (S)10 Little GooseInterim Repair to the Goose Pintle Heal10 Little GooseUpstream Gate Repairs09 Little GoosePSMP09 Little GooseCastings Pintle Heal (Long Lead Time parts)10 Little GooseMajor Maintenance10, 11 LoMoHHS Inspections09, 10, 11, 12, 13 LoMo PSMP09 LoMo Concrete Spall - Monitoring10 LoMo Concrete Spall - Immediate Repair10 Lower GranitePSMP09, 10, 11, 12 Lower GraniteRepair concrete and embedded armor steel09 Lower GraniteChamber Bulkhead Repairs (2)10 McNaryHHS Inspections09, 10, 11, 12, 13 McNaryMajor Maintenance09, 10 McNaryDive Inspect Ice Harbor Cut/Inspect Coffer Dams09
5-Year Planning (cont) Continue 5-year effort –Integrate/prioritize Portland and Walla Walla non-routine navigation requirements Present NWD w/integrated list…NWD approves Projects prioritized 1-N (versus grouped) Program 3-7 years out…continuously tweak Constrained (versus unconstrained) –Develop earlier and continuous program coordination w/PNWA and other stakeholders
Major Rehabilitation Projects (e.g. Lower Monumental) Engineer Pamphlet Economically justified by benefit-cost analysis;* Work (construction) will extend over at least two full construction seasons; Fully funded cost estimate exceeds $10.6 million (FY 06) * Local ratio is typically <3; means region competes poorly vs. other national efforts. Therefore, funding likely only if President’s proposed fund location remains in Operations & Maintenance (O&M) account (vs. Congressional preference for funds to be in Construction General (CG) account).
Major Maintenance Reports (may or may not lead to major rehabilitation projects) Approx. Overall Project Cost Estimates > $40-$50 million McNary and Lower Granite Report > 2007 (final) Total Cost (both projects) = $23.5 million Ice Harbor Draft Report > TBD Little Goose Draft Report > TBD LoMo Start Plans and Specifications > FY 09 LoMo Fabrication (if necessary) > FY 10 LoMo Preliminary Lock Outage > Dec 2010 – Mar 2011
Columbia/Snake River Navigation System Capabilities (Walla Walla & Portland Districts )
Maintenance Categories Decision Diagram
Maintenance Categories Urgent and Compelling. Must have an inefficient safety rating, as well as a poor reliability rating possessing a potential to close the navigation lock. The reliability rating is based on a five-year forecast ( ) for the component. Critical. Typically, components in this category have a moderate safety rating or a poor reliability rating with potential to close the navigation lock. The reliability rating is based on a five-year forecast ( ) for the component. Moderate. Components in this category require repair but their current state does not pose a safety issue or a reliability issue. These components have large outage requirements (>=4 weeks). Therefore, repairs become a higher priority if the Columbia/Snake River navigation system has a planned extended outage. Minor. Components in this category require a low priority repair to improve maintenance or operability.
Navigation Capability (Walla Walla District only) FY 05FY 06FY 07FY 08FY 09FY 10FY 11FY 12FY 13 Actual Funding ($M)$7.8$9.7$7.9$7.4 Optimum Funding ($M) $13.5$27.5$55.9$8.3$8.7