Looking Professional Online
Privacy Measures Facebook allows users to filter visible content Create a second profile for professional use Make personal profile private Not visible on search Block potentially embarrassing photos from everyone but close friends If applying for competitive position or in the public eye, permanently delete content you wouldn’t want on the front page of the newspaper
Employers Are Watching Be aware that potential employers, clients, and even members of the media may be checking out your online profiles Don’t: Post pictures of illegal acts Intoxication Slurs or profanity Insults against your employer or coworkers Present yourself at your best, at all times
The football prospect receives a friend request from a beautiful lady The twist? These women don’t actually exist, at least not in the way that some unsuspecting NFL prospects are led to believe. Teams used fake accounts to vet potential draftees Inappropriate pictures could harm the team and player’s reputation Employers Are Watching
for Business Businesses connect with customers through Fan Pages Communicate to an unlimited number of customers Regular profiles limit set at 5,000 Friends Post photos, videos, and text updates Discussion Board feature
Scams and Phishing Attacks Be cautious about sharing personal information such as address or telephone number. Phishing – when scammers “fish” for personal account information. Fake accounts to help spread false information Accounts cannot be hacked just by adding a friend Must download a file from such as a video link
140 Characters RT: reTweet, to forward someone’s message to your network DM: a direct message, a private tweet to a follower, sent using symbol Hashtag: the # symbol is used to designate the topic or theme of a message, which makes messages easier to search follow this conference using #rivconference Once you’ve exhausted your personal and professional contacts, where do you go from there? Follow those in your interest categories
Lawsuit Amanda Bonnen sent tweet to a friend Horizon Reality- $50,000 lawsuit –Defamation “Tweet was wholly false” and “Greatly injured in its reputation as a landlord in Chicago” Horizon Owner, Jeffrey Michael- "We're a sue first, ask questions later kind of an organization"
Professional networking atmosphere and tool Users can post resume or other information Search for jobs through the search engine Develop extensive list of “connections” Degrees of connections Become introduced to others through 1 st degree connections Connections can write recommendations
Conclusions If you don’t want a potential employer to see something, don’t put it online Read term and conditions carefully Privacy controls are your best friend Use common sense