1 expect the best Briefing to the IT Project Review Committee January 19, 2005 ITIB Recommended Technology Investment Projects (RTIP) Report for 2005 January Workshop – Reporting Categories
2 expect the best Workshop Objectives (Agenda) Confirm Workshop goals & objectives/outcomes Establish basic assumptions & definitions Review IT investment portfolio management (level set) Review RTIP 2004 (level set) Establish desired outcomes for RTIP 2005 –Business Queries Identify RTIP 2005 reporting categories & requirements –Project categories –Format & structure Develop RTIP 2005 prioritization criteria –Planning Approval –Development Approval Define/establish IT Portfolio evaluation criteria & selection process
3 expect the best Reporting Categories – Major IT Projects Active –Do not rank? Planning –Rank/prioritize Development –Rank/prioritize Not Recommended –Rationale
4 expect the best RTIP 2005 Reporting Category Active Category Projects approved for development by the ITIB Under oversight by the CIO and ITIB Reported on the Commonwealth Major IT Projects Dashboard Not included in the ranking process as funds have already been allocated? Recommend funding be maintained through the budgeting process Protect the investment through continued periodic review and approval by the CIO & ITIB
5 expect the best RTIP 2005 Definitions Projects Approved for Planning Planning Approval – approval granted by the CIO to proceed with project planning (Revised definition) Project Planning – activities to conduct effective initial analyses of business needs and potentially useful technologies required for development of a detailed business case, with sufficient level of detail, definition of scope, business justification, and the agencies’ own confidence in the presented data as per CIO/ITIB guidance (New definition – RTIP 2004 Transmittal Letter)
6 expect the best RTIP 2005 Reporting Category Projects Approved for Planning Recommended for funding –Enterprise/Collaboration Opportunities –Secretariat –Agency Funded – maintain funding –Enterprise/Collaboration Opportunities –Secretariat –Agency
7 expect the best Project Life Cycle Processes Matrixed with SDLC, Waterfall Method PM Life CycleCode of Virginia (§ and 2019) Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) PSG Phase Deliverables Selection IT Strategic Planning Initiation Project Planning BPR Study, Feasibility Study, Requirements Definition, Systems Analysis Project Initiation BPR, Business Rqts., Systems Rqts., Technical Rqts., Detailed Project Proposal, Detailed Business Case, Develop Project Charter Planning Project Development Systems Design, BPRProject Planning Approved Project Charter, Detailed Project Plan Execution and ControlProject DevelopmentProgramming, Testing Implementation, Post- Implementation Analysis, BPR Project Execution and Control CloseoutProject Development Project Closeout Operations and Support Asset Ops. & Management Milestone: CIO Approval for Planning Milestone: ITIB/CIO Approval for Development
8 expect the best Project Life Cycle Processes Matrixed with SDLC, RAD Method PM Life CycleCode of Virginia (§ and 2019) Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) PSG Phase Deliverables Selection IT Strategic Planning Initiation Project Planning BPR Study, Feasibility Study, Requirements Definition, Systems Analysis, Systems Design, Build Prototype, Programming, Testing, Implementation, Post Implementation Analysis Project Initiation BPR, Business Rqts., Systems Rqts., Technical Rqts., Detailed Project Proposal, Detailed Business Case, Develop Project Charter, Prototype Planning Project Development Project Planning Approved Project Charter, Detailed Project Plan Execution and ControlProject Development Feasibility Study, Requirements Definition, Systems Analysis, Systems Design, Build Prototype, Programming, Testing, Implementation, Post Implementation Analysis Project Execution and Control CloseoutProject Development Project Closeout Operations and Support Asset Operation and Management Milestone: CIO Approval for Planning Milestone: ITIB/CIO Approval for Development
9 expect the best RTIP 2005 Definitions Projects Approved for Development Development Approval – approval by the ITIB to proceed with detailed project planning, project execution and control, project closeout, and asset operation and management (New definition) Detailed Project Planning – activities required to complete a detailed project plan for project execution and control as specified in the Commonwealth Project Management Standard and Guideline (New definition)
10 expect the best Recommended for Development Approval – Unfunded –Enterprise/Collaboration Opportunities –Secretariat –Agency Funded – maintain funding –Enterprise/Collaboration Opportunities –Secretariat –Agency RTIP 2005 Reporting Category Projects Approved for Development
11 expect the best Project Life Cycle Processes Matrixed with SDLC, Waterfall Method PM Life CycleCode of Virginia (§ and 2019) Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) PSG Phase Deliverables Selection IT Strategic Planning Initiation Project Planning BPR Study, Feasibility Study, Requirements Definition, Systems Analysis Project Initiation BPR, Business Rqts., Systems Rqts., Technical Rqts., Detailed Project Proposal, Detailed Business Case, Develop Project Charter Planning Project Development Systems Design, BPRProject Planning Approved Project Charter, Detailed Project Plan Execution and ControlProject DevelopmentProgramming, Testing Implementation, Post- Implementation Analysis, BPR Project Execution and Control CloseoutProject Development Project Closeout Operations and Support Asset Operation and Management Milestone: CIO Approval for Planning Milestone: ITIB/CIO Approval for Development
12 expect the best Project Life Cycle Processes Matrixed with SDLC, RAD Method PM Life CycleCode of Virginia (§ and 2019) Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) PSG Phase Deliverables Selection IT Strategic Planning Initiation Project Planning BPR Study, Feasibility Study, Requirements Definition, Systems Analysis, Systems Design, Build Prototype, Programming, Testing, Implementation, Post Implementation Analysis Project Initiation BPR, Business Rqts., Systems Rqts., Technical Rqts., Detailed Project Proposal, Detailed Business Case, Develop Project Charter, Prototype Planning Project Development Project Planning Approved Project Charter, Detailed Project Plan Execution and ControlProject Development Feasibility Study, Requirements Definition, Systems Analysis, Systems Design, Build Prototype, Programming, Testing, Implementation, Post Implementation Analysis Project Execution and Control CloseoutProject Development Project Closeout Operations and Support Asset Operation and Management Milestone: CIO Approval for Planning Milestone: ITIB/CIO Approval for Development
13 expect the best RTIP 2005 Definitions Not Recommended for Funding Identified for Preliminary Planning - projects which address an agency business need but which requires further review by the CIO and ITIB before authorizing the expenditure of additional planning funds (Revised definition) Collaboration Opportunity – a common business need identified by more than one agency that creates the possibility for agencies to work together towards a common solution ( New definition )
14 expect the best RTIP Reporting Category Not Recommended for Funding Category Not recommended for funding –Identified for Preliminary Planning –Collaboration Opportunities –Secretariat –Agency
15 expect the best RTIP Report Structure - Format Format –Break into two sections RTIP Report –Reflects Priority Technology Investment Projects –Submit 9/1/2005 RTIP Report Supplement –Includes updates based on budget submissions –Reflects entire project portfolio and detailed project report appendices –Submit 11/1/2005 to coincide with budget process
16 expect the best RTIP Report Structure - Content Content –Keep the ‘Top 26’ concept? –Lobby for a select 5 or 6? –Report only projects that meet certain thresholds (ROI, Risks, Strategic Alignment, Benefits)? –Report only enterprise/collaboration opportunities? –Include only those projects in need of funding?