2 Staffordshire Context: County Council Mission Statement To make Staffordshire “A great place to live, work, visit and invest”
3 To promote the five outcomes for young people Staying healthy Enjoying and achieving Keeping safe Contributing to the community Social and economic well-being
4 The Aim of the School Improvement Division To be the Champion of all learners by: Promoting and supporting lifelong learning Securing continuous improvement in standards Promoting inclusion in the widest sense
5 A.County Performance – Summary Headlines - The Challenge KS1 County attainment at L2b+ exceeds national performance by +6% in Reading, +6% in Writing and 3% in Maths. KS2 Staffordshire improvement from 2003 to 2004 significantly greater than national improvement in Maths, English and Science at L4+ and L5. At L4+ Staffordshire is ranked within top 5O LEA’s in all three core subjects. (Also at L5 in Maths and Science. Ranked 64TH in English.) The impact of intensive support e.g. in literacy and numeracy and the Broader Primary Strategy Programme significant.
6 KS3 Standards have increased in Maths, English and ICT. Standards have declined in Science (in line with national trend) but still ahead of national average. Effective range of KS3 Strategy and in depth consultant support has had a major impact on raising standards.
7 KS4 A more mixed and complex picture. Relatively positive picture in relation to 1+ A – G and 5+ A – G performance. 5+ A* – C performance a particular challenge at 50.7%. 0.8 decline on last year. Unfavourable comparison with national trends rankings and statistical neighbours. 74 out of 149 LEAs Extent of challenges particularly revealed by FFT value added analysis. 27 schools in bottom quartile
8 Changes in School Improvement Division Deputies i.c. phases Appointment of District School Improvement Managers Working in project teams Partnership working with Pupil and Student Services
9 Ways of Working District based case conferences Use of internet to communicate key messages Increased use of networking Building local capacity
10 The Key Aims of the Strategy To improve the life chances of students and put the needs of the learner first by: Providing the greatest possible flexibility, choice and ease of access to broad, appropriate and challenging learning pathways for each and every learner Promoting excellence in teaching, training and learning within and across organisations Promoting high attainment in subjects and skills wherever provided Promoting inclusion and tackling under-performance Supporting school leaders and managers Sharing good practice
11 Outcomes 63% 5 A*- Cs GCSEs by 2008 Improvement in FFT Value Added Inc. participation 16 plus Establishment of clear pathways and progression routes All schools become Specialist Schools Raise standards of teaching and learning in Ofsted profile No school below floor targets (25%)
12 Barriers Low level of funding Diversity of schools and districts “complex pattern of achievement” Balance between intervention and entitlement service for all
13 Positive factors Productive relationship with schools Support of headteachers for action District networking curriculum Development of district Inclusion panels Strong training background Good links with partners
14 Directorate strategy All schools receive an entitlement provision Some identified groups receive more targeted support e.g. gender, race, subject Focused support for schools in a category or in challenging circumstances
Boys’ Achievement
16 Improvement Plan Coherent learning pathways Self-evaluation Learning and Teaching Distributed leadership Behaviour Management Inclusion and under-performance
17 Learning Pathways Strategic capacity building New vocational qualifications Alternative curriculum Skills Centres – Torc Careers advice CPD Links to Aim Higher plan
18 Self-Evaluation Effective use of data to support learning – CPD Roll out of LIG data project County-wide County, District and subject analysis to identify areas of need Effective completion of SEF to aid school improvement. Training planned Support for moderated self-evaluation Curriculum support networks, good practice case studies
19 Learning and Teaching County Strategic Planning Group to identify areas of focus Projects around identified areas LIG / Western Collaborative Strategic deployment of ASTs KS3 Strategy Curriculum support packages E-learning strategy
20 Leadership CPD programmes, e.g. Leading from the Middle Enhanced role of CPD leaders Support middle managers through networks, etc
21 Behaviour Management Strategic approach – P and SS and SID Behaviour plan for schools Pilot multi-agency approach
22 Inclusion and tackling achievement KS3 strategy intervention Projects to support ethnic groups, boys, SEN
23 Achievements so far Study leave and management of course work Data Project extended to all schools – training arranged Job Description for new joint Inclusion post agreed Training for Heads on new Ofsted framework Initial meeting held of VLE Strategy Group
24 What next? Involvement of Secondary Headteachers Keep DfES informed Develop work streams Consult with young people