PAIUCC PAIUCC MEETING Terry Barnaby, Director Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality
PAIUCC Act 24 of 2011 School Code Bill Certification Changes Effective Immediately
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Superintendent, Alternate Route Act 24 Requirements Graduate degree in business or finance 4 years of relevant experience in business, finance or management Attorneys included for 3 years PIL Requirement Traditional Route no longer states certified experience, requires “successful” experience
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Superintendent, Alternate Route Approved Policy Guidelines Additions Candidates will be eligible for a Commission, not a Letter of Eligibility Commission relies on offer of employment from School Board
PAIUCC Act 82 of 2012 Superintendent, Alternate Route - Commission Qualification Letter Pre-hiring review of legal requirements GMC Review Not a letter of Eligibility Candidate must apply for commission when hired
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Principal Certificate, Alternate Route Initial Requirements Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited College or University 3 years of relevant professional experience defined as “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process” Offer of employment from a Local Education Agency (LEA)
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Principal Certificate, Alternate Route Requirements to be completed within 2 years: An Approved college or university program or Within 2 years of employment must produce satisfactory evidence of completing an approved leadership development program Demonstrated knowledge of Basic School Laws and regulations
PAIUCC Principal Certificates Administrative I, Traditional Route Bachelor’s Degree Verification of 3 years of relevant professional experience defined as “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process” Completion of approved program of graduate study in education. (preparation completed outside of Pa must meet Pa standards) Satisfactory achievement on the required Praxis test
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Principal Certificate, Level II Requirements Both Provisional I and Administrative I candidates: Complete the PIL induction program Provide 3 years of satisfactory service Both Administrative I and Provisional Administrative I are valid for 5 years of service and cannot be renewed.
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Vocational Director Certificate, Alternate Route Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited College or University 3 years of relevant professional experience defined as “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process” Offer of employment from an Local Education Agency (LEA)
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Vocational Director Certificate, Alternate Route Requirements to be completed within 2 years: An Approved vocational administrative director preparation program or Proof of completion of an introductory Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) program approved by PDE Demonstrated knowledge of Basic School Laws and regulations
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Vocational Director Certificate, Traditional Route Bachelor’s Degree Verification of 3 years of relevant professional experience defined as “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process” Completion of approved program of graduate study in education. (preparation completed outside of Pa must meet Pa standards) Satisfactory achievement on the required Praxis test
PAIUCC Also on the Website: y/8820/administrative_level_ii_certification / y/8820/administrative_level_ii_certification / OR… Go to Certifications, Level II, Administration Level II Certification and the PIL Induction Requirement
PAIUCC Out of State Candidates Valid Instructional Certificate from another state Bachelor’s Degree 2 years of successful classroom experience Demonstrates subject matter competency School Code 2011
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Postbaccalaureate Certification Programs Includes traditional post bacc programs, accelerated programs, intern and residency programs and administrative programs Provides for PDE approved providers other than institutions of higher education Requires PDE to develop guidelines for the approval of flexible postbacc programs The bill requires specific postbacc content
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Residency Certificate Requirements Areas of shortage Masters or Doctorate or Bachelors degree with 3 years of experience in related field Continuously enrolled in an approved residency program Satisfactory achievement on the appropriate content test Offer of employment from LEA Valid for 3 years, one time only
PAIUCC School Code 2011 Instructional Intern Certificate Requirements Bachelors degree Continuously enrolled in an approved intern program Satisfactory achievement on the appropriate content test Offer of employment from LEA Valid for 3 years, one time only
PAIUCC Measuring Educator Effectiveness Project Goal To develop educator effectiveness models that will reform the way we evaluate school professionals as well as the critical components of training and professional growth. The term “educator” includes teachers, education specialists, and principals. 18
PAIUCC Educator Effectiveness 3
PAIUCC Background A multi-phase project that began with $800,000 Gates Foundation grant to facilitate the development of statewide policy, tools and processes to evaluate teachers and principals in which student achievement is a significant factor affecting performance ratings PDE is closely following the work of the Pittsburgh Public Schools, recipients of a $40 million Gates Foundation grant that is more comprehensive in scope but similar in redesigning evaluation policy, tools and processes A University of Pittsburgh researcher is conducting a qualitative analysis regarding the effectiveness of principal training and the comprehensiveness, validity, transparency, practicality, and quality of the teacher evaluation system A third party researcher is conducting a quantitative analysis evaluating the relationships between professional practices as measured by classroom observation scores and teacher contributions to student achievement 20
PAIUCC Phase I Sites Allentown School District Cornell School District Mohawk School District IU 5 – Northwest Tri-County 21
PAIUCC Phase II Sites 119 Local Education Agencies, including School Districts, CTCs, Charter Schools and IUs 363 Buildings 658 Supervisors 2,348 Teachers in PSSA tested subjects 2,586 Teachers in non-PSSA tested subjects 22
PAIUCC Phase III Sites 293 Local Education Agencies, including School Districts, CTCs, Charter Schools and IUs 1,255 Schools 1,972 Supervisors 20,360 Teachers in PSSA tested subjects 3,771 Teachers in non-PSSA tested subjects 23
PAIUCC Participation Methods Teacher Effectiveness Phase III SIG districts with schools implementing a Transformation Model Race to the Top Recipients 24
PAIUCC Multiple Measures of Teacher Effectiveness 7
PAIUCC Danielson Framework, Domain 3: Instruction Component1. Failing2. Needs Improvement3. Proficient4. Distinguished 3a: Communicating with students Expectations for learning, directions and procedures, and explanations of content are unclear or confusing to students. Teacher’s use of language contains errors or is inappropriate to students’ cultures or levels of development Expectations for learning, directions and procedures, and explanations of content are clarified after initial confusion; teacher’s use of language is correct but may not be completely appropriate to students’ cultures or levels of development. Expectations for learning, directions and procedures, and explanations of content are clear to students. Communications are appropriate to students’ cultures and levels of development. Expectations for learning, directions and procedures, and explanations of content are clear to students. Teacher’s oral and written communication is clear and expressive, appropriate to students’ cultures and levels of development, and anticipates possible student misconceptions. 3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques Teacher’s questions are low-level or inappropriate, eliciting limited student participation, and recitation rather than discussion. Some of the teacher’s questions elicit a thoughtful response, but most are low-level, posed in rapid succession. Teacher’s attempts to engage all students in the discussions are only partially successful. Most of the teacher’s questions elicit a thoughtful response, and the teacher allows sufficient time for students to answer. The students are engaged and participate in the discussion, with the teacher stepping aside when appropriate. Questions reflect high expectations and are culturally and developmentally appropriate. Students formulate many of the high- level questions and ensure that all voices are heard. 26
PAIUCC Educational Specialist Effectiveness 19
PAIUCC Who are Educational Specialists? Educational Specialists are defined in Pennsylvania School Code with the scope of their certificates and assignments described in Certification and Staffing Polices and Guidelines (CSPGs). Currently CSPG 75 through 81 list the following specialist certifications: – Dental Hygienist – Elementary School Counselor – Home and School Visitor – Instructional Technology Specialist – Secondary School Counselor – School Nurse – School Psychologist PDE is in the process of working with stakeholder groups from across the Commonwealth to revise the Danielson Framework for Teaching to reflect the specific roles and functions of the identified specialist groups 28
PAIUCC Specialists-What about Other Licensed Staff Hired under Teacher Contracts? Given that many LEAs hire licensed professionals under teacher contracts who are not certificated as specialists under Pennsylvania School Code, PDE has made a decision to develop revised Danielson Framework for Teaching rubrics for the following roles: – Occupational Therapist – Physical Therapist – Social Workers – Behavior Analysts – Educational Interpreters PDE is in the process of working with stakeholder groups from across the Commonwealth to revise the Danielson Framework for Teaching to reflect the specific roles and functions of the identified licensed professionals. 29
PAIUCC The “Elective” Portion of Teacher Effectiveness Measuring Student Performance for Teachers in Tested and Non ‐ Tested Grades and Subjects 31 The Goal: To have an effective teacher in every classroom
PAIUCC What Model Might be Most Appropriate for PA to Develop? Student Learning Objective Models Models of Student Assessment Measurement of Student Performance & Teacher Effectiveness
PAIUCC The Approach Provide a method for teachers to write SLOs. Provide a method for teachers to design assessments appropriate to the SLO. Provide piloted and peer-reviewed models on the PDE SAS website. Provide professional development appropriate to SLO development. The Methodology: AN SLO TEMPLATE
PAIUCC Looking at the Components of PA’s SLO Template Teacher Information Course Information Learning Objective Data and Targets Used to Establish the SLO Assessment/Performance Task Administration of the Assessment/Performance Task Data Collection Implementation Timeline Teacher Effectiveness Measure
PAIUCC Teacher Effectiveness Measure Classroom Objective How will the aggregated scores of individual student assessment results be used to define teacher effectiveness? Failing: few students achieve content mastery or growth Needs Improvement: less than a significant number of students achieve content mastery or growth Proficient: A significant number of students achieve content mastery or growth Distinguished: An exceptional number of students achieve content mastery or growth Fewer than 50% of students will move a minimum of 5 levels. 50%-70% of students will move a minimum of 5 levels 70%-80% of students will move a minimum of 5 levels 80% -100% of students will move a minimum of 5 levels Less than 50% of students will achieve proficient or advanced levels in 6 out of 8 components (mastery) or will achieve improved scoring in 3 out of 8 components, with some decrease in the other 5 components (growth). 50% -74% of students will achieve proficient or advanced levels in 6 out of 8 components (mastery) or will achieve improved scoring in 3 out of 8 components, with some decrease in the other 5 components (growth). 70 % -84% of students will achieve proficient or advanced levels in 6 out of 8 components (mastery) or will achieve improved scoring in 3 out of 8 components, with no decrease in the other 5 components (growth). 85% -100% of students will achieve proficient or advanced levels in 6 out of 8 components (mastery) or will achieve improved scoring in 3 out of 8 components, with no decrease in the other 5 components (growth).
PAIUCC What Does the PA SLO Process Hope to Accomplish? To meet federal Race to the Top Requirements To meet state legislated teacher evaluation requirements To utilize some processes that teachers already have in place To inform principals as to appropriate processes in content areas with which they may not be familiar
PAIUCC To provide teachers in non-tested grades and subjects an opportunity to be evaluated in their content area To inform and instruct teachers in non-tested grades and subjects about standards-based education design: 1)Curriculum Frameworks 2)Standards 3)Backward Design 4)Transfer of Learning 5)PA Standards Aligned System Website
PAIUCC To have an effective teacher in every classroom.
PAIUCC Observation/Evidence Danielson Framework Domains 1.Planning and Preparation 2.Educational Environment 3.Delivery of Service 4.Professional Development Student Performance of All Students in the School Building in which the Nonteaching Professional Employee is Employed District Designed Measures and Examinations Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests Industry Certification Examinations Student Projects Pursuant to Local Requirements Student Portfolios Pursuant to Local Requirements Non Teaching Professional Employee Effectiveness System in Act 82 (HB 1901)
PAIUCC Principal Effectiveness 22
PAIUCC Principal Effectiveness Domain 1 - Strategic/Cultural Leadership : The school leader will systematically and collaboratively develop a positive culture to promote continuous student growth and staff development. The leader articulates and models a clear vision of the school’s culture that involves students, families, and staff. Domain 2- Managerial Leadership: The school leader will ensure that the school has processes and systems in place for budgeting, staffing, problem solving, communicating expectations and scheduling that result in organizing the work routines in the building. The school leader must efficiently, effectively, and safely manage the building to foster staff accountability and student achievement. 41
PAIUCC Principal Effectiveness Domain 3 – Leadership for Learning: The school leader assures school-wide conversations occur regarding standards for curriculum, instruction, assessment, and data on student learning based on research and best practices, and ensures that the ideas developed are integrated into the school’s curriculum and instructional approaches. Domain 4 – School and Community Leadership: The school leader will promote the success of all students, the positive interactions among building stakeholders, and the professional growth of staff by acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner. 42
Additional Items Inter-Rater Reliability Professional Development Alternative Educator Effectiveness System Implementation Guidelines – Formula – Differentiated Supervision – Other 44
PAIUCC Professional Development and Teachscape Products
PAIUCC Professional Development: Inter-rater Reliability Teachscape Framework for Teaching Proficiency System (FFTPS) Overview 20 hours of training content o Self paced o Total training time can be faster or longer 11 online learning modules for observers o Orientation to observer training o Minimizing bias o 9 modules on Framework for Teaching o Overview o Framework for Teaching Components in Domain 2 and Domain 3 detailed rater training on each component and performance level Over 100+ master scored videos
PAIUCC Professional Development Teachscape’s Framework for Teachers Effectiveness Series (FFTES) Self-Paced and Video-Rich Online Learning Resources The Framework for Teaching Effectiveness Series includes 2 sets of learning modules: 1. Laying the Foundation Orientation to course materials Understanding the Framework for Teaching Applying the Framework for Teaching 2. Framework Components 8 individual learning modules which explore the eight observable components in Domains 2 and 3 of Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
PAIUCC Professional Development on SAS
PAIUCC 49 Built for PDE – Designed for You Now Showing On a Screen Near You! Teacher Information Management System
PAIUCC Dateline TIMS Released December 19, 2011 Paperless February 16, 2012 Updated weekly through June Release Three June 25, 2012 Emergency Permit Reissuance July 16, 2012 Release Four Projected August or September 2012
PAIUCC Release 3 Highlights More hints on each screen Applicant sees only relevant screens Business logic improved to meet requirements More uploads (Health Certificate) Enhanced cover sheet material Applications Tailored to the Credential 51
PAIUCC Release 3 Dashboards and Searches Dashboards Applicant, LEA (Local Education Agency), IHE (Institutions of Higher Education) and PDE dashboards updated Buttons moved and renamed Section heading text revised Searches Sortable Results! (Click on column heading to sort.) LEA Search and Print Permits on one screen LEA Reissue Permits from one screen 52
PAIUCC Release Four – August/September Non-US Citizens – Alien Provisional Certificates Eliminated – No Fee Profile Update for Citizenship Activities Act 97 Waivers Added New Alternate Credentials Added New Vocational Intern Category (same requirements) Vocational & Program Specialist Process Customized 53
PAIUCC More enhancements are still on the drawing board… Public Website Messaging System Overhaul, including Automatic Expedites for LEA 54
PAIUCC Questions? 55