Aquatic Renewable Energy Technologies (Aqua-RET) 2 Workshop Vocational Training in Marine Renewable Energy Technologies 3 rd International Conference on Ocean Energy in Bilbao 5 th September 2010 Review of Functional Map generated from survey results and how it can be used presented by Fiona MacIsaac, Aquatera
The marine renewables sector is forecast to grow National renewable energy targets have been set Key to this is the availability and development of an appropriately skilled and qualified workforce Functional Map describes the functions, or activities, that are carried out across the sector more transparent view of the sector
The functional map will be used to develop a list of prioritised areas of competence based on the prioritised units from the needs analysis Competency described in terms of learning outcomes (outcome-based approach) Learning outcome: specify what learners will know or be able to do as a result of a learning activity Competency list: Will demonstrate the diversity and multi-disciplinary of the sector Can be used by different target audiences: A) Industry B) Training organisations C) Awarding bodies and education experts D) Individuals
Key Functions provided in needs analysis: 1)Sector research 2)Governance 3)Local/regional development 4)Technology research and development 5)Technology manufacture 6)Project planning and development 7)Project construction and installation 8)Project operation 9)Decommissioning 10)Marine support services 11)Other/supporting tasks
Key Functions: Suggested additions Operations & Maintenance/ Emergency arrangements/ Disaster management Public consultation/ Supply Chain development & related infrastructure Outreach, education and awareness/ Community benefit Environmental impact assessment (2) Health and safety operations System research and development (wavefarm as opposed to WEC devices) Monitoring and abatement of system induced bio-effects. Environment compatibility / Wilderness areas preservation/ Living conditions improvement Technology research and development with scale prototypes/ Monitoring Maintenance specific technology development Political Action Design of associated facilities Grid infrastructure and planning Policy and SEA
Key Function: 1) Sector research Strategic planning Energy resource assessment Conceptual engineering Technical appraisal Planning constraints Regional baseline surveying Infrastructure assessment Investigation of environmental impacts Investigation of socio-economic benefits Market situation and competitiveness Suggested additions: 1)Marine Safety 2)Geotechnical Engineering for Shallow Water Zones 3)Producing technology at scale 4)More political awareness to ALL ocean renewables 5)Offshore installation engineering and implementation 6)Electrical engineering 7)Marine operations (2) 8)Mass manufacture engineering 9)More financial support and credits for other renewables, other than wind and wave energy 10)Maintenance 11)Electrical Networks & Equipment / dynamic cables
Key Function: 2) Governance Target setting Policy formulation Creation of regulatory frameworks Monitoring regulatory compliance Monitoring sector performance Managing strategic investment Developing advisory capacity Managing grant aid processes Setting up leasing arrangements Setting up licensing arrangements Suggested additions: 1)Political, Environmental Roadmap for adoption by region, country, etc. 2)Market barriers by region, country, etc.
Key Function: 3) Local/regional development Promotion of business opportunities Planning new infrastructure and upgrades Public consultation Stakeholder/sea user engagement Supporting adjacent/supply industry Representation of region to prospective investors Working with local companies to build their businesses Knowledge of local capacity and capability No suggested additions
Key Function: 4) Technology research and development Electrical/ Mechanical/ Structural/ Aeronautical Engineering research Hydrodynamics research Design Protection of intellectual property Numerical and experimental modelling Design verification Prototype testing and development Suggested additions: 1)Technoeconomic assessments based on real costs and verified performance 2)Grid Integration 3)Business Modeling 4)Earthling and Lighting protection
Key Function: 5) Technology manufacture Basic engineering and steelwork Manufacture and assembly of electrical components Manufacture and assembly of mechanical components Marketing and sales of products Suggested additions: 1)Clear statement of manufacturing capability & available capacities 2)Communications, IT 3)Other ocean energy technologies 4)Fibreglass, GPR 5)Coatings
Key Function: 6) Project planning and development Project planning Site selection Technology selection Baseline environmental and technical surveys Economic feasibility Technical feasibility Public consultation and community engagement Environmental impact assessment Risk assessment Planning and consents Suggested additions: 1)Health and Safety 2)Marine Operations - feasibility
Key Function: 7) Project construction and installation Project management Civil works Onshore works Transportation to site Onsite assembly Installation of moorings, devices and cables (electrical infrastructure) Suggested additions: 1)Health and Safety 2)Sea faring logistics and equipment
Key Function: 8) Project operation Data collection, analysis and reporting Planning of an O&M schedule Control room operations Environmental monitoring Monitoring and inspection of cables, moorings and devices Service and maintenance works Suggested additions: 1)Intervention and Marine Operations 2)Farm Layout 3)Planning and coordinating supply chains 4)Health & Safety 5)Vessel transit 6)Prediction and planning
Key Function: 9) Decommissioning Removal of device, mooring & cables Restoration of site after decommissioning Post decommissioning monitoring No suggested additions
Key Function: 10) Marine support services Towage applications Cranage applications Underwater services (divers and ROVs) Maritime operations Port operation Supply base operation Grid operation Emergency response Suggested additions: 1)Pier upgrading and provision of deep water piers suitable for launching devices 2)Road upgrades within rural areas where the shore point of contact is for potential wave farms 3)Mooring supports
Key Function: 11) Governance Target setting Policy formulation Creation of regulatory frameworks Monitoring regulatory compliance Monitoring sector performance Managing strategic investment Developing advisory capacity Managing grant aid processes Setting up leasing arrangements Setting up licensing arrangements Suggested additions: 1)Political, Environmental Roadmap for adoption by region, country, etc. 2)Market barriers by region, country, etc.
Key Function: 12) Other/supporting tasks Occupational Health & Safety Quality Assurance / Quality Control Financial issues Legal issues Clerical & administration work Business Insurance Public awareness and communications Suggested additions: 1)Political, Environmental Roadmap for adoption by region, country, etc. 2)Market barriers by region, country, etc.
Key Function: 13) Governance Target setting Policy formulation Creation of regulatory frameworks Monitoring regulatory compliance Monitoring sector performance Managing strategic investment Developing advisory capacity Managing grant aid processes Setting up leasing arrangements Setting up licensing arrangements Suggested additions: 1)Political, Environmental Roadmap for adoption by region, country, etc. 2)Market barriers by region, country, etc.