LONG TERM GOALS To develop high order thinking skills and motivate students for critical thinking. Adopt 21 st century teaching approaches to enhance students learning of geography developing interest in world geography.
SHORT TERM GOALS Change my teaching strategies with students to promote thinking and understanding and discovering Promoting use of computer and internet Encourage collaboration among students Make students understand that they can use each other as resources Focus on encouraging students Helping to them step by step discover the answer
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND TASKS I will provide more opportunities for students to answers questions that require high- order thinking. I will provide students with time for group discussion. I will ask questions the require students to explain how the they come to an answer. I will allow students together to discuss about different land and water formations.
Instructional Strategies Put ideas together Toform something new. Make value judgments Break information Or concepts into parts Using information To solve problems Justifying a decision Or support a statem- -ent Recalling information
Use of Bloom’s Taxonomy in Teaching a Particular Topic Topic : LAND FORMATION Aim :To make the student learn the unique characters of Earth i.e landforms. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to : (Remember)Identify different landforms. (Understand)can give examples. (Apply)Prepare a presentation. (Analyze) Differentiate any given landform from other ones. (Synthesize)Can generate ideas &construct a theory. (Evaluate)criticise on importance of landforms geographically.
OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON Student will have prior knowledge about landforms and bodies of water as found in the core by building deeper knowledge of geography. Students learn how landforms are made what type of erosions are involved such as wind and water. The student willl develop map skills and identify,describe or construct a theory or presentation. The student will use study skills effectively to locate, Organize and categorize information from media sources,evaluate information,interpret maps,use computers and other sources of technology.
OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON ACTIVITIES Student can choose his favourite landform and make an assignment. Student can research on different landforms. Student can design or construct landform by using clay or play dough. He can write story about an adventure while exploring different land forms
Topic Bloom’s taxonomy 21 st Century Skills 21 st Century Approaches Modes LAND FORMS Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Applying Understand ing Remem Accountability and Adaptability Communicati on Skills Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity Critical Thinking and Systems Thinking Information and Media Literacy Skills Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills Self-Direction Social Responsibility Listening & Speaking Skills Giving Directions Skills Observing and Monitoring Skills Questionin g Skills Encouragi ng Skills Intervening Skills Talk Show Debate Research Project Story writing Visit Survey Film Presentation Teaching
News letter What happened in class last week Students will learn about land forms in geography. In math students learned about linear equations. What will happen in class next week Students will make project on land forms. Sports competition will be held next week.
CONCLUSION I will apply Bloom’s Taxonomy and use 21 st century teaching approaches in my teaching practices and will promote high order thinking skills. By implementing 21 st century teaching approaches students will be empowered and gain a better education.