Georgetown Planning Board State of the Town April 6, 2009
Goals and Objectives Protect the Town’s natural, historic and cultural Heritage Provide a variety of housing that complements the Town’s historic village character and land use patterns Actively support new economic development Promote pedestrian and bicycle transportation planning efforts
Existing Conditions Declining commercial and industrial tax-base Increasing local service delivery costs Lack of pedestrian circulation and mixed-uses throughout the downtown business district Lack of local permit coordination to streamline & enhance the project review process Lack of long-term planning Lack of administrative staffing
2009 Planning Efforts Identify outside funding for economic development planning and feasibility studies (43D, 40R, PDF…) Develop Zoning Bylaws to encourage mixed-use developments, open space preservation, and more suitable non- residential development areas Identify funding for obtaining additional staffing in the Planning Office
FY 2009 Proposed Actions Georgetown Square 40R Overlay District Route 133/ I-95 43D Expedited Permitting District Update the Subdivision Regulations Improve zoning regulations for: Open Space Residential Developments Big Box Retail Zoning Map
The Year is 2009… Redevelopment of Georgetown’s Commercial & Industrial Districts are impeded by outdated zoning bylaws, lack of a strategic plan, infrastructure constraints, brownfields and local permitting conflicts. Georgetown 43D District
The Year is 2020… Redevelopment of Georgetown’s Commercial Districts have increased the Town’s tax base, added 100s of new jobs and services with updated zoning bylaws, completion of a strategic plan, infrastructure improvements, brownfield remediation and permitting coordination.
The Year is 2009… Revitalization of Georgetown Square is impeded by restrictive zoning requirements, the lack of shared parking facilities, poor pedestrian circulation and practical wastewater solutions. Georgetown Square 40R District
Vision Statement The Year is 2020… Georgetown Square is revitalized as a walkable retail/restaurant/ office district with mixed-use buildings, pedestrian amenities, new shops, jobs and services using a traditional streetscape based on historic land use and building design patterns. Georgetown Square 40R District
FY 2010 Proposed Actions Feasibility Study for Georgetown Square: Parking Wastewater Treatment Stormwater Management Strategic Plan for the 43D Expedited Permitting District: Type, location and scale of Uses Level of Municipal Services Infrastructure Analysis Full-Time Town Planner