SOVEREIGNTY- The idea that all nations are INDEPENDENT from each other. JURISDICTION- Boundaries within which a government has authority. They may be physical or virtual. › QUESTIONS: In a global world do sovereign nations truly exist? With international bodies like the UN and NATO does jurisdiction matter anymore?
POWER- the ABILITY TO ACT, having methods to do so. AUTHORITY- the legal RIGHT TO ACT. This includes the right to make decisions. › QUESTIONS › Can you have authority without power? OR Power without authority.
LEGITIMACY- RECOGNITION by law, or LEGALITY. OWNERSHIP- Having LEGAL TITLE to property. › Question: › Does something have to be recognized and followed to be considered legitimate?
RIGHTS- ENTITLEMENTS- they can be legal or moral. DUTIES- OBLIGATIONS- they can be legal or moral. › Question: › Can there be rights without duties? Should the duties be subject to law? Provide examples of duties that are subject to law?
EQUALITY- Uniformity/ Sameness EQUITY- FAIRNESS › QUESTIONS: Do we misuse the term equality? Does true equality exist? How do you measure what is equitable?
MORALITY- a system of RIGHT and WRONG behaviour HUMANITY- Kindness, mercy, compassion. › Question: Has our definition of morality and humanity changed over time? Are the definitions universal?
Questions: › 1, 3, 4, 5b, 7, 8, & 9 › Answer the questions on your own and then find a small group to discuss your responses.
Read pages › Answer questions: 1, 2, 3, 5b, 6, & 7.