Study Skills for School Success! With Susan
Agenda Part 1 - Learning & Organisation Part 2 - Time Management Part 3 – Memorisation methods Homework/study
Study Skills for School Success! This study skills session was created for you. It was written with the following in mind: Students want to do well in school Students who consistently do well in school practice good study habits and are well organised Study skills and organisational skills do not come naturally to most people – they must be learned
Learning and Organisation
Memory Test Calendar Books Desk Library Door Beach Park Girl Coffee Window
Picture memory game Link the pictures together to form a picture story in your mind When all of the pictures have been linked together, turn the worksheet over Try to tell the story without looking at the sheet to yourself and see how many pictures you can remember
Why is listening so important? How does listening to the teacher help me? Helps with homework Helps me to remember what I have learned in class LOOK AT TQLR SHEET
How to Listen Better! Form a good habit – good listening in class! Concentrate on what is going on in class – do not daydream! You can not listen if you are talking!
Organisational Skills Do you forget what you have for homework? Do you leave the books you need in school? Do you wait until the last minute to do homework/projects/essays?
Organisational Skills Keeping organised is one of the key ingredients to success Examples of good classroom organisation Getting things done in a timely fashion Holding onto important papers and having them when needed Having a routine for daily homework Noticing the right time to copy down homework Planning out tasks or projects Paying attention during tasks Recognising the need to complete something now rather than later - prioritise
Tool-kit for Organisation Skills School supplies Planners/ Scheduele Clear, distraction free study space Breaking down tasks into smaller pieces Checklists Colour-coding White board Getting into habits - what are good habits???
Time management
Time Management Work from list – prioritise (important things first) Plan ahead Work before play – identify your bad habits - too much TV/MSN/X-Box Work from list – prioritise (important things first) Think about how you spend your time Become a good time manager –get a lot more done in less time
Why is homework important??
Memorisation Strategies Mnemonics Technique that allows learners to remember information using short retrieval cues EXAMPLES: In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue My very earnest mother just served us nachos (to remember the order of the planets) WHAT ARE SOME OTHERS?
Mind map Spider Diagram Mnemonics Writing notes Songs/Raps Flash Cards Decide how you are going to study Mind map Spider Diagram Mnemonics Writing notes Songs/Raps Flash Cards List - Bullet points
Memorization Strategies Types of Mnemonics Acronyms (using the first letter from a group of words to form a new word) Visualization (creating pictures in your mind or on paper) Linking Method (linking each item to the preceding using crazy images)
Memorization Strategies Rote Elaborative Repeating over and over until it can be recalled Alphabet Song Lyrics Multiplication Tables Capitals Variety of strategies to help enhance meaning Essays Projects Debates
Memorization Strategies 2 Two Types of Practice 1 2 Material only makes it to your “working memory” Material will soon be forgotten Cramming for a test Material makes it to your “long-term memory” Review and revisit material often Information should be reviewed ten minutes after learning and every seven days to keep in long-term memory WHICH IS BETTER?
Mind Maps Fun way to Study
Find A Good Place To Study! This means a desk with nothing on it except what you need for the task you’re on: STUDYING! Have a regular time and place for studying.
Television Some students think that you can study effectively while watching television. However, viewing television requires a lot of focus. Therefore, turning off the television will greatly improve studying efficiency. Similar to games, television is also often used by students to procrastinate. However, since television viewing doesn’t require your full attention, many students are mislead to believe that they can effectively study or do homework while watching tv. Though you can study or do homework while watching television, studying without this kind of a distraction will greatly increase your efficiency.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9-9.40 Irish Maths English History Geography 9.40-10.15 Art Science Music 10.15-10.55 German 10.55-11.10 B R E A K 11.10-11.45 Woodwork C.S.P.E 11.45-12.25 Metal Work 12.25-1.05 L U N C H 1.05-1.55 Half Day 1.55-2.35 Home Ec 2.35-3.15 3.15-3.50 French
Transfer Programme Getting prepared for Secondary School Differences between Primary and Secondary school Managing new subjects/homework More advanced study techniques
Thank you for your time!