English Learning Standards for Thai University Students: From Policy to Practice Arunee Wiriyachitra, Chiang Mai University Jirada Wudthayagorn, Maejo University
Motivation English is playing an important role in all aspect of life: social, academic, professions, etc. The universities must make sure their graduate have enough knowledge of English. An idea to reform English language instruction has been taken place.
Reform History 1999-2000 Research on the topic of the English proficiency level of Thai students when entering universities. 2000 The committee to improve the standards of English language teaching was appointed by MUA
Reform History… 2001 National seminar of about 100 heads of English department and co-ordinators of Foundation English courses from Thai universities to consider social needs, research recommendation, and present syllabus.
Consensus has been made on what to change and how to manage change. There should be only one set of English scores to consider students entering the university: the English language scores from English Entrance Examination.
Consensus… Each university use the scores to place students according to their level of proficiency. -low score = remedial course (no credit) -average score = Foundation English 1 -higher score = Foundation English 2 or 3 and take advanced English courses to make up the required credits.
Consensus… The English proficiency test should be standardized and each year the Ministry should inform the universities of the four levels of scores.
Consensus… Each student should take at least 4 compulsory English courses. The first two are integrated and study skills courses. The other two may be EAP or ESP as required by each major.
Consensus… Each student should take a National English proficiency test before leaving the university.
Policy of English language teaching in Thai universities. Based on the consensus, MUA approved the policy with minor adaptations.
Policy Universities which use quota system should consider using the English language scores from English proficiency test by MUA to admit the students.
Policy… Scores from the test to place the students according to their levels of proficiency. Level 1 Below the university standards. Level 2 Attend Foundation English 1 Level 3 Attend Foundation English 2 Level 4 Attend Foundation English 3
Policy… Universities should consider revising the Foundation English syllabus by having students take at least 4 compulsory English courses. Foundation English 1 and 2 are integrated language skills and study skills courses. The others are either EAP or ESP.
Policy… Universities should have students take English Proficiency Test before leaving the university. This test will not be considered as a requirement for graduation, only to measure their proficiency.
What was done in 2001? National Seminar to consider the scores to be used to place students. 0-35 scores Remedial course 35-70 scores Foundation English1 70-80 scores Foundation English 2 80 up Foundation English 3
What was done in 2002? Survey conducted to find out the goals and standards of the existing English foundation courses of each university. Workshop to formulate national goals and standards (adapted from ACTFL). Public hearing on goals and standards. Revised goals and standards. Disseminated goals and standards of Foundation English 1 and 2 courses.
How about 2003? Survey conducted to find out the problems in using goals and standards. Revised goals and standards and made extension of these goals and standards to four courses.
Revised Goals and Standards Curriculum Standards for Foundation English Courses 1- 4 (June 2002) Definitions of Terms Thai University English Foundation Courses have been framed around two goals and seven standards. Goals The goals cover two areas in which students need to develop competence in English: social language, and academic language. Each goal is supported by standards. Upon meeting these standards, students will have developed competence to function in a basic range of academics and social contexts.
Continued.. Standards The seven standards indicate more specifically what students should know and be able to do as a result of instruction. The standards in Goal l focus on using English to accomplish personal and social interaction tasks, including addressing cultural differences. The standards in Goal 2 are concerned with using English to accomplish personal and academic tasks, to further study, and to promote life-long learning. Both Goals specifically target the use of learning strategies to enhance the use of English for social and academic purposes.
Continued… Descriptors The descriptors are broad categories of discrete, representative behaviors that students exhibit when they meet a standard. They reflect a range of behaviors that is needed to use English effectively and accurately in personal, social, and academic circumstances.
Continued… Sample Progress Indicators* The sample progress indicators list assessable, observable activities that students may perform to show progress toward meeting the designated standard. These progress indicators represent a variety of instructional techniques that may be used by teachers to determine how well students are doing and they can be achieved by all students at some level of performance. Because students enter universities with different levels of English, the progress indicators represent a sampling of activities that can be demonstrated by the students at different proficiency levels of English (beginning, intermediate, advanced).
Continued… Goal 1: To use English to communicate in social settings both inside and outside the university: Standard 1: Students will use spoken and written English for personal statement, and for enjoyment and enrichment. Standard 2: Students will use spoken and written English to participate appropriately in social interaction. Standard 3: Students will recognize and understand cultural differences. Standard 4: Students will use appropriate learning strategies to extend their communicative competence.
Continued… Goal 2: To use English to help achieve personal and academic goals and to promote life-long learning: Standard 1: Students will use English to access and process information and to construct knowledge in both spoken and written forms. Standard 2: Students will use English to participate in academic contexts. Standard 3: Students will use appropriate learning strategies to acquire, construct, and apply academic knowledge and to develop critical thinking skills.
Continued… Goal 1: To use English to communicate in social settings both inside and outside the university: Standard 1: Students will use spoken and written English for personal statement, and for enjoyment and enrichment. Descriptors: expressing needs, feelings, values, ideas, and opinions getting personal needs met describing, reading about, or participating in favorite activities Sample progress indicators: describe feelings, emotions, or opinions after watching a movie or listening to a song indicate interests, opinions, or preferences related to certain topics or class projects make recommendations about a place, a film etc.
Recent task in 2006 Survey conducted to find out the success of implementing the policy