AAC/XR Industry Day 2008 Brief Capabilities Integration Directorate AAC/XR Industry Day 2008 Brief Dr. John Corley, Director, AAC/XR Capabilities Integration Directorate 850-883-5905 DSN 875-5905 john.corley@eglin.af.mil DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Capabilities Integration Directorate ABW/PA #02-13-08-070
Outline Mission/Vision AAC Organization Overview XR Processes Key Initiatives Look Ahead 2
Our Mission/Vision Mission: Vision: Deliver superior Armament Enterprise support through preeminent Capabilities Development, Technology Transition, Enterprise Management, and Intelligence Integration for creating war-winning expeditionary capabilities Vision: Creating War-Winning Expeditionary Capabilities Armament Program - Birthing Organization ….For Creating War-Winning expeditionary capabilities 3
AAC Organization Air Armament Center - AAC Maj Gen Eidsaune Deputy For Acquisition Ms Stokley Deputy For Support Brig Gen Wilson Center Staff 96th Air Base Wing 46th Test Wing 53d Wing (ACC OT) 33d Fighter Wing (ACC) XR Dr Corley EN 308th Armament Systems Wing Dr Simpson 46th Maint. Group (MXG) 46th Operations Group (OG) XP PK AF Seek Eagle Office (SK) 46th Test Group (TG-Holloman) SE PA Technical Directorate (TS) Plans Office (XP) JA FM DP IG
AAC/XR Org Structure As of: 11 Feb 08 Director: Dr Corley Exec: Capt Taylor Admin: Ms Mathis Security: Mr Bashara Business Operations: Ms Morales Tech Director: Mr Estep Deputy Director: Lt Col Evans Intel Capability Development Acquisition Intel (A2) Acting Chief: Lt Col Hambleton Deputy: Mr Schroeder Capability Development (A5) Chief: Mr Barrett Tech Lead: Mr Irons Deputy: Mr Nelson Cross Enterprise Directed Energy HDBT Adv Concepts
Acquisition Process: XR Role Dual Role- BOTH Acquisition & Integrated Staff AAC EXAMPLE: Program Initiation A B C IOC FOC SD&D Production & Deployment Operations & Support Requirement Generation Concept Refinement Technology Development Overlap Overlap Pre-Systems Acquisition System Acq Sustainment AAC/XR : Initial Program Cadres Quick Reaction Pgms Helps Guide AFRL Investment ALCs
Developmental Planning AOR JCIDS I-CRRA Support Pre-Milestone A Guide Investment Decisions Pre-Milestone B Launch High Confidence Programs Concept Development Program Development Tech Transition Analysis
Capability/Requirement Awareness AAC/XR Reviews: Annual Planning and Programming Guidance Bi-Annual CRRA report(s) COCOM Integrated Priority Lists Air Force CONOPs & Scenarios JCIDS documents Quadrennial Defense Review AAC/XR Maintains: Dialogue with MAJCOMs/COCOMs Awareness of Emerging Threats
Technology Awareness Interchanges with the S&T Community Technical Conferences, Symposia, Workshops Industry Dialogue (IRAD reviews, Site Visits, RFIs) Media (Publications, Journals, Broadcasts, Internet) Insensitive Munitions Strategic Plan Small Business Innovative Research Support PEO/TEO Reviews Support Hunter-Gatherer Process Research Programs (Industry, Laboratory) “linked” to XR/308th Capability Needs Provides Better Alignment of R&D to Documented Capability Needs Monitor Industrial Base Assessment If possible, provide an overview of the Hunter-Gatherer outcomes. Talk about how we work the IM strat plan
Concept Development Maintain munitions database Annual Weapons File Existing Weapons Spiral Developments Emerging technologies/concepts Annual Weapons File Participate In/Support MAJCOM AoAs Advisors to MAJCOMs/COCOMs/Air Staff Advisors to Industry Sponsor Trade Studies Explain how our interaction with the MAJCOMs and HAF works – i.e. ACC and HAF get marketed on a weapon concept by Industry. They contact us to explore that concept and provide them feedback.
Analysis Modeling and Simulation of New Concepts Identify Potential “Game Changers” Identify/Develop/Maintain Tools for Quick Analysis: Effects => Capability => Attribute Real time/Reactive/Rigorous Optimize Across the Entire Kill Chain FSA & AoA Support
Program Development at AAC Support Potential New Start POM Builds Develop JCTD Candidate Submissions Mature Promising Concepts Risk Reduction System of Systems Definition Prototype Development Environmental Characterization
USD(AT&L) Policy Letter, 19 Sep 07 Prototyping and Competition “…all acquisition strategies requiring USD(AT&L) approval must be formulated to include competitive, technically mature prototyping through MS B.” “The Department needs to discover issues before the costly System Design and Development (SDD) phase. During SDD, large teams should be producing detailed manufacturing designs—not solving myriad technical issues.” “Lessons of the past, and the recommendations of multiple reviews, including the Packard Commission report, emphasize the need for, and benefits of, quality prototyping.”
AAC Integrated Assessment Tools Technology Readiness Assessment Cost Sufficiency Review Systems Engineering Assessment Sufficiency Review Probability of Program Success (PoPS) Logistics Health Assessment (LHA) Manufacturing Readiness Assessment
Program Development Process Form an IPT (members as applicable) Program Management, Cost analyst/cost engineer, ACE, Warfighter, Developmental Test, Systems Engineering, Research Lab, AFOTEC, SEEK EAGLE, US Army/US Navy, Subject matter experts (SMEs) Define the Concept/Determine requirements Technology Readiness Assessment Manufacturing Readiness Assessment Logistics Health Assessment Draft Acquisition Strategy Develop the Test/Test Asset Matrix Develop the Program Acquisition Schedule Risk Assessment Systems Engineering Assessment (SEA) Probability of Program Success (PoPS) Assessment Develop Cost Estimate Cost Sufficiency Review Sufficiency Review This is the Process that XR uses to develop a Program. The Green entries highlight how the AAC Integrated Assessment tools are an integral part of our developing a program
Key Initiatives Eglin Steel Producibility Enhancement (ESPE) Advanced Penetrators Active Denial System (ADS) Counter-Electronics High Power Microwave (CE-HPM) BRU-69/A Multi-Purpose Bomb Rack (MPBR) Foot stomp how fit and follow the processes that have been covered in laying out the following programs (… Center SEP, TRA, MRA, etc)
Eglin Steel Producibility Enhancement Overview 5000 lb Penetrator Gravity dropped Fulfills existing BLU-122 requirement Strategy Conduct 2 year Manufacturing Readiness Maturity Project, FY08-09 AAC-AFRL Team Contracts to 2-3 Steel Vendors/Teams Refine/Document the Eglin Steel Producibility Enhancement Manufacturing Process Resolve Eglin Steel Producibility issue in BLU-122 wall-thickness SDD, FY10 POM Submission Full/Open Competition Demonstrate Refined Process Modify/Test Tailkit Software to add SAASM Summary Information Restart the BLU-122 Correct Production issues FY10 POM submission is part 2 of a 2 part AQ strategy Part 1 – Award contracts to 2 Steel producing teams/vendors Team with AFRL/MN and MANTECH to document BLU-122/Eglin Steel manufacturing process, determine areas of process causing inconsistent steel properties, amend process, repeat 3 times (Picatinny to SAIC: Defense Ordnance Technology Consortium—Subcontracts to 2-3 Steel Houses) Part 2 – BLU-122 SDD restart in FY10 POM
Advanced Penetrators Overview Strategy 1000-2000 lb Penetrator Gravity dropped and/or Boosted Penetrator Capability for Next Generation Fighter Strategy Leverage AFRL & Industry Concepts Risk Reduction/Analysis Potential Program Paths JCTD – FY10 QRC-type Capability – FY10 TD/SDD - FY12 POM Submission HDBT Study conducted 2006-2007 highlighted boosted penetrators as a high interest concept.
Active Denial System (ADS) Overview Repels Adversary Without Causing Injury RF Energy Source Small Arms Range ++ Improved Force Protection Strategy Bridge Effort, FY08-09 FY10 POM Submission Future Spirals
Counter Electronics HPM (CE-HPM) Overview Packaged in inventory munitions mold line (goal) Weapon services multiple targets Established effectiveness in realistic scenarios Selective target engagement Strategy Industry Technology Assessment, FY08 Potential JCTD submission FY12 POM Submission
BRU-69/A Multi-Purpose Bomb Rack (MPBR) Overview Becomes standard multi-purpose rack Compatible w/smart weapons Non-pyrotechnic stores Aircraft – F/A-18 A/B/C/D, F-18 E/F, F-16 (Threshold); F-35 A/B/C, E/A-18G, UAS, A-10 (Objective) BRU-55/57 ICD and UAI Compliant Mil-Std 1760 Class 1 and JMMI Interface Strategy Navy is lead service Navy awards contract by Fall 2008 AF “piggy-backs” on effort in FY09 AF aircraft integration: Form, Fit, Function
Look Ahead Hypersonics Directed Energy Alternate Guidance Systems Airborne Solid State Laser High Power Microwave Alternate Guidance Systems Alternate Delivery Methods Persistence Variable/Controllable Effects
The Foundation For War Winning Capabilities Capabilities Integration Directorate XR Leads The Way! The Foundation For War Winning Capabilities . . . On Time, On Cost Capabilities Integration Directorate ABW/PA #02-13-08-070