Background Technology Portfolio Management
Background/History Owned by Mohegan Tribe of Indians Opened in October 1996 with what is now Earth Casino Managed through a joint venture between Sun International Hotels and Waterford Hotel Group called Trading Cove Associates Management Contract bought out in 1999 – now operated by the Tribe via Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority (MTGA) Project Sunburst announced in 1999 Hotel/Convention Arena Additional Gaming Additional Food & Beverage (F&B) Additional Retail
For the Fiscal Year Ending Sept 2005 (in millions of dollars) Gaming Revenues$1,202,196 Non Gaming Revenues$ 254,557 Gross Revenue $1,456,753
Mohegan Sun’s Loyalty Program – The Player’s Club One point equates to one dollar Points are earned for gaming play Points are immediately available for use Points can be used in all casino venues Think of a checking debit account
Example – a player has 150 points They can: Pay for a $130 meal at a restaurant – balance of 20 points Pay for $180 worth of jewelry Split tender – 150 points; $30 in cash or credit card Buy $40 of gas – balance of 110 points Pay for a hotel stay of $150; balance of 0 points
Complexity of Integration
Information Systems Project Portfolio Management
Governance Specifying the decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in the use of Information Technology (IT). Center for Information Systems Research - MIT
Governance The IS Steering Committee
IS Strategic Plan: 1.Enhance Marketing Systems 2.Improve Efficiency in Business Processes 3.Application Integration Flexibility and Efficiency 4.Invest in Leading Edge Technologies 5.Develop a World Class IT Organization
IS as an Investment Portfolio INFORMATIONALSTRATEGIC TRANSACTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE Increased control Better Information Better Integration Improved quality Increased sales Competitive advantage Competitive necessity Market positioning Business integration Business flexibility Reduced marginal cost of IS Reduced IS costs standardization Cut costs Increase throughput Source: Weill & Broadbent “Leveraging the New Infrastructure: How Market leaders capitalize on IT.” Harvard Business School Press 1998
Criteria Used to Rank Strategic Initiatives Regulatory Requirement Mgmt./Tribal Mandate Return on Investment Customer Service Improvement Provides a Competitive Edge Creates Stability or Integrity with Operating Environment Supports Multiple Department Needs Each Long-term, and Short-term strategic goal must be evaluated and prioritized against the established criteria Solves/Cost/Timeliness/Fits/Leverage (High—Medium—Low)
Mohegan Sun’s Top 20 Priorities As of March 9, Monthly Promotions 2.ACSC Modifications 3.CRM 4.Test Automation for App Upgrades 5.100% TITO and High Availability 6.ACSC Upgrade to v Data Warehouse 8.SOX Application and General Controls 9.CMS Transition 10.MindPlay
Mohegan Sun’s Top 20 Priorities As of March 9, Customer Portal 12.Enterprise Call Quality 13.MMS Upgrade to v Cognos Financial Upgrade 15.IS Time Tracking 16.MS Credit Card Processing Conversion 17.Policy Document Management 18.Identity Access Management 19.SAN Infrastructure Extensions 20.Mimix Optimization
Cross Referenced the Strategic Initiatives to the project requests Project Portfolio Strategy Projects A B C D E F XXX
Strategic Initiatives Investment Portfolio Alignment Infrastructure = 23% Transactional = 61% Informational = 5% Strategic = 11% Relative to all initiatives, % of people and other $’s required to support specific initiatives
Project Portfolio Benefits: - A structured methodology was used rather than the “squeaky wheel” method. - Participation by our customers - All things known to all involved - Provides a method to follow in managing change i.e. Budget management & “new work” management - Obtained budget approval during economic instability
Disadvantages: A perceived reluctance to request new work or change the plan because of the formality and extent of work that went into our project portfolio Project Portfolio
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