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Presentation transcript:


INTRODUCTION A/P mgt are handed the responsibility of strategically planning for a coordinated system of A/Ps to meet the future needs of the traveling public A/P planning may be defined as the employment of an organized strategy for the future management of airport operations, facilities designs, airfield configurations, financial allocations and revenues, environmental impacts, and organizational structures

Environmental Planning Organizational Planning AIRPORT PLANNING Six types of airport planning studies Facilities Planning Financial Planning Economic Planning Environmental Planning Organizational Planning Strategic planning

AIRPORT PLANNING FACILITIES PLANNING FINANCIAL PLANNING Facilities planning which focuses on future needs for A/F infrastructure such as R/Ws, T/Ws, A/C parking facilities, associated lighting, comm & nav systems, terminal buildings/ facilities, parking lots, ground access infrastructure, & support facilities, and non-aeronautical land uses (office parks, hotels, restaurants, or rental car locations) FINANCIAL PLANNING Financial planning, which is concerned with predicting future revenues and expenses, budgeting resources, and planning for financial assistance through grant programs, bond issues, or private investment Economic planning, which considers the future of economic activity, such as trade & commerce, & activity of industries that exist on A/P & off-A/P property and are either a direct or indirect result of A/P ops ECONOMIC PLANNING

ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING AIRPORT PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Environmental planning, which concentrates on maintaining or improving existing environmental conditions in the face of changes in future airport activity. Environmental planning includes land use planning, noise mitigation, wetland reclamation, and wildlife preservation ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING Organizational planning, which involve the management of future labour requirements and organizational structures for the A/P admin, staff, & associated labor force It encompasses all other planning activities into a coordinated effort to maximize the future potential of the A/P to the community STRATEGIC PLANNING


DEFINING THE PLANNING HORIZON - Planning of A/P ops, is defined by the length of time into the future mgt considers its planning. This length of time into the future is called planning horizon - Different planning efforts require different PHs. For example, the organizational planning of staffing levels per shift for A/P ops may require a 3-month PH, but certainly not 20-yr PH. On the other hand, facilities planning of an A/F (runway construction) requires at least a 5-year PH, and certainly not a PH of less than 1 yr - Various types of A/P planning studies may be performed on a variety of different levels. Three such levels of planning include SYSTEM PLANNING MASTER PLANNING PROJECT PLANNING

AIRPORT SYSTEM PLANNING Airport system planning is a planning effort that considers a collection of airports on a local/state/regional, or national level, expected to complement each other as part of a coordinated air transportation system Through A/P system planning, the objectives of individual A/Ps are set in accordance with the needs of the community by setting the mission of each A/P to serve certain segments of the demand for aviation, such as targeting one A/P in a region to handle international commercial air travelers and another A/P to handle primarily smaller general aviation A/C ops

AIRPORT MASTER PLAN A/P master plan is a document that charts the proposed evolution of the A/P to meet future needs At large comm service A/Ps, master planning is a formal & complex process that coordinate large construction projects which is carried out over a period of 20 years At Smaller A/P, master planning might be the responsibility of a few staff members with other responsibilities, who depend on outside consultants for expertise and support At very small A/Ps, where capital improvements are minimal, the master plan might be a very simple document, prepared locally with the help of consultants  

OBJECTIVES OF THE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN • Provide an effective graphic presentation of the ultimate development of A/P & of anticipated land uses adjacent to the A/P • Establish a schedule of priorities & phasing for the various improvements proposed in the plan • Present pertinent backup info & data essential to the development of the master plan • Describe the various concepts and alternatives which were considered in the proposed plan • Provide a concise & descriptive report so that the impact and logic of its recommendations can be clearly understood



AIRPORT MASTER PLANING INVENTORY First step is the collection of all types of data pertaining to area that the A/P is to serve This includes an inventory of existing A/P facilities, area planning efforts that might affect the master plan and historical information related to their development This will provide background info for the master plan report It will also provide basic information for the development of forecasts and facility requirements  

INVENTORY HISTORICAL REVIEW OF AIRPORTS AND FACILITIES AIRSPACE STRUCTURE & NAVAIDS AIRPORT-RELATED LAND USE AERONAUTICAL ACTIVITY SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS Demography Disposable Personal Income per Capita Economic Activity and Status of Industries Geographic Factors Competitive Position Political Factors Community Values Airport Layout Plan


FORECASTING A/P master plans are developed on the basis of forecasts From forecasts, the relationships between demand and the capacity of an A/P’s various facilities can be established and A/P requirements can be determined Short, intermediate, & long-range (approx 5, 10, & 20-yr) forecasts are made to enable the planner to establish a schedule of development for improvements proposed in the master plan Two types of forecasting methods are available to assist planners in the decision- making process: qualitative and quantitative

FORECASTS OF AVIATION DEMAND Forecasts of aviation demand form the basis for facilities planning There is a need to know the Types of civil airport users Certificated air carriers Commuters General aviation Military services where applicable Types and volume of operational activity A/C ops Passengers and cargo Based A/C Jet and large-capacity prop transport A/C Smaller commercial, corporate, business, and pleasure A/C Future vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) A/C

ACTIVITY FORCASTE By performing a comprehensive forecast of the above measures of airport activity, using both quantitative and qualitative methods, the airport planner has the ability to incorporate into the master plan airport facilities that will accommodate forecast activity


FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS Study of the demand/capacity relationship involves an estimation of the need to expand facilities and the cost of these improvements This type of analysis is done in consultation with the airlines & general aviation community The analysis is applied to A/C ops versus A/F improvements, passenger enplanements versus terminal building improvements, cargo tonnage versus cargo facility development, A/P access traffic versus access roads and rapid transit facilities Airspace in the vicinity of the master plan airport is also analyzed

DEMAND CAPACITY ANALYSIS Demand/capacity analysis is normally applied to short, intermediate, and long-range developments (approx 5, 10, and 20 yrs) Analysis is only an approximation of facility requirements, their costs, and savings that will result from reduced delays to A/P users as well as anticipated revenues obtained from proposed improvements Preliminary estimates of economic feasibility may also be obtained These approximations will provide a basis for developing the details of the A/P master plan and for determining the feasibility of improvements considered in the plan

DEMAND CAPACITY ANALYSIS DEMAND/CAPACITY ANALYSIS Demand/capacity analysis yields the approximate number & configuration of R/Ws, number of gates, square footage of terminal buildings, cargo facilities, number of public and employee parking spaces, types of airport access roads, and the overall land area required for the airport From the mix of aircraft and the number of aircraft operations, general requirements for length, strength, and number of runways; spacing of taxiways; layout and spacing of gates; and apron area requirements can be determined


DESIGN ALTERNATIVES When planning for an A/P’s future, A/P planners develop a series of design alternatives to accommodate forecast levels of demand These design alternatives are then brought to A/P mgt, local govt, surrounding community, federal govt. to reach a consensus on recommended design alternative Design alternatives for airports may include: Selection of an A/P on a new yet undeveloped site Plans for design & operation of the A/F and local airspace Plans for design & operation of terminal & ground access sys

DESIGN ALTERNATIVES - One of the design alternatives for the future of an A/P may be to design a new A/P on an open, or greenfield, site - In this case, the first step in this process is that of proper site selection - The major factors that require careful analysis in the final evaluation of airport sites include RUNWAY ORIENTATION AND WIND ANALYSIS AIRSPACE ANALYSIS SURROUNDING OBSTRUCTIONS AVAILABILITY FOR EXPANSION NOISE IMPACTS COST COMPARISONS OF ALTERNATIVE SITES METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS AVAILABILITY OF UTILITIES


FINANCIAL PLANS Financial plan is an economic evaluation of the entire plan of development It looks at the master plan activity forecasts from the point of view of revenues and expenditures, analyzing the airport’s balance sheet over the planning period to ensure that A/P sponsor can afford to proceed An activity in this phase is the consideration of funding sources and financing methods for the proposed development Questions to be addressed include which portions will be funded through federal grants-in-aid; the size and timing of bond issues; and the revenue from concessionaire rents, parking fees, landing fees etc


ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING For every proposed project, an Environmental Impact Review (EIR) is performed Results of the review may find that there will be no significant impact to the surrounding environment as a result of the project. If so then a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) statement is issued If the EIR reveals that there is the potential for significant environmental impact as a result of the project, then a more comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be developed EIS states specific areas of the environment that will be impacted and the degree of impact on the environment, and plan to mitigate those impacts