Comprehensive Clinical And Policy Resource Guide To Assess Children's Needs Molly A. Hicks, M.P.A. Assistant Director Department of Federal Affairs American Academy of Pediatrics Washington, DC
Who We Are 57,000 members57,000 members Primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialistsPrimary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists Dedicated to the health, safety and well being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.Dedicated to the health, safety and well being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
Why We Are Involved Children are more vulnerable than adultsChildren are more vulnerable than adults Children have unique treatment needsChildren have unique treatment needs Children have unique mental health needsChildren have unique mental health needs Children require specialized care from health professionals trained to meet their unique needsChildren require specialized care from health professionals trained to meet their unique needs
What We Have Done Work on children, terrorism and disasters pre-dates events of September 11, 2001Work on children, terrorism and disasters pre-dates events of September 11, 2001 Produced policy statements, treatment guidelines, and family resourcesProduced policy statements, treatment guidelines, and family resources Sponsored continuing education and medical trainingSponsored continuing education and medical training
Task Force on Terrorism: Formation Established in October 2001Established in October 2001 Comprised of 12 pediatricians from around the countryComprised of 12 pediatricians from around the country Expertise in such areas as emergency medicine, environmental health, mental health and infectious diseasesExpertise in such areas as emergency medicine, environmental health, mental health and infectious diseases
Task Force on Terrorism: Goals Ensure that pediatricians and other providers have the information they need as fast as it becomes availableEnsure that pediatricians and other providers have the information they need as fast as it becomes available Ensure that children’s needs are considered in all planning effortsEnsure that children’s needs are considered in all planning efforts Ensure functioning linkages between the Academy and all appropriate Federal, State and local governments and private entitiesEnsure functioning linkages between the Academy and all appropriate Federal, State and local governments and private entities
Task Force on Terrorism: Resources Children, Terrorism & Disasters WebsiteChildren, Terrorism & Disasters Website Children, Terrorism & Disasters ToolkitChildren, Terrorism & Disasters Toolkit Pediatric Terrorism Preparedness ResourcePediatric Terrorism Preparedness Resource Addressing Mental Health Needs ResourceAddressing Mental Health Needs Resource AAP MembershipAAP Membership
Children, Terrorism & Disasters Website What’s New Academy Resources Federal Resources Medical Journal & Reports Parents, Teachers & Community Planners Featured Links
Children, Terrorism & Disasters Toolkit Pediatricians Family Physicians Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Federal and State Officials Professional Organizations Advocacy Groups
Pediatric Terrorism Preparedness Resource Comprehensive clinical and policy reference concerning the needs of children following a terrorist attack or other disasterComprehensive clinical and policy reference concerning the needs of children following a terrorist attack or other disaster Improve the ability of all health care professionals to undertake pediatric preparation and planning activities for hospitals, schools, emergency medical systems and communitiesImprove the ability of all health care professionals to undertake pediatric preparation and planning activities for hospitals, schools, emergency medical systems and communities
Pediatric Terrorism Preparedness Resource Equipment listsEquipment lists Medication dosagesMedication dosages Treatment protocolsTreatment protocols Educational materialEducational material Training packagesTraining packages IllustrationsIllustrations Resource linksResource links How children are different Systems management Biological terrorism Chemical terrorism Radiologic terrorism Blast terrorism Mental health Integrating resource into practice
Addressing Mental Health Needs Resource Comprehensive mental health resource for providers who are seeing children affected by the tragedy of 9/11 and other trauma-related situationsComprehensive mental health resource for providers who are seeing children affected by the tragedy of 9/11 and other trauma-related situations Inform providers working with children and families about crisis-related mental health problemsInform providers working with children and families about crisis-related mental health problems Demonstrate the use of tools for screening these mental health problems through a case study approachDemonstrate the use of tools for screening these mental health problems through a case study approach Describe treatment options and where to refer patients for mental health servicesDescribe treatment options and where to refer patients for mental health services Address issues such as parental reassurance and bereavement supportAddress issues such as parental reassurance and bereavement support
American Academy of Pediatrics For More Information Children, Terrorism & Disasters Website Terrorism & Disasters Website Contact the Task Force on Terrorism the Task Force on Terrorism Contact Academy Staff Molly Hicks, M.P.A. Assistant Director Dept. of Federal Affairs Academy Staff Molly Hicks, M.P.A. Assistant Director Dept. of Federal Affairs