LHD Rad Response Template. Overview Previously provided “Empire County” All- Hazards Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Radiological.


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Presentation transcript:

LHD Rad Response Template

Overview Previously provided “Empire County” All- Hazards Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Radiological Response was not included in this plan. DOH is Planning to Deliver: Updated Empire County Plan Template... to include Template for Rad Response Annex Guidance for Implementation Review Tool

Format Brief discussion in main plan template. Primarily direct to Annex. Annex has a brief procedure consisting two parts 1. General Planning & Preparedness 2. Response Actions Supporting information is sorted into Appendices

Principles and Actions for LHD Radiological Response As an aid for balancing the priorities of the many stakeholders involved, key response principles and actions were developed to ensure uniform decision making during template development. Depending on the specific LHD's role and capabilities, some actions may be taken by other organizations in their specific incident response plans.

Principles of Radiological Response A key resource for implementing this response annex is the New York State Department of Health's Bureau of Environmental Radiation (BERP), which is the state’s lead agency for radiological emergency response. Fear of radiation is high, perhaps higher than with other hazardous materials. The first priority is to save lives: respond to and treat the injured first.

Principles of Radiological Response Initial population protective actions and monitoring activities should focus on preventing acute radiation health effects. Contamination with radioactive materials is not immediately life-threatening. Radiological decontamination recommendations differ from those for chemical agents.

Principles of Radiological Response Scalability and flexibility are an important part of the planning process. Law enforcement agencies will be involved in response to a radiological terrorism incident. First responders and local officials may not be aware initially that a radiation incident has occurred.

LHD Response Actions 1 - Liaison with NYSDOH Bureau of Environmental Radiation Protection (BERP) 2 - Ensure Provision of Health and Medical Services 3 - Contribute to Worker Health and Safety 4 - Ensure Emergency Shelters are Safe and Services are Accessible to Special Populations

LHD Response Actions 5 - Coordinate Biological/Environmental Sampling 6 - Ensure Environmental Health 7 - Conduct Population Monitoring 8 - Develop Health Messages

Supporting Appendices A - List of References Used in Plan Development B - Useful Websites C - Community Reception Center Procedure D - RAD-320: Radiological Emergencies (From NYSDOH Environmental Health Manual) E - Contact & Qualification Lists F - Resource Lists G - Glossary of Terms H - Public Communications I - Radiation Dose Records for County Workers and Volunteers J - Responder Protective Actions K - Public Protective Actions L - Checklists M - Medical Aspects of Radiological Incidents

Appendix C Most extensive Appendix is the CRC Procedure Based on CDC Model Very similar to CRC procedure used during Empire '09

ICS Management Structure for CRC

Issues Being Worked Template being developed without integration with a County-wide radiological response framework. Such a framework is to be developed by NYSOEM. Many reviewers do not have a common view of the scope of the document due to divergent viewpoints of the abilities, capabilities and responsibilities of the LHDs during a radiological emergency.

Questions or Feedback? Anthony R. DeAngelo, CHP Associate Radiological Health Specialist NYSDOH-BERP