FY Preliminary AssessmentQuick Wins by 2015 National Sector Strategy ● Need the mid- to long-term Power M/P based on demand forecast and energy supply plan ● Need to establish institutional structure and tariff system in line with the country’s context ● Finalize and implement Master Plan and related energy policies ● Formulate roadmap for phased power sector reform Generation (Gas) (Others) ● Need increase in generation capacity of existing plants and construction of highly efficient new plants under gas supply constraint ● Huge financial risk as a result of private sector IPP without proper consideration to overall plan/feasibility and fiscal sustainability ● Rehabilitation of existing gas fired plants in the short term – initiate construction of highly efficient new plants for the future ● Clarify the roles of public and private, process and criteria for selection of private participants ● Uncertainty of coal fuel supply ● Maximization of hydro power potential can be explored – but with careful consideration to environmental and social impacts ● Rehabilitation of hydro power plants, including partial completion of Baluchaung No.2 hydro rehabilitation project Trans- mission ● Efficient and low loss transmission is crucial to transmit electricity mostly generated in North to largest demand in South –. Also, need stable and reliable operation system to cope with expanding demand/supply of electricity ● Start operation of high voltage transmission line (500kV) ● Strengthen capacity to operate transmission network Distri- bution ● 20% distribution loss in Yangon and urban areas – need to renovate old facilities immediately ● Rural areas need grid extension to increase rate of electrification ● Start improvement of Yangon area distribution network ● Expand grid extension to rural areas through Japanese ODA loan project (Phase I) Rural Electrifi- cation (mainly off-grid) ● Off-grid generation needed in remote, mountainous areas where grid extension is not cost-effective – must be associated with policy and institutional framework to promote rural electrification ● Urgent implementation of pilot projects of rural micro/small hydro ● Formulate policy and implementing institution for rural electrification JICA’s Indicative Plan to Support Electric Power Sector Advisor F/S National Transmission Network Urgent Rehab & Upgrade (I) * New Thermal Power Plant Advisor (tentative) Rehabilitation of Yangon Distribution Regional Development Project for Poverty Reduction (I) F/S Micro/Small Hydro Related T/A M/P F/S Thilawa SEZ Development (I) Baluchaung No.2 Rehabilitation Training, etc. ( * ) Renovation of power station expected to be completed in early 2016, whereas renovation of transmission system in early Rural Electrification (tentative) F/S Renewables Study (tentative) F/S Urgent Rehab & Upgrade (II) (II) ■Financial Assistance, etc. ■Technical Assistance, etc. T/A Projects Advisors Master Plans, Trainings, etc. Grant Aid Concessional Loan Preparatory Survey Electric Power SWG, Training, etc.