Why are we learning how to study? Study Skills Why are we learning how to study?
Why are study skill strategies important? Study skills help you to stay organized and to know what to do first Good studying takes planning and time Cramming for tests is not a good idea Good study skills give you better grades Study skills are important all through school and into college and sometimes even in your career
What you will be able to do after this lesson: Describe ways to organize a study area at home Demonstrate good note taking skills Develop a personal schedule using time management skills Describe ways to study for different types of tests
The study environment at home should be: Quiet Soft music is okay Research recommends no more that 60 beats per minute Free of Distractions (little brothers and sisters!) Comfortable Well lit and fresh air Stop studying if you get too tired or frustrated and make a note to talk to you teacher about it the next day
How do YOU study at home? On a piece of paper, list the different strategies you use at home to help you study. Share your strategies with your group.
Note Taking Skills Keep notes in order You need to be able to read your notes Use a 3 Ring Binder Use one notebook for all subjects. Use dividers to separate subjects. Easier to keep track of one notebook Highlight, don’t underline Research says your eyes read highlighting easier Take notes in class and study old tests
Scheduling and Time Management Careful planning is important Organize early and make changes when needed Plan activities for every day Don’t forget meals and leisure activities Set deadlines Create a personalized schedule to fit YOUR needs Carry your schedule with you to update as needed Use the following table as a guideline
Scheduling and Time Management DAY 2:30- 3:30 3:30-4:30 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:30 6:30-7:30 7:30-8:30 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri.
Apply what you have learned Create a personal schedule Include time for after school activities Keep your chart somewhere safe Review your chart daily and make changes when needed
What are the different types of tests? For practice tests of all types, press this button:
Tips for Test Taking Come prepared Stay relaxed and confident (Breathe deeply and slowly) Be comfortable but alert Look over the test before you begin Use the RUNNERS strategy on reading tests On a multiple choice test, know when to guess Look over your test before you turn it in
Summary Slide Why are study skill strategies important? Note Taking Skills Scheduling and Time Management What are the different types of tests? Tips for Test Taking Review of what we have learned
Study hard, Study smart and do your BEST! Presented by: Ms. Tchatalbacheva (Госпожа Чаталбашева)