AGATA: Advanced Gamma Tracking Array


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Presentation transcript:

AGATA: Advanced Gamma Tracking Array AGATA WEEK SUMMARY and STATUS MANY APOLOGIES John Simpson Nuclear Physics Group Daresbury Laboratory Introduction Overview of the system Physics outcomes from this meeting important define physics case experimental constraints range of experiments key experiments demonstrator/full array meeting Key design parameters Before too late 120/180 decision Presented by:

AGATA The Advanced Gamma Ray Tracking Array Introduction: The AGATA project Current status of the AGATA; towards the “demonstrator” Exploitation of AGATA; demonstrator and beyond Next generation g-ray spectrometer based on gamma-ray tracking 4 germanium array  no Compton suppression shields Versatile spectrometer with very high efficiency and excellent spectrum quality for radioactive and high intensity stable beams What is it? Why tracking?

AGATA (Design and characteristics) 4 -array for Nuclear Physics Experiments at European accelerators providing radioactive and stable beams Main features of AGATA Efficiency: 43% (M =1) 28% (M =30) today’s arrays ~10% (gain ~4) 5% (gain ~1000) Peak/Total: 58% (M=1) 49% (M=30) today ~55% 40% Angular Resolution: ~1º  FWHM (1 MeV, v/c=50%) ~ 6 keV !!! today ~40 keV Rates: 3 MHz (M=1) 300 kHz (M =30) today 1 MHz 20 kHz Summary List few items Agata very powerful instrument for nuclear spectroscopy Exciting science programme subject of this meeting Aim to propose and start realisation of the full AGATA from 2008 180 large volume 36-fold segmented Ge crystals in 60 triple-clusters Digital electronics and sophisticated Pulse Shape Analysis algorithms allow Operation of Ge detectors in position sensitive mode  -ray tracking

The AGATA Collaboration Memorandum of Understanding 2003-07 Research and Development phase Bulgaria: Univ. Sofia Denmark: NBI Copenhagen Finland: Univ. Jyväskylä France: GANIL Caen, IPN Lyon, CSNSM Orsay, IPN Orsay, CEA-DSM-DAPNIA Saclay, IreS Strasbourg Germany: GSI Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt, Univ. zu Köln, LMU München, TU München Hungary: Debrecen Italy: INFN and Univ. Firenze, INFN and Univ. Genova, INFN Legnaro, INFN and Univ. Napoli, INFN and Univ. Padova, INFN and Univ. Milano, INFN Perugia and Univ. Camerino Poland: IFJ PAN Krakow, SINS Swierk, HIL & IEP Warsaw Romania: NIPNE & PU Bucharest Sweden: Chalmers Univ. of Technology Göteborg, Lund Univ., Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Uppsala Univ. UK: Univ. Brighton, STFC Daresbury, Univ. Edinburgh, Univ. Liverpool, Univ. Manchester, Univ. Paisley, Univ. Surrey, Univ. York Turkey: Univ. of Ankara, Istanbul University   Huge collaboration Over 40 laboratories in 10 countries Others joining, Turkey, Hungary

The AGATA Organisation (Many thanks to everybody) AGATA Steering Committee Chairperson: W.Korten (and EURONS) Vice Chairperson: P.J. Nolan G.deAngelis, A.Atac, F. Azaiez, D.Balabanski, D.Bucurescu, B.Cederwall, J. Gerl, J.Jolie, R.Julin, W.Meczynski,, M.Pignanelli, G.Sletten, P.M.Walker AGATA Management Board J.Simpson (Project Manager) D.Bazzacco, G.Duchêne, P. Reiter, A.Gadea, J.Nyberg, Ch. Theisen AGATA Working Groups Simulation and Data Analysis J.Nyberg Ancillary detectors and integration A.Gadea Design and Infrastructure G. Duchêne Front-end Processing D.Bazzacco Detector module P.Reiter Data Acquisition Ch. Theisen AGATA Teams How is it organised Steering committee Funding, Steering, represent countries, Science, meetings like this Management Board Technical aspects, deliver the project, manage resources Capital and effort Through a set of working groups and teams. Gamma-ray Tracking A.Lopez-Martens Elec. and DAQ integration P. Bednarczyk Mechanical design J.Strachan Digitisation P.Medina Data acquisition X.Grave Detector and Cryostat B Bruyneel Physics & exp. simulation E.Farnea Devices for key Experiments N.Redon Infrastructure P.Jones Pre-processing I.Lazarus Run Control & GUI G.Maron Preamplifiers A.Pullia Detector data base K.Hauschild Impact on performance M.Palacz R & D on gamma Detectors D.Curien Global clock and Trigger M.Bellato Detector Characterisation A.Boston Data analysis O.Stezowski Mechanical Integration J. Valiente Dobon PSA R.Gernhaeuser/ P.Desesquelles

The First Step: The AGATA Demonstrator Objective of the final R&D phase 2003-2008 1 symmetric triple-cluster 5 asymmetric triple-clusters 36-fold segmented crystals 540 segments 555 digital-channels Eff. 3 – 8 % @ Mg = 1 Eff. 2 – 4 % @ Mg = 30 Full EDAQ with on line PSA and g-ray tracking In beam Commissioning Technical proposal for full array Cost ~ 6 M € Capital Powerful array in its own right Still to decide where to site Still to decide the key test experiments

AGATA Detectors 3 delivered Symmetric detectors 3 delivered Asymmetric detectors 17 ordered (6 accepted, 4 in test, 7 in 2007/8) Preamplifiers available Core (Cologne); Segment (Ganil & Milano) Test cryostats for characterisation 5 delivered Triple cryostats 4 (soon 5) ordered 1st being assembled November 2007 Hexaconical Ge crystals 90 mm long 80 mm max diameter 36 segments Al encapsulation 0.6 mm spacing 0.8 mm thickness 37 vacuum feedthroughs The capsules Status

AGATA triple-detector module 3 encapsulated Ge crystals in one cryostat 111 preamplifiers with cold FET ~230 vacuum feedthroughs LN2 dewar, 3 litre, cooling power ~8 watts First prototype summer 2005

AGATA triple-detector module Plans for 2007: First asymmetric triple module being assembled now Source and possibly in-beam tests using “standard” digital electronics

AGATA Design and Construction Steps to the full array. Capsule triple cryostat demonstrator geometry full array Support structure Final realisation 180 geometry defined Conceptual design of 180 array done Specifications of infrastructure parts done Design of AGATA demonstrator for LNL final stages Flanges manufacture started Assembly in LNL, 2007

Characteristation and Scanning Comparison of real and calculated pulse shapes. Validate codes. Coincidence scan for 3D position determination Two symmetric capsules scanned in Liverpool Commissioning of further scanning systems at Orsay and GSI Scan of an asymmetric capsule in Liverpool: A PRIORITY Scan of the 3rd symmetric capsule 288keV 374keV 662keV

Pulse-Shape Analysis: current status Results from the analysis of an in-beam test with the first triple module, e.g. Doppler correction of gamma-rays using PSA results d(48Ti,p)49Ti, v/c ~6.5% Results obtained with Grid Search PSA algorithm (R.Venturelli et al.) Position resolution ~4.4mm Many different methods are under development Implementation decision?

AGATA Digitiser Module 36+1 channels, 100 MhZ, 14 bits (Strasbourg - Daresbury – Liverpool) Mounted close to the Detector 5-10 m Power Dissipation around 400W Water Cooling required Testing in Liverpool (December 2006) Production in progress (for 18 modules) First production digitizer at Daresbury Prototype Segment Board (2 boards per crystal)

Pre-processing modules (E,T, hits, …) ATCA standard : “full mesh” communication with Gbit Ethernet or PCIexpress switches Prototypes tested in 2006 Core digitizer to core mezzanine and carrier communication errors Redesign of carrier (from Nov06) Redesign of mezzanines (from Dec06) New cards under test Good results so far 1 ATCA crate for 2 clusters (6 Ge crystals, 222 channels)

Timescales for the AGATA demonstrator Six years research and development phase of AGATA Start January 2003 ― End December 2008 First three symmetric Ge crystals delivered in 2004 First triple module tested in-beam in summer 2005 Two symmetric crystals scanned for PSA by end 2006 First electronics prototypes delivered in summer 2006 Five asymmetric Ge crystals delivered by end 2006 First scan of asymmetric crystals planned autumn 2007 First AGATA triple module ready by autumn 2007 Second generation electronics prototypes by autumn 2007 Commissioning of first full electronics chain in spring 2008 Commissioning of sub array at Legnaro from autumn 2008 Go through 5 year project Detector deliveries 2007 experiments

Status and Evolution First physics campaign at LNL in 2009 Next campaigns at GANIL then GSI MoU for AGATA construction from 2008 Aim 1p in possible in ~2011 Rate of construction depends on production capability and financing Stages of physics exploitation, facility development

Talks from last AGATA week More Information AGATA web page Talks from last AGATA week ORSAY January 2007 Please visit site Input to Juergen Gerl or Samit Mandel All AGATA sites linked together

The Management
