Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration REPORTING PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR DISPOSAL Eddie Panko Area Property Officer January 2009
Federal Acquisition Service 2 What is the Disposal Process??? Part – Disposition of Excess Personal Property Federal Management Regulations
Federal Acquisition Service 3 Federal Disposal Process EXCESS SURPLUS Non SCREENING Internal Agencies/Bureaus Of your Department Federal Agencies Cost Reimbursable Contractors Grantees Public Airports State Agencies for Surplus Property Nonprofit Educational & Public Health Activities Service Educational Activities AGENCY SCREENING And FEDERAL TRANSFER 21 DAYS DONATION NOTIFICATION 5 DAYS SALES DONATION REMOVAL
Federal Acquisition Service 4 How To Report Excess Property Electronically Report Property to GSA; Or Submit a Standard Form 120
Federal Acquisition Service 5 What Information is Required? The reporting agency and the property location. A report number (6-digit activity address code and 4-digit Julian date). 4-digit Federal Supply Class (use National Stock Number whenever available). Description of item, in sufficient detail. Quantity and unit of issue. Disposal Condition Code (see ) Original acquisition cost per unit and total cost (use estimate if original cost not available). Manufacturer, date of manufacture, part and serial number, when required. FMR
Federal Acquisition Service 6 And, In Addition… Major parts/components that are missing. If repairs are needed, the type of repairs. Special requirements for handling, storage, or transportation. The required date of removal due to moving or space restrictions. If reimbursement is required, under what authority, and, the amount of reimbursement and the appropriate fund code to which money is to be deposited.
Federal Acquisition Service 7 Must All Excess Property Be Reported To GSA? Yes, Except… Abandonment/Destruction Property; Foreign Excess Property; Nonappropriated Fund Property; Scrap (except aircraft); Perishables; Trading Stamps and Bonus Goods; Hazardous Waste; Controlled Substances; Nuclear Regulatory Commission – controlled material; Property Dangerous to Public Health and Safety; and Classified or Property Sensitive for Reasons of National Security FMR
Federal Acquisition Service 8 What Are The Condition Codes For Disposal? Disposal Condition CodeDefinition 1 New. Property which is in new condition or unused condition and can be used immediately without modifications or repairs. 4 Usable. Property which shows some wear, but can be used without significant repair. 7 Repairable. Property which is unusable in its current condition but can be economically repaired. X Salvage. Property which has value in excess of its basic material content, but repair or rehab. Is impractical and/or uneconomical. S Scrap. Property which has no value except for its basic material content.
Federal Acquisition Service 9 Who Is Accountable For Personal Property That Has Been Reported As Excess? YOU, THE OWNING AGENCY Until the property is picked up by the designated recipient or its agent. (FMR )
Federal Acquisition Service 10 What If We Need Property We Previously Reported As Excess? Contact GSA for approval to withdraw the property. If property has been approved for transfer, donation or offered for sale, proper justification required.
Federal Acquisition Service 11 Property Requiring Special Handling For Disposal Aircraft and Aircraft Parts; Canines, Law Enforcement; Disaster Relief Property; Firearms; Foreign Excess Property; Hazardous Property; Munitions List Items/Commerce Control List Items; Red Cross Property; Shelf Life Items; Vessels; and Gifts
Federal Acquisition Service 12 Canines, Law Enforcement Public Law (111 Stat. 244): Canines no longer needed for law enforcement, can be donated to an individual experienced handling canines in official duties. FMR
Federal Acquisition Service 13 Disaster Relief Property Can loan excess property to State and Local Govts. With or without compensation and prior to reporting it to GSA. Withdrawal from GSA, requires GSA approval. Your agency is still accountable for the property. FMR
Federal Acquisition Service 14 Foreign Excess Property US Government interest – return to US or dispose of overseas? Disposal conforms to US foreign policy and Host Nation Agreement. Overseas disposal is compliant with USDOC and USDA regulations. US State Dept notified of disposal to foreign governments or entities. FMR thru 400
Federal Acquisition Service 15 Munitions List Items (MLIs)/Commercial Control List Items (CCLIs) MLIs – Usually Defense items Listed in International Traffic in Arms Regulation (22 CFR part 121) May require demilitarization when issued Requires appropriate licensing when exported from the US CCLIs Subject to export control by Bureau of Export Administration, Dept. of Commerce Items identified in US Export Admin. Regulations (15 CFR part 774) Items controlled because of –National Security –Crime Control –Technology Transfer –Scarcity of Materials FMR thru 435 and FPMR
Federal Acquisition Service 16 Shelf-Life Items Report to GSA prior to expiration date, if vendor credit can not be obtained.. If expired, abandonment/destruction.. When reporting to GSA, indicate the expiration date and if it is the original date or an extension, and, if it can be further extended. FMR thru 465
Federal Acquisition Service 17 And What if You Can Not Transfer, Donate Nor Sell the Property? Abandonment/Destruction FMR thru 330
Federal Acquisition Service 18 Questions???