Study Strategies By: Kimberly Porsch
FIRST A strategy to help students create a first-letter mnemonic
F- Form Use the first letter of each item in your material to form a word HOMES: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Eerie, Superior
I- Insert Insert additional letters if needed
R- Rearrange Rearrange letters Order lakes from west to east SMHEO
S- Shape Use the letters to shape a sentence Super Man Helps Every One
T- Try Try a combination Michigan is a Superior place to have a HOME
LISTS A study strategy to help students learn content. It incorporates creating a first-letter mnemonic.
L- Look Look for clues while you are reading What do you need to remember?
I- Investigate Investigate the items Find the keywords you need to remember
S- Select Select a mnemonic device using FIRST: F- Form a word I- Insert letters R- Rearrange letters S- Shape a sentence T- Try combinations
T- Transfer Transfer information to a flashcard
S- Self-Test Use your flashcards to give yourself a self-test
RCRC A strategy used to help students improve their memory and comprehension of factual material
R- Read Read a little bit of material Read it more than once
C- Cover Cover the material with your hand
R- Recite Tell yourself what you have read
C- Check Lift your hand and check If you forget something important, begin again After you do a few, go back and check that you are retaining this information