Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts LIAM2* A sneak preview... *Life-cycle Income Analysis Model Gijs Dekkers Federal Planning Bureau and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Sides made by Gaëtan de Menten Paper presented at the Paper to be presented at the « Tresury Brown Bag Lunch Meeting », Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze, Rome, February 14 th, 2011
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts LIAM 2: the foundations LIAM by Cathal O’Donoghue Used in AIM-project, developing MIDAS for Belgium, Italy and Germany. Updating, extending and considerable problem solving by Geert Bryon (FPB) PROGRESS-MiDaL project (Grant VS/2009/0569) FPP (Be): development, application and testing Gaëtan de Menten: development Geert Bryon: application and testing Gijs Dekkers: management, data and a bit application CEPS/INSTEAD (Lux): testing IGSS (Lux): investment, testing Cathal O’Donoghue (Teacasc, Ire), Howard Redway (minstry of work and pensions, uk): comments and conceptual assistance
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Overview of this sneak preview Current features Current performance Demonstration TODO(?)
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Input Simulation: a text file Alignment: CSV files Initial field data: an hdf5 file Output hdf5 file Converters Old data format (Tab-separated text files) hdf5
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts constants per_period: PARAMETER-NAME: float entities entity-name1 (e.g. Household): fields links processes entity-name2 (e.g. Person): fields links processes simulation: init: processes: entity: [list of processes, separated by commas] input: path: “path name” file: “file name.h5” output: path: “path name” file: “file name.h5” start_period: periods: The setup of a mode l
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Language Python High level, concise, readable, easy interface with C Lots of 3 rd party libraries (especially scientific tools) But uses some efficient (open source) libraries written mostly in C Numpy Numexpr PyTables
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Can declare “fields” with a type float, int, bool Evaluate simple expressions Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, **, % 0.51 * age * age ** 2 – * age ** 3 Comparison operators: =, > age < 20 Boolean operators: and, or, not not male and (age >= 15) and (age = 15) and (age <= 50) Conditional expressions: if(condition, iftrue, iffalse) if(age < 65, earnings, pension)
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Store fields for each period (if the field is declared) age: “age + 1” as temporaries (the value is lost after each period) ischild: “age < 18” Macros (re-evaluated wherever they appears) ISCHILD: “age < 18” difference with temporaries: ischild: "age < 18" before1: “if(ischild, 1, 2)" before2: “if(ISCHILD, 1, 2)“ # before1 == before2 age: "age + 1" after1: "if(ischild, 1, 2)" after2: "if(ISCHILD, 1, 2)“ # after1 != after2 !! # after1 == before 1
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Functions Per individual abs, log, exp clip 0.25 * clip(age ** 3, 0, ) round round(age / 10.0, 2) min/max min(age, 99) max(pension, benefit)
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Functions Aggregate functions grpcount, grpsum, grpavg, grpstd, grpmax, grpmin abs(age - grpavg(age)) Normal: random numbers with a normal distribution normal(loc=0.0, scale=grpstd(errsal)) Some functions accept a filter argument abs(age - grpavg(age, filter=male), filter=not male) filter=not male)
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features lag/value_for_period Only simple expressions and explicitly saved aggregates for now value_for_period(inwork and not male, 2002) lag(sum_twr) matching: match two sets of individuals (aka Marriage market) matches individuals from set 1 with individuals from set 2 follow a particular order (given by an expression) for each individual in set 1, computes the score of all (unmatched) individuals in set 2 and take the best scoring one matching(set1filter=to_marry and not male, set2filter=to_marry and male, set2filter=to_marry and male, orderby=difficult_match) orderby=difficult_match)
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Many-to-one links partner.age grpavg(partner.age – age) partner.father.age partner.get(earnings + benefits)
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features One-to-many links countlink(link, filter) countlink(persons) countlink(children, age < 18) sumlink(link, expr, filter) sumlink(persons, earnings, age >= 18) avglink(link, expr, filter) avglink(children, age, not male) minlink/maxlink(link, expr, filter) minlink(children, age, not male)
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Regressions Logit logit_regr(expr, filter, align) Continuous (expr + normal(0, 1) * mult + error) cont_regr(expr, filter, align, mult, error_var) Clipped continuous (always positive) clip_regr(expr, filter, align, mult, error_var) Log continuous (exponential of continuous) log_regr(expr, filter, align, mult, error_var) Alignment Fixed percentage or 2 dimensional table in a csv file
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features Lifecycle functions new: create new individuals new('person', filter=to_give_birth) remove: remove individuals from the dataset remove(dead) remove(nb_persons == 0) Miscellaneous functions show: print anything to the console show(grpcount(age >= 18)) show(grpcount(not dead), grpavg(age, filter=not dead))
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current features (9/10) Miscellaneous functions dump: produce a table with the expressions given as argument show(dump(age, age / 10, filter=id < 20)) groupby (aka “pivot table”): group individuals by their value for the given expressions, and optionally compute an expression for each group show(groupby((age / 10, gender))) show(groupby((agegroup, gender, inwork), grpcount())) show(groupby(agegroup, grpavg(income))) show(groupby((inwork, gender), id, filter=age < 10) csv: write a table to a csv file csv(dump(age, age / 10, gender), suffix=‘age’) Show: interactive assessment of results: command line
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current Performance For a simple model: birth (using alignment data from MIDAS) chronic ill (using a fixed percentage alignment) marriage market earnings (using macro alignment) Or at least what I think macro alignment is... death (using alignment data from MIDAS)
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Current Performance 10,000 persons, 20 periods 2,65s (on a Dell latitude laptop computer) 100,000 persons, 20 periods 29s 1,000,000 persons, 20 periods 16 minutes 31s, of which approx. 83% is spent in the marriage market ~180Mb RAM 897Mb output file could be compressed if needed For a complete model with 100,000 persons probably under 10min
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Demonstration
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts TODO Automated tests (aka “unit tests”) Documentation User manual Code Speed optimizations Clean-up the code
Federal Planning Bureau Economic analyses and forecasts Questions or comments?