Nazi Actions/Policy Kristallnacht (Nov. 1938) “Night of Broken Glass” where 1000’s of Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues destroyed; 300 killed (Nazis begin deportation of Jews to concentration camps) Final Solution (June 1941) – Planned extermination of Jews in concentration camps. (extermination camps located in Poland)
From Ghettos to Camps Ghettos-City districts that were enclosed which forced Jews to live under miserable conditions Separated Jews from non-Jewish population Nazis established over 400 ghettos to control and segregate population (largest was Warsaw ghetto in Poland; 450,000 Jews in 1.3 sq. miles) After 1941, Jews deported from ghettos to concentration camps
The Jewish Question Hitler first mentioned removal of Jews from Europe in 1919 Throughout the 1930’s Hitler believed mass emigration of Jews was the answer (coerce the Jews to leave) In ‘39, discussion to create a “reservation” for Jews in Poland or to deport all Jews to Madagascar in May 1940 In July 1941, the “final solution” began to be implemented (mass extermination became official Nazi policy)
The Camps After 1941, mobile killing units aimed at entire Jewish communities (shooting/gas vans) Mobile units proved inefficient at killing large number of individuals Extermination camps established in Poland (use of carbon monoxide gas or zyklon B); These are different from the 100’s of work camps that already existed Recently reported that over 42,000 camps existed across Europe
The Prisoners Arrivals would undergo “selection” (women, children and unfit to the “left” and certain death, able-bodied to the right, 3 rd group included “twins” for experiments) Others sent for work had heads shaved, registered with numbered tattoo, in many instances gold fillings removed Forced-Labor designed to starve. Conducted to help German cause of war
Conditions inside the camp 250 barracks (housing in each) No running water/sanitary equipment inside barrack Wooden beds with a thin blanket for sleeping (3 ft. x. 3ft.) Roll call (usually lasted 4 hrs.) Meals consisted of soup, small piece of rotted bread, small piece of rotted cheese Mass graves located inside camp (100,000 bodies) Malnutrition, Typhus, Corpses posed serious problems