Special Education Plan
Multiple Intelligence n Not all students learn the same way. n “So long as materials are taught and assessed in only one way, we will reach only a certain kind of child.” n Remember NO Child Left Behind. Musical Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Logical Mathematical Visual Spatial Bodily Kinesthetic Naturalist Multiple Intelligence
Why Inclusion? n NCLB states that all students will reach high academic standards, attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics by ϲ In the past, due to pull-out programs, special education students have missed out on grade level content instruction by expert teachers
Therefore n The best placement and least restrictive environment for most students is the general education classroom. n But they will need a great deal of assistance. n Aides will follow the students to most English and Math classes n An extra class, Study Skills will be provided to Reinforce and Re-teach.
What Can I do as a General Ed Teacher? n Use the adopted materials. n The new textbooks have a massive amount of resources to aide in re-teaching and differentiating instruction in the teacher wrap and ancillaries. (Universal Access) n Remember assessment drives instruction n Differentiate Instruction
Differentiated Instruction Hamilton High Special Education
Differentiated Instruction n One lesson is taught to the entire class, meeting the needs of all students. n The content, process, and product are the means by which the teacher meets their needs. n Separate content from process – Content remains the same, but the process and product can be adjusted according to the students readiness level and learning profile.
Differentiated Instruction n Uses a variety of teaching techniques n Considers student’s learning styles n Provides choice in the method students will use to demonstrate understanding n Involves students using questions aimed at different level of thinking (Bloom’s Taxonomy) n Accepts that different methods are of equal value
Different Students Different Instruction
Bloom’s Taxonomy n Knowledge – who,what,where,which,choose,find,define,label,show n Comprehension – compare, contrast,demonstrate,interpret,explain,infer. n Application – apply,build,choose,construct,develop,select,solve. n Analysis – analyze,categorize,classify,discover,dissect,examine. n Synthesis – build,choose,combine,construct,create,develop n Evaluation – award,choose,conclude,decide,defend,determine,evaluate.
Sample Adaptations For Several Different Disabilities
Auditory Processing n Word Retrieval n Limited Vocabulary n Communicating with peers and adults n Remembering lecture material n Testing n Provide word bank n Crosswords/review n Graphic organizers n Allow extra time n Encourage use of rap, chants, music to commit material to memory n Teach material in small chunks Difficulties Adaptations
Emotional Behavioral Difficulty n Transitions n Adapting to different classroom organization n Focusing on task n Accepting boundaries for behavior n Listening and attention skills n Picking up on facial expressions and body language n Praise vs. disapproval 3:1 n Have high expectations n Cue to refocus on task n Calm, structured authoritative discipline approach n Behavior plans n Establish eye contact Difficulties Adaptations
Visual Processing n Reading handwriting n seeing/focusing on board, overhead n Taking notes n Handwriting n Copying from board n Listening to lecture while taking notes n Enlarge print n Print or type n Color in maps/texturemaps n Books on tape n Cliff notes n Guided outline for notes n Use buddy paper Difficulties Adaptations
Specific Learning Disability n Organization of work n Poor tester n Reading at speed n Remembering and following instructions n Writing legibly n Skips steps in math n Anxious, frustrated n Write down assignments n Planner n Color coded notes n Special place in classroom for schoolwork/homework n Teach test taking strategies n Small groups AdaptationsDifficulties
Using Word for Accommodations n Summarizing Text – Research papers n Online Information – copy/paste into Word – Autosummarize n Readability – Word can display the reading level of any documentdocument