Visible Teaching Visible Learning Visible Assessment John Hattie Visible Learning Laboratories University of Auckland March, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Visible Teaching Visible Learning Visible Assessment John Hattie Visible Learning Laboratories University of Auckland March, 2009

Influences on Achievement ? DecreasedEnhancedZero 0

Reducing Class Size on Achievement? DecreasedEnhancedZero 0 What is the effect of reducing class size Hundreds of evaluations of reducing class size ….

Effect on Achievement over time? DecreasedEnhanced Zero 0.20 Reducing Class Size 1.0 An effect-size of advancing achievement9 mths3 yrs % improving rate of learning10% 45% r variable & achievement % of students with treatment exceeding those not treated834

The typical influence on achievement So what is the typical effect across  800+ meta-analysis  50,000 studies, and  200+ million students

Effect on Achievement over time? Decreased Enhanced Zero 0.20 Typical Effect Size

Distribution of effects

Influences on Achievement

Rank these 12 effects: Answers  Acceleration  Feedback  Student-teacher relationships  Teaching study skills  Reading Recovery  Cooperative learning  Homework  Individualized instruction  Ability grouping  Open vs. traditional classes  Retention (hold back a year)  Shifting schools

Rank these 12 effects: Answers  Acceleration.88  Feedback.73  Student-teacher relationships.72  Teaching study skills.59  Reading Recovery.50  Cooperative learning.41  Homework.29  Individualized instruction.22  Ability grouping.12  Open vs. traditional classes.01  Retention (hold back a year) -.16  Shifting schools -.34

The Disasters... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 130 College halls of residence Multi-grade/age classes Student control over learning Open vs. Traditional Summer vacation On Welfare Policies Retention Television Mobility

The Disasters... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 120 Mentoring Teacher education Ability grouping Gender Diet Teacher subject matter knowledge Distance Education Out of school curricula experiences Perceptual-Motor programs Whole language

The Disasters... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 110 Learning hierarchies Co- Team teaching Web based learning Family structure Extra-curricula Programs Teacher Immediacy Within class grouping Home-school programs Problem based learning Sentence Combining programs

Not Worth it yet... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 100 Finances Illness Religious Schools Individualized instruction Visual/Audio-visual methods Comprehensive Teaching Reforms Class size Charter Schools Aptitude/treatment interactions Personality

Typical “average teacher” territory... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 90 Exercise/Relaxation programs Desegregation Mainstreaming Teaching test taking & coaching Use of calculators Values/Moral Education Programs Competitive vs. individualistic learning Special College Programs Programmed instruction Summer school

Typical “average teacher” territory... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 80 Decreasing disruptive behavior Drugs Simulations Inductive teaching Ethnicity Teacher effects Inquiry based teaching Ability grouping for gifted students Homework Home visiting

Closer to Average … RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 70 Time on Task Computer assisted instruction Adjunct aids Bilingual Programs Principals/ School leaders Attitude to Mathematics/Science Exposure to Reading Drama/Arts Programs Creativity Frequent/ Effects of testing

Average RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 60 Mathematics programs Behavioral organizers/Adjunct questions Cooperative learning Science Social skills programs Reducing anxiety Integrated Curricula Programs Enrichment Career Interventions

Average RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 50 School effects Motivation Early Intervention Questioning Pre school programs Quality of Teaching Writing Programs Expectations School size Self-concept

Let’s have them.... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 40 Keller's PIS Peer influences Classroom management Outdoor/ Adventure Programs Interactive video methods Parental Involvement Play Programs Second/Third chance programs Small group learning Concentration/Persistence/ Engagement

Exciting …. RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 30 Worked examples Home environment Socioeconomic status Concept mapping Challenging Goals Visual-Perception programs Peer tutoring Cooperative vs. competitive learning Pre-term birth weight Classroom cohesion

Among the Winners... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 20 Problem solving teaching Not labeling students Teaching strategies Cooperative vs. individualistic learning Study skills Direct Instruction Tactile stimulation programs Phonics instruction Comprehension programs Mastery learning

The Winners... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 11 Teacher-Student relationships Spaced vs. Mass Practice Meta-cognitive strategies Prior achievement Vocabulary programs Repeated Reading programs Creativity Programs Self-verbalization & Self-questioning Professional development

The Winners... RankInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 1 Self-reported grades Piagetian programs Providing formative evaluation Micro teaching Acceleration Classroom behavioral Comprehensive interventions for learning disabled students Teacher clarity Reciprocal teaching Feedback

Identifying what matters Percentage of Achievement Variance Students Teachers Home Peers Schools Principal

Visible teaching & Visible learning  What some teachers do!  In active, calculated and meaningful ways  Providing multiple opportunities & alternatives  Teaching learning strategies  Around surface and deep learning  That leads to students constructing learning

Visible Teaching – Visible Learning

Teachers  Clear learning intentions  Challenging success criteria  Range of learning strategies  Know when students are not progressing  Providing feedback  Visibly learns themselves

Students …  Understand learning intentions  Are challenged by success criteria  Develop a range of learning strategies  Know when they are not progressing  Seek feedback  Visibly teach themselves

The Contrast  An active teacher, passionate for their subject and for learning, a change agent OR  A facilitative, inquiry or discovery based provider of engaging activities

Activator or Facilitator ?

Message for Learning/Assessment  Balance of surface, deep, & constructed knowing  Teachers preach deep, students see surface!  Learning strategies  To reduce cognitive load  To use when stuck (welcome error!)  Requires deliberative practice  Builds expectations of “can do”  Thrives on challenge  Requires feedback

Feedback …

Priority to maximize FEEDBACK to THE TEACHER  Feedback is information provided by an agent (e.g., teacher, peer, book, parent, self/experience) regarding aspects of one’s performance or understanding.

Feedback is evidence about:  Where am I going?  How am I going?  Where to next?

Frequency of feedback How much feedback does the typical student get in a typical classroom on a typical day?

Tests are Feedback to the teacher  Whether their teaching methods have been successful or not  Whether their learning intentions are worthwhile & challenging  Whether students are attaining their desired success criteria  Which students have learnt or not learnt  Where teachers can capitalize on student strengths & minimize gaps  Where students are on the learning ladder  Whether they have a shared conception of progress  What is optimal to teach next Whenever we test in classes it is primarily to help teachers know:

Assessment and Feedback: asTTle (Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning)

Welcome screen for Teachers

Customize a test

Choose difficulty

Choose Curriculum Strands

Create a test

Reporting to Teachers

Comparisons or Multi-test Reports

Individual Learning Pathways

Group Learning Pathway

Curriculum Level Report

Progress Report

Target Setting/ Expectations Teacher or student target Polynomial regression target

What Next Report

aff/j.hattie/ Connecticut March 2009 Achievement & Assessment through Feedback