The YSJ International Pre Sessional Programme rd March 2015 Emma Taylor (International Programmes Manager) David Garfield (International Academic Coordinator)
Pre Sessional Flipped Video em-share_video_user em-share_video_user
Group Discussion In addition to the content of the video you have just seen, what do you think is currently included in the Pre Sessional programmes? Think about content/ assessment/ contact hours etc. Make notes on the flip chart paper on your table On your table, have a look at the example scheme of work for one week, developed by the Course Director, Maggie Holmes (weeks 2, 3 & 4) from the recent 8 week Pre Sessional Programme, and compare with your discussion ideas
Aims of the Learning Lunch To understand the entry requirements, aims and assessment criteria of the 3 Pre Sessional programmes run by YSJ International To present the action points from our PS Curriculum Development Day held on 6 th Feb 2015 To discuss faculty involvement in the Pre Sessional programmes and how YSJ International and faculties can work together to support students and improve lines of communication
What do they need to get in? To join our pre-sessional Pathway Programmes students need (apart from the Academic Requirements) 15 week - IELTS 4.5 with no skill lower than 4 PS1 8 week - IELTS 5.0 with no skill lower than 4.5 PS2 5 week - IELTS 5.5 with no skill lower than 5.0 PS3 PS - IELTS is now the only SELT (Secure English language Test) accepted for Tier 4 Visas
What do they do? PS1 – Emphasis on intensive Language improvement using a course book, gradually introducing Academic Skills (21 hours/ week) PS2 – mainly Academic Skills (writing the 2,000 word essay, note-taking for the essay and in lectures, giving a presentation, basic research and critical thinking, plagiarism awareness) Language work as needed. Flipped Classrooms PS3 – More intensive version of PS2! (PS1 students integrate with PS2 students)
What are they told at the beginning? Programme aims (from student handbook) The main aim of this programme is to develop your academic English language and the study skills necessary for success at undergraduate or postgraduate level. In addition, to improve your overall ability to study and live in an English speaking environment.
By the end of the programme you will have: Produced an appropriately structured and reasoned piece of academic writing;(2,000 words) Read a variety of academic texts to research for the writing; Practised strategies to take notes while listening to lectures and reading; Prepared and given a presentation in English Developed your study skills, including practical ICT skills and the ability to think critically; (Taken from Student Induction Presentation)
In Addition! This is an intensive course with a lot to cover You will have 21 hours in the classroom each week but also….. …. you need to do self-study and research It is a PASS or FAIL Course. You need to work hard and demonstrate that you are ready to go onto your programme Ditto
Assessments Assessments must be passed as below 40% for First Year Undergraduates 45% for 3rd Year Top-Ups 50% for Post Graduates In addition, performance in class (including use of English), will be assessed. Ditto
What are the challenges for students? Adjusting quickly to an English speaking environment Getting to grips with the cultural differences Improving their language skills quickly Understanding what is expected of them The weather The food Jet lag
What are the challenges for YSJ International? Improving students’ language skills quickly Making them aware of the different academic culture of the UK Introducing them to the academic skills they will need on their courses
What are the challenges for faculties when students progress? Influx of large numbers of monolingual/ monocultural students Integration of home/ international students Students viewing their UG/ PG course as entirely separate from their PS and not taking forward what they’ve learnt on the PS YSJ International provide student reports for all progressing students – there is debate about the format, content and accessibility of these reports
How can we encourage faculty involvement? Faculty representatives to be involved in case consultations/ vivas Faculties setting essay titles Faculties giving presentations Input on relevant academic skills e.g. Is reflection a useful skill for us to introduce? Any other suggestions?
Curriculum Development Day– Action Points Pre Arrival materials/tasks for teaching staff and students (videos) Increase English Language Focus and Content for Stage 1 PS15 (PS1) Contact Hours in PS15 stage 1 (PS1) to increase from 18 hours to 21 hours Contact hours in PS15 stage 2 & PS8 (PS2) to increase from 15 hours to 18 hours, the additional hours being dedicated reading/ discussion PS15 Stage 2 (PS2) and PS8 cohorts to fully merge, the rationale being to motivate the PS1 group and engage them at the required (IELTS 5.0) level To be made clear in student induction & handbook that course participation (comprising attendance, punctuality, course engagement, independent study) will be taken into account should a student fail one element of the final assessment. This will be clarified to students in regular ongoing tutorials Students to receive tutorial input on a weekly basis during PS1 (previously had an initial, mid course and final), in PS2, 2 tutorials plus the final tutorial (previously one mid and one final), PS3 1 week 3 and a final tutorial (previously 1 mid course and one final) Each PS1 student to have own copy of coursebook and workbook (Progressive Skills in English 2) to ensure all students have a record of work covered for easy future reference and can fully engage in the course content Internally rebrand PS15 stage 1 – PS1, PS8 & PS15 stage 2 – PS2 and PS5 – PS3
What about the future? Validation (event to be held in early 2016 TBC) External Examiner (For this summer – Registry have confirmed we can have an external examiner even though the programme is currently un-validated) Masters Pre Sessional Higher level entry PS (To be discussed next week in International week) Longer PS for low levels?
Questions? This presentation will be made available to you via the Learning Lunch blog. Please feel free to contact us or if you need any further information or would like us to come and speak to your