PROVEN TOOLS, STRATEGIES, AND RESOURCES Denise Daniels Family Engagement Coordinator
PARTNERSHIP STRATEGIES FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FAMILIES School tours for families (ELL in particular) Grade-level learning packets Family visits Grade-level parent discussion groups Lending libraries Family interactive homework Parenting workshops Health and nutrition education for parents Student-led parent-teacher conferences Meetings with middle school staff and parents
PARTNERSHIP STRATEGIES FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL FAMILIES Family visits Family workshops to explain courses, electives, credits, graduation requirements, etc. Student-led, parent-teacher conferences Peer Tutors and Peer Mentor programs for students Family classes on puberty, raising teenagers, drug and alcohol prevention/intervention, depression/suicide prevention, etc. Social Media and Technology Workshops Support for incoming mid-year students Parent-student-counselor sessions for joint college admissions and career planning College and career fairs for families College tours for families FAFSA and other financial aid workshops for parents
ADDING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO SCHOOL EVENTS Back-to-school night - add a guided school building tour for bilingual families Family dinner - add parent involvement workshop Open house - add community resources fair Curriculum night - add cultural heritage fair potluck ESL class presentations - add understanding the school system workshop Parent-Teacher conference - add student study skills workshop (with interpretation for ELL families)
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES The National Network of Partnerships Schools - Johns Hopkins University - Click on TIPS (Teachers Involve Parents in Schools) Parent Toolkit - Family and Community Engagement Network Parent Engagement and Resources Pages- ASD National Education Association National Association for the Education of Young Children
BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS Beyond the Bake Sale- Henderson/Mapp School, Family, and Community Partnerships; Preparing Educators and Improving Schools- Epstein and Associates Schooling Students Placed at Risk: Research, Policy, and Practice in the Education of Poor and Minority Adolescents –Epstein and Associates Multicultural Partnerships Involve All Families- Hutchins/Greenfeld