2/20/07 1 Possible Criminal History and Case and Criminal History (PCH/CACH) Implementation Report Mo West JIN Program Manager
2 Presentation Outline Objectives Requirements Architecture Implementation Capabilities Expansion Recognition
3 PCH/CACH Objectives Design a fully operational, scalable application that will allow state and local criminal justice agencies to exchange information securely, reliably, and in real time regardless of the existing technology infrastructures Deliver a solution based on an open standards and service based architecture that builds on the existing state infrastructure and improves the flow of information in a flexible and cost effective manner Provide an architecture based on customer requirements and current operational environments Deliver a solution that meets the requirements and support the strategic directions of the participating stakeholders Solution will be comprised of two web-based queries designed, developed, and deployed on the integration platforms
4 Requirements Consolidated returns on ‘ID of Possible Matches’ from JIS and ACCESS in a single query Consolidate returns on ‘Criminal/Case History’ from JIS and ACCESS in a single query All queries will be asynchronous request/reply web services Standardized security tokens for external agency authentication JINDEX perform GJXDM compliant web service translation Provide service status, availability, and usage metrics to authorized users and administrators
5 Architecture
6 Architecture-simplified JINDEX Criminal History Protection Orders Warrants Case History Driver Info Court Information ProTrac JILS JINDEX ACCESS JIS
7 Implementation JIN: JINDEX integration configuration, connector development, message exchange specifications, translation configuration, install certificate acceptance mechanism WSP: Verify query execution, validate ORI and addresses, validate security access AOC: Web service development and deployment, validate message specifications, install and test certificates King County: develop web service ‘consumer’ application, install and test certificates, conduct unit and acceptance tests Yakima County: develop web service ‘consumer’ application, conduct unit and acceptance tests
8 Outcomes PCH/CACH is fully operational, scalable application that provides secure, reliable, and real time criminal information to justice professionals PCH/CACH is based on open standards and services that utilize existing infrastructure and is cost effective and flexible PCH/CACH is based on customer requirements and operational environments PCH/CACH meets the requirements and support the strategic directions of the participating stakeholders Solution is comprised of two web-based queries (Possible Criminal History/Case And Criminal History) designed, developed, and deployed on the JINDEX integration platform
9 Next Steps Finish the development of the demonstration interface Complete the Project Review and Assessment with stakeholders Restructure support documentation and procedures Restructure technical and implementation requirements for new local justice agencies
10 Recognition AOC: Randy McKown-Project Management, Brian Leonardo- Architecture/Development, Michael Simpson-Development/Testing WSP: Dan Parsens-Architecture/TAG rep, Al Lane-Testing Validation King County: Trevor Esko-Project Management/TAG rep, Gregory McDaniel-Development/Testing Yakima County: George Helton-Project Management/TAG rep, Francisco Perez-Development/Testing DIS/JIN: Scott Bream-Project Management, John Howe- Architecture/TAG rep, Steven Scott-Development/Testing Online Business Systems: David Neufeld-Project Management, Bryan Lepine-Project Management/Development, Bradley Falk- Development/Testing