Angela Zanardelli Reading and Study Skills Coordinator
Students (including you) waste more time than they’ll ever realize -Time spent studying ineffectively -Allowing interruption -Cramming information in one session -Wasting precious lecture time The following is a three-step method to help students make the most of the little time they have
Take minutes to skim chapter Read TITLE introduction concept overview or summary subheading examine illustrations seek main points of chapter
Pre-lecture prep helps students to stay aware and active during lecture Student is able to relate what they’ve seen to what instructor is reviewing Students have a much greater chance of mastering the material if they are active during lecture Students will greatly reduce their study time if they focus and take effective notes
By reviewing notes within 24 hours of the lecture, more information is retained and the likeliness of further study is increased Students often wait too long to study and material is forgotten before next class Short and frequent reviews are often less threatening and more effective than long study sessions.
Phone interruptions Be a good example to students. Have your cell phone off or on silent and put away during session Tell students the following: SILENCE OR TURN OFF YOUR PHONE!!! Do not keep it within view when it is silenced When you’ve completed your task, you can check messages and return calls
Where the student studies is a major factor in his or her concentration levels. Share these tips with your students: Avoid studying in places where you know you’ll be distracted People watching Roommate issues Library situations
More tips to helps students to avoid interruption Be honest with yourself, do not welcome interruption Choose activities that will not be on your mind after study breaks Do not talk to someone who may upset you before or during your study time Do not allow facebook. myspace, , etc to distract you while studying. Set aside special time for internet.
Many students have trouble adapting to college textbooks. Help your students succeed with the following “active reading” strategies
Before Reading Determine the subject matter of the material Understand how the material is organized Decide what is most important to remember from the material Identify your own purpose for reading the chapter
During Reading Make notes in margins of concepts/examples Identify what details accompany each idea Challenge the connection between the ideas Note info that needs clarification
After Reading Translate material into your own words Compare margin notes to lecture notes Seek out additional resources for unclear ideas Answer end of chapter questions!!
Ease your students anxiety with some of the following test-taking tips: Use short term study sessions at least a week before the exam Schedule times to study certain material and stick to the plan Seek out tutoring or supplemental instruction for the course
Find a study group who is just as serious as you about doing well Create your own test questions from notes, end of chapter questions, and vocab terms Make flashcards out of these test questions Eat breakfast before the exam Pack your backpack and get plenty of rest the night before