Campbell County Middle School School counselors are part of the educational community focusing on academic achievement by helping students develop the academic, social, and self management skills they need to succeed. School counselors can support teachers in their instructional efforts to help students achieve academic outcomes in line with their potential.
What is SSS? Student Success Skills is an Evidence-Based Curriculum that focuses on developing key skills in an environment of caring, support, and encouragement that increases student confidence and effort, contributing to success. Student Success Skills focuses on three key skill sets: I. Learning Skills II. Social Skills III. Self-Management Skills
All five reviews found a similar set of skills contributing to academic success and are the foundation for the Student Success Skills Program. These include: Cognitive and meta-cognitive skills such as goal setting, progress monitoring, and memory skills; Social skills such as interpersonal skills, social problem solving, listening, and team-work skills; Self management skills such as managing attention, motivation, and anger. All three skill sets work in concert and each requires systematic teaching. All three reviews found a similar set of skills contributing to academic success: Cognitive and metacognitive skills such as goal setting, progress monitoring, and memory skills; Social skills such as interpersonal skills, social problem solving, listening, and team-work skills; Self management skills such as managing attention, motivation, and anger. All three skills work in concert and each requires systematic teaching.
What is SSS? The Student Success Skills approach is based on five key skill building areas. 1. Goal setting and progress monitoring 2. Creating a caring, supportive and encouraging classroom 3. Memory skills 4. Performing under pressure: Managing test anxiety 5. Story structure and positive student story telling
CCMS Data Review Student Success Skills can help meet our school goals based on the CSIP as well as the School Report Card and student’s needs based on Needs Assessment results Based on our CCMS Report Card, as a school we need to focus on: Male and Female-i.e. look at behavior occurrences 6th Grade: 42 Male, 4 Female 7th Grade: 35 Male, 6 Female 8th Grade: 26 Male, 15 Female Free and Reduced-all content areas and all grade levels, students were half of building-wide proficiency rate Special Education Services-significant discrepancy rates for proficiency by grades
CCMS Data Review Based on our CSIP Goals, as a school we need to focus on: Increasing the average combined reading and math KPREP scores for middle school students from 53.6% to 76.8% in 2017 Positive Behavior interventions and supports will be utilized effectively and consistently by all staff members Based on Needs Assessment Results: 6th Grade: After School Clubs-Activity, Counseling Groups-Friendship Skills, Career Exploration 7th Grade: After School Clubs-Activity, Counseling Groups-Study/Organizational Skills, Career Exploration 8th Grade: After School Clubs-activity, Counseling Groups-Career Exploration
SSS Research Wang, et al. (1994) Reviewed 50 years of research on “What helps students learn” Hattie, Biggs & Purdie (1996) Reviewed 10 years of research on “The effects of learning skills interventions on student learning” Masten & Coatsworth (1998) Reviewed 25 years of research and identified “The most critical factors associated with academic and social competence” Marzano, et al. (2001) Reviewed 10 years of research on “Classroom instruction and summarized research-based strategies for increasing student achievement” Zins, et al. (2004) Reviewed 10 years of research on “The relationship of social and emotional learning to academic success”
SSS Research Findings There has been great research conducted to show effectiveness of SSS and how it can help us meet our goals at CCMS. Five studies have been conducted with: 52 School Counselors 40 schools across two counties Over 1,400 students Included grades 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 Consistent findings: Compared to students who did not use SSS, students who were taught SSS strategies showed: Gains in math equivalent to one year of additional learning Gains in reading equivalent to ½ year of additional learning Overtime there was a decrease in student behavior referrals
Student Success Skills at CCMS Implementation- RtI Framework Model Tier One: five 45 minute classroom lessons spaced one week apart at the beginning of the school year Tier Two: eight 45 minute small group counseling sessions overlapping and supporting classroom guidance Tier Three: individual counseling as needed for identified students
Student Success Skills at CCMS SSS Guidance Lessons started in January (5 weekly sessions): Harris-Study Skills Kennedy-Study Skills Ratliff-Study Skills Martinez-Study Skills Booster lessons are going on right now to help students prepare for upcoming state testing.
Student Success Skills at CCMS Average MAP Reading RIT Growth Student Success Skills Special Education All excluding Special Education MAP Reading Fall to Winter 1.78 2.25 1.55 MAP Reading Winter to Spring 2.18 1.15 1.71 Data from Katrina Hacker, NKU School Counseling intern
Student Success Skills at CCMS Average MAP Math RIT Growth Student Success Skills Special Education All excluding Special Education MAP Math Fall to Winter 3.7 4.0 3.53 MAP Math Winter to Spring 1.78 -0.38 1.09 Data from Katrina Hacker, NKU School Counseling intern
Student Success Skills at CCMS Grant funding for all students to receive Tier One and Tier Two SSS intervention. Grant funding for posters and materials for classrooms to reinforce SSS language. Counselors will begin leading Small Group Counseling in Fall Parent Component will be delivered in Fall by coordinating with our YSC Tier I Classroom Guidance will be implemented through CLC time