Early college high schools blend high school and college in a rigorous yet supportive program, compressing the time it takes to complete a high school diploma and the first two years of college
A comprehensive and rigorous program providing students with an opportunity to complete their Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements while simultaneously earning college credit.
Build community partnerships that promote opportunities for interested students to prepare for high-wage, high demand careers in the health care industry by utilizing rigorous, challenging, and accelerated educational/ clinical experiences.
We are not competitors of the local school districts. We provide a comprehensive support structure. We are a blend of High School, Career Technical Education, and College coursework.
Scott StarkweatherRobert SmithTracy Johnson VBTC Director VBECHA Administrator VBECHA Coordinator
Paul Mayuiers
Gloria Jurado-Long Carol Biegun
Van Buren Intermediate School District Lake Michigan College Kalamazoo Valley CC 11 Local School Districts Bronson Lakeview Hospital South Haven Health System
The VBISD along with KVCC and LMC are both committed partners and believe in working together to create a seamless transition from high school to college.
We have teamed up with Bronson Lakeview Hospital and South Haven Health System to provide real world work experience and job exploration for our students.
Small Class Size Cohort-Based Instruction Personalization and Student Supports Power of Site Cost Acceleration of Degree Transition to College Environment Applied learning & Work-Based Learning Opportunities Challenging & Relevant Coursework
Mentors will be monitoring your student’s individual educational plan. While tracking progress and meeting with him/her on a regular basis. They will be assisting and caring for the students every step of the way.
Academic support provided to students through the Early College shall be determined by academic performance. Academic performance will be monitored by mentors on a regular basis to determine the most effective and efficient levels of support to be provided. The Early College will offer four levels of support dependant on past performance and ability (A/B = level 1) (B-/C+ = level 2) (C+/C = Level 3) (Below C = Level 4) ◦ Level 1: bi-weekly assignment review, bi-weekly assessment ◦ Level 2: weekly assignment review; weekly grade assessment ◦ Level 3: daily assignment review & grade assessment/daytime tutoring ◦ Level 4: Student Assistance Team Analysis; daily assignment review & grade assessment; evening tutoring Additional academic support services include: mentoring services, assistance with Educational Development Plans, tutoring action plan, virtual office hours, and more
Students will have an opportunity to participate in activities to assist them with their academics. Examples of these activities are yoga for stress management, study skills and test taking seminars. Students will also tour college campuses and gain an understanding of their course offerings along with how to access services that are provided on campus.
Services Suzanne DeGraves Greg Rozeveld Robbyn Candelaria
Provides real world opportunities for our students. Don Yerrick
College Life Studies Career Success Strategies Taken in summer prior to starting VBECHA in Fall of 11 th Grade 3 Credit Hybrid Course; 4 full day sessions w/ remainder online Curriculum Topics ◦ Attendance ◦ Responsibility ◦ Communication ◦ Study Skills ◦ Goal Setting ◦ Learning Styles ◦ Time Management ◦ Ethics ◦ Career Exploration & Research ◦ Job Skills (resume writing, interview skills) ◦ Leadership ◦ Stress Management
This course is designed to expose the learner to various specialty fields in the health care industry. It will help the student determine his or her interest in health care and provide him or her with the necessary groundwork to continue further course work in the specialty field of their choosing.
Each student will gain general health care knowledge, complete job shadowing experiences, and participate in community service projects and volunteer hours specific to the health care industry.
Dress Code Expectations
Students enrolled in the Allied Health Technologies program must receive Hepatitis B immunization and yearly TB testing and flu shots to insure student and patient safety. To insure patient safety, students who decline immunizations or are unable to provide proof of the immunizations will be unable to participate in clinical or job shadowing experiences.
Students will be placed on an individual plan of study based on their goals.
$136 per credit hour 11 th 12 th Cost Career Success Strategies (3) Political Science (3) Health & Health Occupations (2) Algebra (4) Standard First Aide and Personal Safety (2) English 110 (3) CPR/AED (1)English 111 (3) Medical Terminology (1) Psychology (3) Biological Science (4)Sociology (3) Chemistry (4) Total = $2,312$2,584$4896
Tuition Cost = $4,896 Text Books = $1,225 Total = $6,121
Healthcare career clubs are available in grades 6-8 and 9-12 in all of the Van Buren County schools.