Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Reorganisation Mr Paul Simpson Deputy Secretary DHSSPS
HPSS REORGANISATION Need for Change RPA Consultation Responses Summary of proposals New HSS Agencies Regional Services Public Engagement Implementation
Present structures set up for internal market Public and political support for change Commitment to change from the HPSS Need for Change
RPA CONSULTATION Seven guiding principles for HPSS change Should support hospital modernisation HPSS should remain integrated Strong coordination needed across the public sector and particularly at local level Primary care should have a central role New structures must be efficient & effective Clear lines needed on accountability Commissioning & delivery need not be separated organisationally
RESPONSES TO RPA CONSULTATION 38 HSS bodies and individuals from 180 overall Good degree of consensus Guiding principles accepted Reduction in number of bodies Continued integration of health and social services Combined commissioning and delivery Combined hospital and community care Local Gov role in service planning Co-terminosity with Local Gov desirable
SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS Combined commissioning and delivery role 5 to 8 new HSS Agencies to replace current 4 Boards and 18 Trusts Non-statutory Regional Forum Reduction of HPSS Regional Service bodies NI regional body to replace four HSS Councils Overall reduction from 33 to 9-11 bodies At least £11m savings
NEW HSS AGENCIES Balance to be struck on optimum size for commissioning and for delivery Compromise around 5-8 bodies HPSS favour 5-6 bodies based on hospital catchments A number of models for composition of Agency Board with District Council nominees Position fluid on internal management structures
REGIONAL SERVICES Two options One super Agency Selective reduction One super agency Potentially greater savings Governance issues Selective reduction Continued separate existence? Central Services Agency Health Promotion Agency Ambulance Service (with changed status) Blood Transfusion Agency Merge into other bodies? Medical Physics Agency Guardian Ad Litem Agency
PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT New HSS Agencies to be proactive in engaging public Developing plans Delivering services Handling complaints NI regional body to replace 4 HSS Councils
IMPLEMENTATION Primary legislation needed 1 April 2007 tentative date for handover New Agencies in shadow form at least six months before go-live date High level HR Steering Group HR principles to be agreed with TUs