U.S. Fiscal Policy Mr. Rae
U.S. Federal Deficit 13.8 Trillion Dollars! – Size of government increasing? – PAY FREEZE DUE TO SHRINKING OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR? Government is spending more than they are taking in. – Deficit spending-borrowing!
Federal system of gov’t Federal government – National security, economy State government – Education, roads, prisons
Federal Spending Looked at as a percent of GDP – Dollar value of all goods and services produced in a year
George W. Bush Increased deficit Funding wars in Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003)
Federal Revenue 3 sources of revenue: individual income, FICA, and corporate income taxes Payroll taxes- automatically deducted from paycheck-FICA Ind. Income tax- taxed individually-IRS
FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act Social Security-62 66 – Help elderly – Funds running out by 2039? – 70 million baby boomers
Medicare Health insurance program for those 65 and above Helps elderly pay for hospital stays, lower prescription costs
Mandatory Spending Federal Government has no choice but to spend money on Social Security and Medicare – Required by law Discretionary Spending Part of the U.S. Federal Budget which the President and Congress debate
Discretionary Spending Health and Human Services - Transportation- UPDATE OUR NATIONS RAIL LINES? Education- SPEND MORE ON EDUCATION? Estonia and Poland? PISA Housing and Urban Development – REDUCING SLUMS?
Defense Should the U.S. spend $844 billion on defense? New aircraft? – F-22 Raptor? Improve nuclear facility security?
U.S. Military Arsenal Mr. Rae
Aircraft B-52-ND, LA F-18 A/F F-16 F-15 F-22 F-35 A-10 C-130 B-1
Income Taxes A tax which increases with income – Progressive tax- – The more you make, the more they take! – Ability to pay tax Places less of a burden on those who make less money
Should we have a flat tax? Proportional tax = taxpayers at all incomes pay the same % All individuals regardless of income pay the same rate. Who would most likely support a flat tax?
Poverty Line $10,830 $22,050 for a family of four
Regressive Tax Everyone pays the same rate regardless of income. A tax which bares a higher burden on those making less money
Will a heavier beer tax reduce underage drinking? Accidents cost $20 billion a year
Excise tax taxes paid when purchasing a particular good Tanning Salons – 10%? Gasoline- 8 cents per gallon Cigarettes = $4.35! (New York is #1) – $5.85 in NYC! Alcohol = Current tax on beer and wine per bottle: Beer: 7.4 cents Wine: 36.9 cents
Surtax An add-on tax; or a tax on top of a tax NYC = Receipts from the sales of the service of parking, garaging, or storing motor vehicles – 6% + 8%!
Other sources of revenue Fines – Disturbing the peace ($200) – Littering – Speeding Tickets
Sources of state revenue Income tax % NY Sales tax-4 %
State spending