Welcome Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Tjoumas
High Expectations Responsibility Achievement Respect Citizenship
Study Skills 4 Strategies for finding information 4 Strategies for remembering information 4 Strategies for organization 4 Strategies for participating successfully in the mainstream class 4 Strategies for successful test taking
Learning Disabilities 4 Auditory short term memory 4 Auditory long term memory 4 Auditory discrimination 4 Auditory figure ground 4 Auditory sequencing 4 Auditory processing 4 Visual short term memory 4 Visual long term memory 4 Visual discrimination 4 Visual sequencing 4 Visual closure 4 Visual processing
Don’t Get Trapped 4 Short attention span 4 Disorganization 4 Impulsiveness 4 Low frustration level 4 Weak social skills 4 Handwriting difficulties 4 Copying difficulties 4 Inability to understand directions 4 Inability to follow directions
Compensations 4 Adjusted work load 4 Assignment books 4 Specialized assistance in the regular classroom 4 Small group work in the Special Education Classroom 4 Specific Learning Strategies
Parents Rule!!! 4 Ask your child about school each day 4 Read to them daily 4 Check homework and sign the assignment book 4 Visit school 4 Be sure your child has appropriate materials 4 Have conversations together
Parents and Teachers are Partners 4 Regular meetings 4 Frequent communication 4 Write notes 4 Ask questions 4 Voice concerns 4 Work together