CONCEPT PAPER RESULT BASED PLANNING. RESULT-ORIENTED PLANNING Overall Objective/ Goal Specific Objective/ Purposes Expected Result/ Output Activities.


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Presentation transcript:


RESULT-ORIENTED PLANNING Overall Objective/ Goal Specific Objective/ Purposes Expected Result/ Output Activities Long Term Result/ Impact Overarching Project Goal/ Outcome Specific Project Goal/ Output Activities objectives-oriented result-oriented Logical Framework Approach Result-Oriented Planning

RESULT-ORIENTED PLANNING Objectives is the program’s achievement or the-end-status of the program. Result is a intended, expected, desired, and positive change that is brought by the program. Objective-oriented Result-oriented Can be applied to the ‘sterile” situations where the problem is fully identified, localized areas of intervention program, all stakeholders involved in the process of planning, and a significant amount of funds available to contribute to the achievement of common goals. Should be applied to the “complex” situations where the problem can not be fully identified, the intervention program is quite extensive and cross-sector, not all stakeholders can be involved in the planning process, and the amount of funds available can only serve as a stimulant for the achievement of program objectives

Logical Framework Approach RESULT-ORIENTED PLANNING Set objectives (goals and purposes) Goal Purposes Output Activities Purposes Activities Output Activities Output

Result-Oriented Planning RESULT-ORIENTED PLANNING Identify possibility of change Impact Outcome Output Activities Outcome Activities Output Activities Output Impact Outcome

The Result Chain RESULT-ORIENTED PLANNING Impact OutcomeActivitiesOutput Input Implementation Result Level 1: Project Controls Level 3 Level 2 Cause/effect hypotheses : assumptions as to how and under what conditions the outputs lead to the outcome, with this in turn delivering its long-term impact. Cause/effect hypotheses should be checked at regular intervals during the project to ensure that they are correct. Level 2: Project prepares and steers – can be directly causally assigned to the project Level 3: Plausible effect of the project – can usually not be attributed solely to the project

Result-Oriented Planning RESULT-ORIENTED PLANNING Impact Outcome Activities Output Outcome Output (specific project goals): products, goods, services and sets of regulations/ standards that have arisen as a result of the Activities. Outcome (overarching project goal): the effects of the project on its environment (on partners, intermediaries and the target group). The outcome (overarching project goal) is therefore also achieved through the participation of target groups and intermediaries. Impact (long-term result) : a longer-term indirect effect that usually can no longer be attributed solely to the project. Level 1: Project Controls Level 2 Level 3

RESULT-ORIENTED PLANNING Impact Outcome Activities Output Outcome The project is not able to exercise complete control over the behavior of intermediaries and target groups, and nor therefore the achievement of the outcome. It can however prepare for the outcome and steer towards it. Level 1: Project Controls Level 2 Level 3 Result-Oriented Planning

Impact Outcome Cause/effect hypotheses between outcomes and impact should be checked at proposal development process The outcome (overarching project goal) must be: specific, i.e. defined unambiguously and precisely measurable by means of indicators accepted by the project partners and the target group; it is best if the project goal is formulated jointly realistic, i.e. attainable with the available resources time-bound, i.e. achieved no later than by the end of the project. Formulate the performance indicators, means of verification, identify assumption and risk. PROJECT RESULTS DIMENSIONS

Formulate the performance indicators, means of verification, identify assumption and risk. Outcome (overarching project goal) must be backed by quantitative or qualitative indicators. Indicators add greater precision to the project goals and serve as a binding standard for measuring the attainment of goals and thus the success of the ICI project. Appropriate sources (means of verification) must be stated for the indicators; the purpose of these is to provide the values of the variables for the reports. In order to judge the success of the project, the outcome must be compared with the initial situation. This involves establishing a baseline for the indicators to make the outcome measurable. The baseline may either reflect the state of the indicator at the start of the project or the expected state if no project was to be implemented (‘business as usual’), or a combination of the two. PROJECT RESULTS DIMENSIONS

Formulate the performance indicators, means of verification, identify assumption and risk. Narrative Summary Performance Indicator Sources and Means of Verification Assumptions and Risks Outcome In ‘change’ or ‘result’ language, not in ‘action’ language Baseline Consultation and Assessment Targets Baseline Targets Baseline Targets PROJECT RESULTS DIMENSIONS

Consultation and Assessment Policies and Institution analysis Target beneficiaries assessment Stakeholder influences and interests mapping Risk analysis and mitigation Sustainability plan PROJECT RESULTS DIMENSIONS

Impact Outcome Output (specific project goals): products, goods, services and sets of regulations/ standards that have arisen as a result of the Activities. Activities Output The outcome (overarching project goal) must be: specific, i.e. defined unambiguously and precisely measurable by means of indicators accepted by the project partners and the target group; it is best if the project goal is formulated jointly realistic, i.e. attainable with the available resources time-bound, i.e. achieved no later than by the end of the project. PROJECT RESULTS DIMENSIONS

RESULT-BASED MONITORING Results-based monitoring is the foundation of a learning process. It helps us to recognize whether the goals that have been set can be attained using the chosen specific activities, and what unintended indirect effects may be triggered by the project. Monitoring thus serves project steering: it helps to identify strengths and weaknesses in our own work and to bring about continuous improvement in project planning. Results-based monitoring is also the foundation for evaluation of the project and for accountability of project partners.

RESULT-BASED MONITORING Impact Outcome Activities Output Monitoring Questions Inputs Implementation Result Measuring changes in impact-level requires a longer time frame and is therefore dealt by evaluating (not in monitoring level) Are the intended outcome being achieved? Are output leading to achievement of the outcome? Are activities leading to the expected output? Are activities being implemented on schedule an within budget? Are resources available on time and in the right quantities and qualities? What is causing delays or unexpected results? Is there anything that should lead modification of Implementati on Plan?

Effectiveness Where the Program’s objectives achieved? Did the output lead to intended outcome? Relevance Were the Program’s objective consistent with the beneficiaries' need and government policies? Effectiveness Where the Program’s objectives achieved? Did the output lead to intended outcome? Relevance Were the Program’s objective consistent with the beneficiaries' need and government policies? RESULT-BASED MONITORING Impact Outcome Activities Output Evaluation Questions Inputs Implementation Result Impact What changes did the Program bring about? Where there any unplanned and unintended changes? Sustainability Are the benefit likely to be maintained for an extended period after Program ends? Impact What changes did the Program bring about? Where there any unplanned and unintended changes? Sustainability Are the benefit likely to be maintained for an extended period after Program ends? Are resources available on time and in the right quantities and qualities? Efficiency Were activities being implemented on schedule an within budget? Were resources available on time and in the right quantities and qualities? Were output delivered economically? Efficiency Were activities being implemented on schedule an within budget? Were resources available on time and in the right quantities and qualities? Were output delivered economically?