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Best students missed less than 10 days Some of the lowest students missed over 30 days Full attendance
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Know the points needed in each subject Short term goals Long term goals
Provide you son/daughter with the time Have a good place to study No distractions
Attendance Teachers build on prior knowledge nearly every day in Maths so it is essential students are present in class. Organisation Have Books, Copies, Mathematical set, Calculator and Maths Tables in class. Planning Have a revision plan in place from the very start that runs alongside your normal homework routine.
◦ Students need to make sure that they attempt to solve every problem they are given for homework. ◦ Do not leave an answer blank. ◦ Use different strategies to try and solve Maths problems e.g. Draw a diagram, simplify the problem.
◦ At the start of every chapter in Maths there are Learning Outcomes. ◦ Read each Learning Outcome and see if you can complete the task outlined. ◦ If you can, move on to the next Learning Outcome and repeat the process.
◦ Go to the relevant section of the chapter in the book and re-read the section, including any examples. ◦ Read back through your copy and work through the work you completed successfully in class and at home. ◦ There may also be extra notes and examples from the teacher in your copy that you can use to assist you.
◦ Khan Academy website has the entire Irish curriculum covered through videos and tutorials ◦ YouTube has thousands of channels dedicated to Maths. You can search for a specific topic and find teachers who have made video lessons for you to view. ◦ If you have access to Eircom Broadband at home, you can access free online tutorials through StudyHub.
Homework Attendance Question the teacher Learn your quotes Read the novels
Spelling Plan your essay Homework questions
Measure Study by amount of work done Homework is study/revision Consistent effort
The motivation to do well is by far the most important requirement. A good student is one who has got the balance right between the academic, the extra-curricular and a healthy personal lifestyle.