Twinning Project “Training of water quality monitoring for State Sanitary Inspection” EU Proposal by the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) supported by Governmental Institute of Public Health Services of Lower Saxony (NLGA)
PL/06/IB/EN/01 2 Team Contact person in MS Mr Ekkehardt Lang GTZ, Twinning Office Berlin Mr Dr. Roland Suchenwirth Governmental Institute of Public Health Services of Lower Saxony Mr Dr. Michael Csicsaky Senate Department for Social Affairs, Family, Health an Consumer Protection of the City State Hamburg Ms Dr. Birgit Mendel German Federal Ministry of Health Project Support RTA PL
PL/06/IB/EN/01 3 Mr Dr. Roland Suchenwirth Head of Division “Environmental medicine, hygiene and epidemiology“ in the Governmental Institute of Public Health Services of Lower Saxony PL & RTA PL & RTA -Management and steering of project implementation -Ensuring the availability of competent advisory and training services by German experts and Laboratories Mr Dr. Hermann Neus Head of Divison “Health and Environement” in the Senate Department for Social Affairs, Familiy, Health an Consumer Protection of the City State Hamburg -Overall management of the project -Co-ordination and arrangement of training services and support -Providing expertise in various fields of water and public health, scientific evaluation and administration procedures
PL/06/IB/EN/01 4 Key Experts Key Experts Ms Dr Ingrid Chorus Head of department “Drinking- water Hygiene” at the Federal Environmental Agency in Berlin Mr Harmut Bartel Project scientist in the Section “Drinking Water Treatment” at the Federal Environmental Agency -Providing longstanding and broad experience in water issues -Assistance in preparation of plans and programmes of the trainings -Analysing the specific training needs of the Polish Partners -Providing trainings, presentations and expert input in workshops and discussions
PL/06/IB/EN/01 5 Key Experts Key Experts Mr Dr. Dietmar Petersohn Head of buisness unit laboratory services at the Berliner Wasserbetriebe (Berlin Water Supply) Mr Oliver Schmoll Project scientist in the Section “Drinking Water” at the Federal Environmental Agency -Providing longstanding and broad experience in water issues -Assistance in preparation of plans and programmes of the trainings -Analysing the specific training needs of the Polish Partners -Providing trainings, presentations and expert input in workshops and discussions
PL/06/IB/EN/01 6 Institutions Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin Division “Drinking water quality and food hygiene” (Ms Dr Birgit Mendel) Relevant fields of practice –Drinking water legislation in Germany –Networking with other ministries, Länder (States) and NGOs; European and international co-operation –Member of the “Standing Committee Art 12 European DWD” and “ENDWARE: network of European Drinking Water Regulators” –Vice Chair of Ad hoc-Group “Reporting Requirements and Formats DWD” –Chair of the “National Working Group on the EAS”
PL/06/IB/EN/01 7 Institutions Governmental Institute of Public Health Services of Lower Saxony Division “ Environmental medicine, hygiene and epidemiology ” (Mr Dr Roland Suchenwirth) Relevant fields of practice – Scientific institute for infectious diseases and environmental health – Laboratory & Training Institution in DW and BW-Affairs – EU-Reporting-Contact point – Lab´s accreditated EN ISO – National provider of proficiency testing in water-microbiology
PL/06/IB/EN/01 8 Institutions Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA), Berlin/Dessau (Ms Dr Ingrid Chorus, Mr Oliver Schmoll) Relevant fields of practice -Federal contact point for EU reporting -Drinking water quality management -Interface between science and policy development, in particular risk assessment – Contribution to WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality – Providing guidance for public authorities
PL/06/IB/EN/01 9 Institutions National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven (The Netherlands) (Ms Versteegh, Ms Dr Ana Maria de Roda Husman) Relevant fields of practice -Research and Knowledge Institute for environmental health, infectious diseases, nutrition and food safety (including drinking water) -Risk assessment, risk management and standard setting with respect to microbiological and chemical contaminations of drinking water -Contribution to WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality -Member of “Standing Committee Art 12 DWD” and “ENDWARE: network of European Drinking Water Regulators”
PL/06/IB/EN/01 10 Institutions German Technical and Scientific Association on Gas and Water (DVGW) (Mr Dr Petersohn) Relevant fields of practice -Technical standards and rules in terms of technology, safety and reliability of planning construction, operation and maintenance of water supply systems, their plants, equipment and products -Testing and certification, research and development, training and transfer of information and know- how
bardzo dziękuję!. EU
PL/06/IB/EN/01 12 Implementation of the „EU-Acquis“ DWD (98-83-EC) Water for human consumption Bottled drinking water MWD ( EC) BWD ( EEC)