Library Services for Distance Learning Students and Faculty Cheryl Stewart, Presenter Learning Resources Association for California Community Colleges 2005 North / South Meeting February 25, 2005 City College of San Francisco March 11, 2005 Coastline Community College
Where we were…
Distance learning is changing things for college librarians “Library services are now operating within a user-centered and self-learning world.” (Han) “User behavior is shifting from a passive learning pattern to an active one in which customers want simple, helpful self service and personal help only at times of greatest need.” (Han) Libraries are expected to provide the same level of services and resources for off-campus and distance learning students as for traditional onsite students. Growth in the number of distance learning classes offered and the number of students taking advantage of DL options is expected to sky-rocket in the next ten to twenty years. (Gandhi) The lack of face-to-face contact with patrons requires new skills, strategies, roles and responsibilities for librarians.
Where we are… Online Internet-accessible catalogs Web presence Electronic collections of full-text periodical databases Access to digital reference resources, such as encyclopedias, indexes, and digests reference service
Digital Virtual Electronic Online On-demand Off-campus Distance Remote Metadata Tagging Automatic indexing Rich media Other User interface Remote access Remote authentication User system requirements Other
L. Han and A. Goulding/Information and reference services in the digital library Three-levelled support system in the digital library
Integrated Academic Student Support Services at Loyola University: The Library as a Resource Clearinghouse. Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship. “In response to student opinions at Loyola, the President of the University suggested that an existing lab located within the Library could be redesigned to serve as a resource clearinghouse--to represent all of the different academic support services on campus.” Distance Learning: Reports from the field. ARL. Online Resources for School Librarians. School-Libraries.Org. Guidelines for Creating Student Services Online. WCET. ReSEARCH Station. Meriam Library, Chico State University.
E-learning. Association of College and Research Libraries. Off-campus library services. University of Michigan. CCC Confer. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Bare Bones 101; A basic tutorial on searching the web. University of South Carolina. Common Pitfalls to Library Research. San Diego State University. Research strategies: Interactive tutorial. Mansfield Library, University of Montana.
Research Strategies: Finding Your Way through the Information Fog, Second Edition. William Badke. CSU information competence: Please choose a tutorial. Cal Poly State University. Study skills self help information. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Library and web research; Strategies for success. University of Idaho. Information literacy tutorial. Minneapolis Community and Technical College. ICYouSee: T is for thinking; A guide to critical thinking about what you see on the web. Ithaca College Library.
Transforming libraries; Issues and innovations in…. ARL Bibliographic Instruction: Two Models Converging in a Common Goal. The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship “The libraries have to take the research paradigm beyond the one- shot classes (while not discarding them, mind you) and actively involve the undergraduate, graduate, faculty, staff and community member. Borrow a page from the public library and have classes just for non-campus members, pop-up BI ads on the OPAC, posted signs on the walls and near the computers, hand out slingers as students check out books, take out advertisements in the student papers, mail handouts to student advisors. The list is endless, but so are the needs.”
Prepared by Cheryl Stewart, Librarian Coastline Community College February 2005 Phone: ext Fax: Library URL: “Academic librarians today stand at an interesting threshold with immense possibilities. They have a critical and vital role to play in providing library services to distance learners and ensuring that they receive the same quality of education as on-campus students” (Gandhi)