I-69 Team 3
Introduction History of project Proposed Route Challenges
Introduction Role of Team 3 Scope of 498 design Pavement & Drainage for 2 mile section One bridge over water One Underpass Design [MSE walls] Segment Jacko really wants to see some fancy zooming in animations here. I’m thinking we start in outer space.
Outline Order of items to be discussed Alignment Pavement Materials Drainage Considerations Structure Design Environmental Impact Cost Analysis
Alignment Proposed PB alignment. Start/End points Why this alignment is the best[?] alternative Right of Way requirements Relocation requirements Wetlands Avoidance Other things
Pavement Design: Introduction Concrete vs. Asphalt Geotechnical Considerations Design Controls Materials Quantity Estimates Estimated Costs for Materials, Construction
Pavement Design: Design Controls Design Life Roadway Characteristics Design Load ESALs, AADT Where does this information come from?
Pavement Design: Geotechnical Considerations Soil Boring Data Description Soil Types Present Pictures? Capacity of soils How did we find this info Impact on design Materials, Cost, Construction
Pavement Design: Material Selection HMA vs. PCC Or WMA… Cost Analysis Initial Cost Rehab Cost Where did our # come from What this means Impact/Importance of cost How much money is available Cost vs safety
Pavement Design: Material Quantities Dimensions of paved area Lanes, shoulders Thickness of subbase, base, surface Waste
Pavement Design: Cost Materials Costs Construction Costs Permits Labor Earthwork Machinery Quality Control
Drainage Pavement drainage design Median Drainage Design Culvert Design Design Criteria Considerations Estimated Quantities Estimated cost for Materials, Construction
Structure Over Water: Design Load Material to be Used Alternatives? Estimated Materials Quantities Estimated Cost of Materials, Construction
Structure Underpass (MSE Walls) Why MSE walls? Design Criteria Material Quantities Cost Estimates Materials, Construction
Environmental Impacts Materials used in construction Hazardous? Sustainable? Disturbance due to construction Hazardous Wastes Existing Communities/Residents Disturbance due to operation Indiana Bat Indiana Snakes Other wildlife Floodplains Wetlands Noise Pollution Air Pollution Changes in waterway flow/path
Cost Analysis Total cost estimates Construction Costs Materials Costs Comparison of alternative Materials