VC MICO Report July 07Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 1 Main news  DAQ test bench running in Geneva 2 LDCs connected to 2 different PCs, 1 GDCs DAQ trigger.


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Presentation transcript:

VC MICO Report July 07Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 1 Main news  DAQ test bench running in Geneva 2 LDCs connected to 2 different PCs, 1 GDCs DAQ trigger distributed using MICE Trigger receiver (V977) Particle trigger given by scintillator signal discriminated by LS 4415 and using logic unit 4516 Network test with the Nortel T switch  Unpacking software progressing EventDump code exists based on DATE distribution but in C++ Decoding of TDC data is done  Shipping equipment to RAL A first batch has been sent today 1 PC + monitor, 2 VME Crates, 1 NIM Crate, 1 Network switch,1 VME-PCI interface and 1 Trigger receiver The rest will be transported by car 1 PC, 1 NIM crate, VME boards, NIM boards  Shaper design reviewed and production started in Sofia  Splitter design reviewed and production started in Geneva

First GDC has been delivered 8 hot swap 500 GB disks 2 hot swap PS 2 Ethernet cards 3 TB of space in RAID 6 SLC4 Linux and DATE installed Has to be tested for disk access time It’s also heavy and noisy…

VC MICO Report July 07Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 3 DAQ Workshop  July at RAL  Focus on Tracker readout control and data unpacking  There will be hands on training with DATE How to install, configure, run, etc  Everybody is busy and has little time to write the agenda … Apologies  If interested, register to mailing list or visit  If interested, register to mailing list mice-dcm or visit